On Apr 8, 2015, at 9:44 AM, Arnaud Quette <arnaud.que...@gmail.com> wrote:

> - #190: upsd: NSS SSL only working in debug mode => NEED TESTING before 
> merging
> Emilien has made a fix and PR  (#199: Initialize SSL after deamonize and 
> downgrade to user.)
> The user (Melkor Lord) has ack'ed the fix.
> The fix is indeed trivial but I want to ensure that there is no regression 
> for OpenSSL now (though theoretically, there shouldn't be).
> Testing welcome, while waiting to discuss with Emilien to see if he did some 
> non-reg testing too.
> Thanks a lot to Emilien for his work on this!

Just tested Emilien's fix against OpenSSL on Linux Mint 17 - no issues there.

I did notice an issue when trying to test against OpenSSL 1.0.2a on OS X:

        upsd[27047]: Unknown return value from SSL_accept: Resource temporarily 

However, this happens on master as well as the #199 branch, so it is 
technically not a regression. As with the previous bug, it fails safe, and does 
not crop up if SSL is not enabled. I'll file a bug, but I really don't want to 
tackle that until we fix the logging in the SSL code.


> Now, there just remain the Release things, such as NEWS and the like...

NEWS and UPGRADING should be up to-to-date, except possibly for your latest 
merges. I added UPGRADING notes for the NSS SSL issue.

Charles Lepple

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