On 03/15/2011 01:03 PM, Brian Read wrote:
Am Trying to use nut (2.2.0 - on an SMEServer V8 aka Centos 5.5) on the above UPS, I've tried the megatec driver in serial and USB mode (the device has both types of connection), but no success.

An Example:

[root@mailserver ~]# megatec_usb -a UPS -DDDDDDDD
Network UPS Tools 2.2.0- - Megatec protocol driver 1.5.4 [megatec_usb]
Carlos Rodrigues (c) 2003-2007

Serial-over-USB transport layer for Megatec protocol driver [megatec_usb]

debug level is '8'
Checking device (0665/5161) (002/002)
- VendorID: 0665
- ProductID: 5161
- Manufacturer: Cypress Semiconductor
- Product: USB to Serial
- Serial Number: unknown
- Bus: 002
Trying to match device
Device matches
 none (-110)
Starting UPS detection process...
Attempting to detect the UPS...
Sending "Q1" command...
 none (-110)
Wrong answer to "Q1" command.
Attempting to detect the UPS...
Sending "Q1" command...


Wrong answer to "Q1" command.
5 out of 5 detection attempts failed (minimum failures: 2).
Megatec protocol UPS not detected.
[root@mailserver ~]#

I can see from the website that the blazer driver has taken over from the megatec on, but I don't seem to have it.

Anyone any ideas?

http://www.centos.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=12417 ( comment #5 ) provides a link to rpms for a newer version of nut

     Manuel Wolfshant       linux registered user #131416
        IT manager    NoBug Consulting SRL
  A: Yes.
  >Q: Are you sure?
  >>A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
  >>>Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

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