On Sep 19, 2014, at 7:26 AM, Stan Gammons <sg063...@gmail.com> wrote:

> --enable-debug-log was in the original makefile.  I added --enable-debug.  At 
> this point I guess trying to build from source or go back to OpenBSD 5.5 are 
> the only options left.

Ah, my confusion was that --enable-debug-log was wrapped in ".ifdef DEBUG", 
which I suspect is not enabled by default.

On the other hand, if you add --enable-debug outside that .ifdef, it should 
work: I forgot that autoconf scripts allow abbreviations of long option flags.

If you do have to go back to 5.5, you may want to log something with the 
OpenBSD folks to mention the regression.

Charles Lepple

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