>>> I also come to the conclusion that we won't be able to have a uniform
>>> implementation (ie the same packages split) on all supported systems.
>> I'm afraid we won't. This shouldn't be too bad, provided we have list
>> of people that run as many platforms that we know of.
> not sure to understand the latter...

Well, I think we agree on the fact that although we (as a NUT team) would
like to see uniform packaging for all distributions, in reality this is
unlikely to be happening anytime soon. What I meant to say, is that as
long as we know which variations there may be (the list of people using
one of them, so that we are informed of any changes), this should be


>> Should I make one available for openSUSE as well (the version *we*
>> like, not necessarily the one that is bundled by openSUSE?)
> well, I'm not sure since it depends on how an upgrade will behave with
> the paths official <-> nut-ones.

This might be a problem for the 'nut', 'nut-server' and 'nut-cgi'
packages. Since openSUSE only uses the first, if people upgrade to 'our'
packages and only install 'nut', the lack of 'nut-server' and 'nut-cgi'
might lead to surprises. In this case, this will mean there is no more
server to connect to after the upgrade. The configuration files will most
likely be saved with an .rpmsave extension though. The only way to prevent
all this, is to not split up client, server and CGI packages. We could
still keep the SNMP and XML versions separate without problem.

Best regards, Arjen

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