On Wed, Oct 13, 2004 at 06:19:23PM +0800, frankieh wrote:
> Bryan Phinney wrote:
> >Don't know if anyone else here is running Apache with web logs, or 'blogs' 
> >and has had trouble with referrer spam but I thought I would mention my 
> >latest experience.
> >If anyone else is having this problem and runs Apache to host their own 
> >site, I can quickly show you how to do this (add a few lines to 
> >httpd2.conf) and you can block these out yourself.
> >
> Yup, please do..
> I have had about 200 comment spams added to my site in the last couple 
> of months.. so I setup my
> router withi a blacklist and I've just been adding the nasty IP to that 
> blacklist.
> I also changed the blog over to comment moderation..
> I'd prefer a better answer though, so I'd love to read about yours.
> In fact if you like I can even turn it into something of a tute and put 
> it on the site for others to find.

I have issues with comment spam but not referrer spam, but if I
understand Bryan's strategy it will not block comment spammers, right?
WordPress has some nice comment spam-fighting features built in, but I
have yet to find the "perfect" blogging software.


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