On 08/28/2013 10:31 AM, Gary Kotton wrote:
I am not sure that there is a good solution. I guess that we all need to 
'vasbyt' (that is Afrikaans for bite the bullet) and wait for the code posted 
to be reviewed. In Neutron when we were heading towards the end of a cycle and 
there were a ton of BP's being added the PTL would ensure that there were at 
least two reviewer on each BP. This would address the problem in two ways:
1. Accountability for the review process in the critical time period
2. The coder was able to have a person that he/she could be in touch with.
The above would enhance the cadence of the reviews.
I personally am spending a few hours a day reviewing code. I hope that it is 
helping move things forwards. A review not only means just looking at the code 
(there are some cases that it is simple), but it means running and testing the 
code. In some cases it is not possible to test (for example a Mellanox vif 
In cases when a reviewer does not have an option to test the code would a 
tempest run help the reviewer with his/her decision?
Thanks and Alut a continua

Just to clarify my last message, there is still a gating job called gate-tempest-devstack-vm-neutron <http://logs.openstack.org/58/43658/4/check/gate-tempest-devstack-vm-neutron/10f1a5a>
but it only runs the "smoke tests" which is a small subset of tempest.

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