Okay, all of a sudden my 13 year olds comp refuses to get on the Internet. 
This is a system loaded with v9.2 (download editon) of Mandrake. I've got 
cablemodem service, with a DLink router. I've always used static ip addresses 
and MAC addresses assigned to each comp on the Lan. My 13 year olds is:


When he boots up, he can ping himself, or any other comp on the LAN. When I 
run "ifconfig" as root, it shows his ip address above, and it looks just the 
output from ifconfig on the other comps on the LAN (noting of course, the 
diff. mac and ip addressess).

This was a reliably working setup, for over a year now and I can't for the 
life of me figure out what changed. He swears that he didn't touch or change 

I looked at /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and it looks like its 
supposed to, identical to the other comps on the LAN, noting the diff. in ip 
addressess again.

Okay, after further scouting around we did notice something really odd. The 
hardware address for his NIC is now different than it was before. Why would 
this change? I tried going into the config page for my router and changing it 
to the new hardware address then restarting everything but it made no 

Any ideas anyone? Any directions or leads?

Thanks, a very confused ->

                                                         Dark<  >Lord

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