On Tuesday 23 Sep 2003 7:43 am, John Wilson wrote:
<long snip>

> This is how adults learn.  And this is how I teach them and have
> done so for 15 years.  Hook em first then throw the dense stuff at
> them.  This is how you and I learn, too.
> At the moment I deeply regret not having the time to come up with
> an example of this.  I am, however, considering it if for no other
> reason than to prevent people from making the same mistakes that I
> have with respect to setting things up..not understanding the
> interoperabilty of it all..and ending up with a dead system as a
> result.

Thank you for a great exposition of adult learning.  Why *should* it 
be more painful than this?  Is it just to protect an elite?

What's really needed in terms of RTFM is an explanation of what 
resources are available for research, where they are, and in what 
circumstances each is applicable, together with easily understood 
examples.  Needless to say, I'm thinking that an article on these 
lines in the newbie section of the TWiki would be very useful. 

Any offers?  It's a challenge, really <g>  If you truly believe the 
argument, yanki, are you willing to do something about it?

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