Bryan Phinney wrote:

Since the router/modem is equivalent to any other type of ethernet connection, you would hook it up and configure it exactly the same way you would to any other router, right? Assuming that you are using the Dlink device now, hooking it up to the broadband modem as opposed to a cisco router connected to a T-1 would be about the same. You need to point the switch to use the router/modem as a bridge, the machines all get hooked up to the Dlink device and configured, and away you go.

I see, so the D-ling is the switch that just about everything gets plugged into. Now that I've taken a second look at the diagramme on the back of the D-Link box it shows that the modem, in your suggested case, the router/modem is plugged into the back of the D-Link. I surmise that anything with an ethernet card or indeed another router-modem just plugs into the D-Link and away you should in theory go.

Then onn your OS merely MCC and let it detect the devices . Then because the router modem has dhcp it configures all the dificult IP stuff for you. That would be nice indeed.

I don't have this actually working yet , been waiting until affordable decent quality broadband comes into use in UK. Everything takes for ever in UK. They never market for the masses in UK. Not like the Japanese who would not even think of any other market than the mass market from day one. They ought to be marketing a minimum 2MB/sec download/upload for what it costs to buy dialup, but they don't, so the market remains narrow and unfulfilled.But that is UK marketing for you. No competition, everything has to go through dear old BT one way or another, who know how to squeeze the local loop monopoly to the bone.


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