Why not a rotation though, I could see it beneficial to say have a group of 
active developers code for say a release then those developers rotate to a 
reviewer position only (and rotate again for every release). This allows for a 
flow of knowledge between reviewers and a different set of coders (instead of a 
looping flow since reviewers are also coders).

For a big project like nova the workload could be spread out more like that.

Just a thought... 

Might not be feasible but could be a idea to strive towards.

Sent from my really tiny device...

On Aug 27, 2013, at 7:48 PM, "Michael Still" <mi...@stillhq.com> wrote:

> [Concerns over review wait times in the nova project]
> I think that we're also seeing the fact that nova-core's are also
> developers. nova-core members have the same feature freeze deadline,
> and that means that to a certain extent we need to stop reviewing in
> order to get our own code ready by the deadline.
> The strength of nova-core is that its members are active developers,
> so I think a "reviewer caste" would be a mistake. I am also not saying
> that nova-core should get different deadlines (although more leniency
> with exceptions would be nice).
> So, I think lower review rates around deadlines are just a fact of life.
> Michael
> -- 
> Rackspace Australia
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