There is aditional info about qmanagers in your system in the mqs.ini file
(UNIX) or in the windows registry(Windows OS). Ask your IT to restore that
info also.

I hope this help you.

> -----Mensaje original-----
> De:   Prithwiraj Basu [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Enviado el:   Tuesday, October 14, 2003 18:09
> Asunto:       queue manager does not exist error
> Hi All,
> I am encountering the following problem:
> A week ago I was asked to verify if one of our applications (which uses
> MQSeries for inter company communication) was still set up to run for the
> testers to test some stuff.  It has been a while since anyone has been
> playing around with this application.  At the time when I did strmqm
>, I got a AMQ8118:Queue Manager does not exist error.
> Then I saw that the queue manager could not be found in /var/mqm/qmgrs.
> (It only had @SYSTEM listed).  Assuming that someone had erroneously blown
> away the queue manager,  I had IT restore the queue manager and it again
> exists at /var/mqm/qmgrs.  However upon doing strmqm I am still getting
> the
> queue manager does not exist error.  Is there anything else I need to do
> for the queue manager to be started?  I really do not want to go through
> the whole MQSeries objects setup procedure if I can help it.  Thanks in
> advance.
> Prits
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