
Thank you guys for quick and helpful replies! I really appreciate it.
I'm in the progress of writing the greatest notification script ever.

On Mon, 2009-12-28 at 14:29 +0100, Arjen de Korte wrote:

> Try the 'blazer_usb' driver instead, although this might not  
> (completely) solve this problem. It will give us at least far better  
> debugging capabilities, to see where the problem originates.

Sorry, I didn't explicitly state it, but in fact, my UPS only has a
serial connection (it came with some M<->F cable and it looks quite
good, e.g. no obvious signs of degradation, fits well etc.)

I have some spare "generic" cables but I'm not sure whether they might
work at all and how dangerous it is to try this out...

> If the device also has a serial interface, you'll undoubtly get much  
> better results to use an external USB to serial converter (that is  
> supported by the kernel) and use the 'blazer_ser' or 'megatec' drivers  
> instead.

I have tried the blazer_ser driver but it didn't recognize the UPS at
all, so I reverted back to megatec.

I have some spare Prolific Serial to USB converters by the way. Do you
think it's worth trying them out even though the generic serial
connection doesn't work well? I'm afraid it'll get even worse than that.

Anyhow, is it possible to just mute this messages? E.g. do you think


Might be of help?

Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev

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