Jimmy Jazz wrote:

> I will follow your advice but i'm not sure the maintainer would agree.
> That feature is deactivated in the package itself :)

That's OK. If NUT is compiled without HAL support, that's fine too.

> To get out of trouble, how do i prevent hal to exclusively and
> automatically access to the usb port?

I don't understand. You either use the 'classic' NUT or the HAL enabled
one. You can't have both installed at the same time.

> I cannot figure out how this works. In my case, i would like to have nut
> upsd/upsmon daemon and nut hal working together.

See above.

> I don't always activate X11 and gnome and still wante to benefit the nut 
> protection.

Then you must build NUT without HAL support and always run the 'classic'
  NUT. The HAL enabled version is mainly meant for desktop systems to
provide a zero-configuration UPS support. If that's not what you want,
compile NUT without HAL support.

> If you could give me a clue, i would be able to modify the package myself ;)

When building the package, adding '--without-hal' to the configuration
options should do the trick. If you're using RPM (or something like
that) packaging the respective files in a separate package may do the
trick also.

Best regards, Arjen

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