On Thu, 23 Feb 2023 08:52:19 GMT, John Hendrikx <jhendr...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Karthik P K has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional 
>> commit since the last revision:
>>   Fix text and prompt alignment issue
> modules/javafx.controls/src/main/java/javafx/scene/control/skin/TextFieldSkin.java
>  line 805:
>> 803:                 // appear at the left of the centered prompt.
>> 804:                 newX = midPoint - 
>> promptNode.getLayoutBounds().getWidth() / 2;
>> 805:                 if (newX > 0) {
> Let's say `caretWidth / 2` is 5, and that would be position we would show the 
> prompt text if it doesn't fit.
> If the `newX` calculation is less than 5, but greater than 0, the prompt text 
> would be further to the left than you'd expect.
> So I think this line should be:
> Suggestion:
>                 if (newX > caretWidth / 2) {
> Probably best to put that in a local variable.

this is undocumented, I think, but the caret path can be one of the three 
1. a single point (MoveTo, I think)
2. a single line - MoveTo followed by a LineTo
3. two separate lines (split caret) - MoveTo, LineTo, MoveTo, LineTo (split 
caret is explicitly ignored on line 252)

One would think that the caret width can be changed  by CSS, but it is not 
easy.  The caretPath on TextInputControl:184 has no CSS class name set, so the 
width cannot be changed trivially via a stylesheet.  I suppose the application 
code can dig the internals looking for paths and setting widths manually, but 
this would be a highly unreliable move.

So I think this caretWidth can be other than 1.0 (line 233) for the purposes of 
this PR.

> modules/javafx.controls/src/main/java/javafx/scene/control/skin/TextFieldSkin.java
>  line 818:
>> 816:                 } else if (newX < 0 && oldX > 1) {
>> 817:                     textTranslateX.set(caretWidth / 2);
>> 818:                 }
> I get the impression this code also needs to use `caretWidth / 2` instead of 
> `0` and `1`.
> ie:
> Suggestion:
>                 // Update if there is space on the right
>                 if (newX + textNodeWidth <= textRight.get() - caretWidth / 2) 
> {
>                     textTranslateX.set(newX);
>                 } else if (newX < caretWidth / 2 && oldX > caretWidth / 2) {
>                     textTranslateX.set(caretWidth / 2);
>                 }
> It would only work for very narrow caret's otherwise, and for wide caret's it 
> would have some unexpected positioning in the edge case where text almost 
> fits.

I would also recommend testing the code on Windows with the screen scale set to 
225%, as it might show issues related to fractional scale.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jfx/pull/980

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