On Wed, Oct 13, 2004 at 11:36:26AM -0400, Bryan Phinney wrote:
> On Wednesday 13 October 2004 08:36, Todd Slater wrote:
> > I have issues with comment spam but not referrer spam, but if I
> > understand Bryan's strategy it will not block comment spammers, right?
> > WordPress has some nice comment spam-fighting features built in, but I
> > have yet to find the "perfect" blogging software.
> I am currently using B2Evolution and it does have the ability to block domains 
> from both referrers and comments within the blog.  Of course, they can create 
> another domain but it is obviously trivial to add additional domains to the 
> block list which will get expensive for them eventually.
> B2evolution also has a built-in spam block feature that downloads shared lists 
> of other B2evolution users so that you can update your list and proactively 
> block referrer and comment spam.  You might give it a look.

Cool, I used to use b2evolution (after b2/cafelog) but was under the
impression development had stopped and everybody was jumping to
WordPress, which I currently use. WP has comment moderation--comments
can be held based on number of links, occurrence of words, and ip addys.
The idea of d/l'ing a shared list sounds like a good idea. I'm trying
out pLog at work, which has regex and bayesian capability, but
unfortunately no "forced" moderation.

Thanks for the info,


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