O | S | D | N                 NEWSLETTER                          
    August 27, 2002                                          DEVELOPER SERIES  

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Cube Fodder: Tangle Desktop Toy

Gadgets: Sharp Zaurus Linux PDA

Gadgets: Key Katcher

Tshirts: Kids: newbie

Caffeine: Energy Gum

Gadgets: Super Bright GREEN Laser Pointer!

Gadgets: SoundBug - Turns Glossy Surfaces Into Speakers!

Tshirts: It Must Be User Error

Gadgets: Key Katcher Privacy Device

Gadgets: Mini Wireless Color Video Cam (for RC rovers)

Cube Goodies: Levitron Desktop Levitation Toy

Tshirts: Bug Off, I'm On My Break

Watches: onHand PC Watch

Caffeine: Hyperglow Caffeinated Beer

Gadgets: Desktop Zero Point Infinite Power Generator

Cube Fodder: New Desktop Mini Fridge/Warmer

Mods: New Lian-LIi Cases

Cube Fodder: LED Binary Clock

Cube Fodder: Rogers Connection Magnetic Set

Caffeine: Warp Mints In Cinnamon Flavor

Automated Security Tools
    Release Candidate 1

    phpLotto 1st Release

Legend of the Wonderer TCG
    battle system in the project Docs

Advanced Simlulation Toolkit

    PHPortal version 0.1.9 released!

PCGen -- A d20 Character Generator
    PCGen 2.6.3 is available

MySQL Objective C API for Cocoa
    SMySQL version 0.7.0

i810 Framebuffer Device Driver
    Video Overlay Support for the Intel 810 and 815 Framebuffer

'Just For Fun' Network Management System
    JFF Network Management System 0.6.4

    VietPad 1.0.2 Release

Gaming Fuel: 4-way Shootout

    [0]Neil Yates writes "It is 2:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning. You have
    been up all night, fragging away in a Quake3 clan match. Your early
    morning schedule wore you out and you never had time to take a nap. The
    server is resetting between games, and you are starting to get a little
    sleepy-eyed. Milk is not going to do one bit of good and regular Coke
    or Pepsi are too run of the mill. The last thing that will keep you
    awake and at the top of your game is some pansy sports drink. Which of
    these [1]four energy drinks do you reach for? Pepsi Blue, Vanilla Coke,
    Dr. Pepper's Red Fusion, or Sobe's Mr. Green?" What's wrong with plain
    old Mt Dew? It did represent 80% of my intake by volume from age 15 to
    0. http://www.envynews.com/
    1. http://www.envynews.com/feature.php?ID=172

Is Red Hat the Microsoft of Linux?

    RadioheadKid writes "This article featured on eWeek asks the question
    '[0]Red Hat: Next Redmond?' It quotes an IBM VP who says, 'There is a
    backlash against Red Hat from many consumers and government agencies,
    who fear it is increasingly becoming the Microsoft of the Linux world
    with respect to its dominance and attitude,' while Red Hat states: 'Our
    commitment to open source remains absolute, no matter what our
    competitors are saying.' Is this just some pro-[1]UnitedLinux spin, or
    a valid concern? What do you think?" Such characterizations are nothing
    new, but a [2]response on NewsForge from Red Hat's Jeremy Hogan
    supplies a counterpoint to make the eWeek article worth reading. (Has
    anyone really seen a Red Hat backlash?) 
    0. http://www.eweek.com/print_article/0,3668,a=30372,00.asp
    1. http://www.unitedlinux.com/
    2. http://newsforge.com/newsforge/02/08/26/2219208.shtml?tid=23

Pig-to-Human Transplants On Their Way

    cscx writes: "From the folks who brought you Dolly the cloned sheep,
    come [0]genetically modified cloned pigs which they claim may
    eventually be able to donate their organs to humans for transplant
    usage. Who knows, we may make that mark on your driver's license
    obsolete after all." 
    0. http://news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,4960482%5E13762,00.html

Competing (Commercial) Visions For The Internet Future

    [0]Stirland writes: "This [1]article in today's NYTimes says that AOL's
    new plan focussed on creating content for broadband could have cable
    companies over a barrel. It tries to compare programming on cable to
    'programming' on the Internet. It's an important article to read
    because it gives us an idea of what cable companies' potential plans
    are for the broadband Internet. Given that they're not regulated like
    DSL, and they're the fastest growing providers of broadband Internet
    access, this has profound implications for the next generation of the
    Internet. This article omits the fact that Excite@Home tried this
    'programming' approach on broadband. It failed. Another reason this
    article is important: Contrast AOL's approach described here with
    Amazon.com and Microsoft's .Net strategy. These are two polar opposite
    visions of the way the Internet will develop. The media vision vs.
    computing vision. The interesting story here is that it isn't that one
    is 'open' and the other 'closed.' They're just open and closed in
    different places -- places, obviously, that suit the companies'
    strategies. Why should you care, and what's in it for you? These
    competing visions are currently duking it out at the FCC under
    open-access proceedings. So the future of the Internet is hanging in
    the balance." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.nytimes.com/2002/08/26/technology/26NECO.html

Wireless Net on the Zaurus

    An anonymous reader writes "Straight from infosync.no: "Sharp has
    announced the release of a [0]wireless Internet package for Sharp
    Zaurus SL-5500 and SL-5000d. Using the Verizon Wireless CDPD network in
    US, the package includes a Compact Flash CDPD modem from Enfora, the
    necessary software, and a Verizon Wireless account"." 
    0. http://www.infosync.no/news/2002/n/2218.html

HOWTO Go About Marketing to Developers?

