Eric Masson wrote:
> Arjen de Korte a =E9crit :
> Hello Arjen,
> > This is a different problem, your driver is not answering at all and it
> > looks like the dumpall command is not processed. Upgrading to the lates=
> t
> > development version would be a good idea now, since a few things have
> > changed in the newhidups driver lately.
> Ok, I've pulled rev 584.
> Now, the problems ;), automake, autoconf and libtool have been installed=20
>   via ports but the following happens :
> - autoconf 2.59 barfs with ... <snip>

You have to run aclocal first. I use the following sequence:

aclocal -I m4
automake -ac

However, the simplest way to populate the SVN sources is to run
"autoreconf", which does all of the above steps, as necessary, and in
the correct order. 

Arnaud: could you please amend the instructions on the NUT download
website (Development tree):
It should be sufficient to mention that the user should run
"autoreconf" (it is distributed with autoconf).

-- Peter

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