* Noel Butler wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-12-08 at 09:05 -0500, Nathan Gibbs wrote:
>> <wine>
>> I wish the distro's would get off their tail and upgrade the package.
>> 1.2 has been out for 2.5 years.
>> Distributing an old + buggy version doesn't give mon a good rep.
>> </wine>
> I so agree with this statement! 
> It can also be said about most things in those distributions.  Lazy
> sysadmins who wont upgrade because "oh but there's no later RPM or DEB
> package" ...  don't tend to work for me or anyone I know. If that's
> there attitude, might as well install unattended updates or whatever the
> deb mob call it, script yum do same on RedHat, and then sack them all,
> keep just one on for hardware changes.
> Lets see how quickly they change their attitude then :)


As you say later

"Sysadmins need to realise there is such a thing called source code, and
use it"

Use the Source, Luke.


Nathan Gibbs

Systems Administrator
Christ Media

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