On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 12:42 am, Mike Adolf wrote:
> I am pretty sure mine has a serial (non USB) connection.  The
> connector is not a small rectangle like the standard USB.  The
> camera is found on /dev/ttys0 (COM1).
> Anyway, I took your advice and used gPhoto and first tried MX 2700.
>  It found the camera and downloaded all the thumbnails to the index
> page.  But when I tried to download an image, I got 'camera not
> responding' error.   So, I tried an MX 1200.  This time after the
> thumbnails loaded, I double-clicked one and IT DOWNLOADED. 
> Fantastic!
Glad you got it working, Mike.  To help others it would be useful to 
have this on the TWiki HardwareCompatibility list at 

Could you write a few lines?  Just camera model, which model driver 
you had to choose, and that it worked with gPhoto.

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