On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 07:44, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
> Hi Bryan,
> On Sun, 2003-10-12 at 19:15, Bryan Phinney wrote: 
> > <snip>
> ........... 
> >  Just because a 
> > company pursues goals that are not in my best interests and seeks to limit my 
> > choices to those that make them money does not make them evil, that is simply 
> > reality.  Every human will try to make things work out best for himself, even 
> > if that sometimes is at the expense of others.  That is just plain old 
> > self-interest and survival instinct.  And, for better or worse, companies are 
> > run by ordinary humans.  
> That is a very measured attitude; however, most (all?) societies
> consider it in the common good to limit how far individuals or groups
> can pursue self-interest at the expense of others.... checks and
> balances, etc........   What worries me how MS seems able to ignore with
> impunity checks that are applied to others.  

I will say "gluttony is a sin".
_Demanding_ more than your 'fair share' is what I see as gluttony.
> > Now, once our basic needs have been met, some of us my pursue our interests 
> > with more moderation than others, some may even be altruistic (if only for 
> > their own ego purposes) but I would not want to argue that someone wanting to 
> > make more money is necessarily evil.
> No,I don't know that anyone has said that so far. But the means, and the
> end result of allowing them to pursue it unchecked, may be considered
> extremely undesirable for society at large.  
> >  <snip>
> > 
> > That doesn't mean that I would not resist someone trying to force me to use a 
> > product that is not in my best interest, just that I don't take it 
> > personally.
> Well,of course that's a personal matter.Some people may have had more
> bruising experiences of this than you, perhaps, and might take it
> differently.
> DougB
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