Went through last night and reinstalled Linux using different hard drive 
set just to see if it would clear up the gcc problem. Used the custom 
option of Developement in expert mode. Selected every darn thing that could 
apply to what I wanted, and installed it. Ran the installation and the 
compiler worked just fine. Checked the environment variables. There is no 
real difference there. The result, if you install with expert mode you can 
pretty much select any package you want. And then it seems that it will 
make all the required entries in the environment and required symbolic 
links. Otherwise, if you just install the RPM file, it does not.


-----Original Message-----
From:   James McLaughlin [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, May 03, 2000 4:53 PM
Subject:        [newbie] GCC...where are you???

I am going to grab all of the files that are dependant of the gcc rpm and 
an install today.  HOPEFULLY this will work, and I will not have to go
through the whole messy upgrade process.  I would not have so much trouble
with this if I would have known sooner, but we already rebuilt the server
and got all of our programs running on it.  It would be a GREAT deal of
trouble to reinstall the server from scratch...way too much extra work 
I will try and keep the comm lines open here, and let some of you know how
this goes, or if I find another way to successfully install gcc.

Question for ya Dave:  After you installed the gcc rpm did you query it to
see if it really installed or not?  I would like to know if it comes back 
installed or still "missing".

Let me know what you find out..

Frustrated tech still......

-----Original Message-----
From: David Ramsey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 4:05 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] GCC is missing....grrrr

Ahhhh. That might explain my problem! I have been trying to compile Mat
Trace Route. When I do so, the configure script checks for the compiler
GCC, and comes back and says it can't make executable file. I even went to
the installation CDROM and reinstalled all the GCC RPM files, and get the
same error. Suspect doing it this way does not set the right environment.
Any idea how to get around this without re-installing from scratch?


-----Original Message-----
From:   Monte Milanuk [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, May 03, 2000 6:01 AM
Subject:        Re: [newbie] GCC is missing....grrrr

Welcome to one of the 'quirks' of Mandrake 7.0 ( I presume that is what
flavor you have).  If I recall, if you don't select 'Custom', and
'Development' during install, or otherwise explicitly specify to install
the compiler, you don't get it.  If you are downloading an *.rpm file,
you should be able to install that no problem, assuming you have all the
dependencies (required files/libraries,etc.) satisfied.



James McLaughlin wrote:
> I am wondering why every time I attempt to compile something I continue
> get errrors about my gcc or cc is missing.  I am guessing this is my C
> compiler....I don't get it....where the hell is it?  IF I do a locate I
> up with zilch!  Nothing is out there...help..
> I am downloading gcc but I wonder if I can even install that without a
> compiler. :(
> Horribly frustrated tech..

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