    [0]byrnereese asks: "My company has finally realized that one of the
    keys to our success will be to create a strong developer program (IBM's
    [1]Developer Works, and Palm's [2]PalmSource come to mind as examples).
    It just so happens that I have been appointed to lead this program. Now
    I have a lot of my own ideas, but I wanted to ask a large developer
    community directly the one question I know I am going to have to
    articulate a coherent answer to at some point: 'What is the most
    effective way to market a toolset, or development platform, to a
    developer in order to encourage them to build products using your
    product, without turning them off at the same time?'" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/
    2. http://palm.com/developers/

Adios, Caldera; Hello, SCO Group

    An anonymous reader writes: "Caldera International, the company that
    sprang from Novell and went on to distribute a Linux distribution
    popular among users before the company's decision to withdraw from the
    retail desktop market, is no more. Instead, what was once Caldera is
    now 'the SCO Group.' The change, announced at the company's 'GeoFORUM'
    conference in Las Vegas Monday, recognizes Caldera's acquisition of SCO
    Unix, and follows what former employees claimed was a switch in
    emphasis from Caldera OpenLinux to SCO Unix. At the same time, the
    company announced a new business plan, called 'SCOx,' and new versions
    of its Unix and Linux distributions. Details, which combine a multitude
    of press releases, are on [0]Linux and Main." 
    0. http://www.linuxandmain.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=197

Gamers Drive High-End PC Market

    [0]TibbonZero writes "CNN reports that [1]"Gamers drive souped-up PC
    market". They talk about the cost of high end computers, as well as
    their place in the PC Market. For some reason I thought it was playing
    [2]solitaire that drove us to buy a [3]Geforce 4 ti 4600..." 
    0. http://Tibbon&triad,rr,com
    1. http://www.cnn.com/2002/TECH/ptech/08/26/hot.rod.computing.ap/index.html
    2. http://www.solitairecentral.com/
    3. http://www.nvidia.com/view.asp?PAGE=geforce4ti

Tim Willits Interview: Lead Doom3 Designer

    [0]Joe writes: "PlanetQuake3.net has a [1]interview with id Software's
    Tim Willits who is the lead designer and project manager of Doom 3. Tim
    talks about the new generation of level editing in Doom3, his favorite
    maps of all time, how designers and coders work together, and many
    other subjects. One of the most interesting parts of the interview was
    this question: 'PlanetQuake3: Will it be possible to adjust the speed
    of the game for between single player and multiplayer play?' 'Tim
    Willits: Yes, most of the game logic is outside the main executable,
    this gives us great flexibility in changing basic game parameters
    between single and multiplayer.'" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Police Database Lists 'Future Criminals'

    Rio writes: "A Local6.com article tells us about a database that
    contains a list of people who [0]police believe are likely to break the
    law. It features names, addresses and photographs of potential suspects
    --many of whom have clean slates. Since the system was introduced in
    Wilmington in June, most of the 200 people included in the file have
    been minorities from poor, high-crime neighborhoods." 

ALSA driver 0.9.0rc3 (Development)

    The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture is composed of several parts. The
    first is a fully modularized sound driver which supports module
    autoloading, devfs, isapnp autoconfiguration, and gives complete access
    to analog audio, digital audio, control, mixer, synthesizer, DSP, MIDI,
    and timer components of audio hardware. It also includes a
    fully-featured kernel-level sequencer, a full compatibility layer for
    OSS/Free applications, an object-oriented C library which covers and
    enhances the ALSA kernel driver functionality for applications
    (client/server, plugins, PCM sharing/multiplexing, PCM metering, etc.),
    an interactive configuration program for the driver, and some simple
    utilities for basic management. 

Ampoliros 2.7.6 

    Ampoliros is an advanced and easy to use distributed PHP Web
    applications platform, featuring a powerful XML-RPC and SOAP interface.
    It is suitable as an Internet/Intranet development and deployment
    system. It has a very strong modular architecture and allows very fast
    deployment of Web solutions. 

archmbox 3.1.1 

    Archmbox is a simple email archiver written in Perl which can extract
    email messages from one or more mbox-formatted mailboxes. 

Coldtags suite 1.0 

    The Coldtags suite is a collection of custom JSP tags that provides 90+
    custom JSP tags for common programming tasks faced by JSP developers.
    It also includes custom tags similar to the Web controls in the .NET

Crimson Fields 0.2.7 

    Crimson Fields is a tactical war game in the tradition of Battle Isle.
    Two players command a number of units on a map of hexagons, trying to
    accomplish mission objectives ranging from defending important
    locations to simply destroying all enemy forces. 

CRM commercial tracking tool 1.6 25082002 

    The CRM commercial tracking tool is to be used in a commercial
    environment for logging and tracking customer requirements, complaints,
    etc. When a so-called 'entity' is logged, every edit to the entity is
    logged. Using the management information, you can find statistic
    information like average duration, stalling calls, etc. It is fully
    configurable and it comes with an easy install script. 

Divine Intervention 1.1 

    Divine Intervention consists of two programs. The first is a very
    accurate BPM measurement tool. The second is a player which can change
    the tempo of music. The player allows nudging, forward and backward
    movement by measures, and other nice things. 

Flat Xml to Structured Xml converter 0.1.1 

    Flat Xml to Structured Xml converter (fx2sx) consists of a shell script
    and a xslt stylesheet for converting a flat XML file into a structured
    version. It is designed for post-processing the flat XML output
    produced by some CSV to XML converters. 

gnome-mlview 0.0.2 

    MlView is a tree-oriented XML editor for GNOME. It is written in C and
    is heavily based on GTK, libgnomeui, and libxml2. Its aim is to ease
    XML editing, with or without validation. 

GTK+-DirectFB 2.0.6 

    GTK+-DirectFB is a backend for GDK, the drawing kit used by GTK+. Since
    DirectFB provides drawing functions, a windowing stack, and manages
    input devices, this is a lightweight GDK port. GTK+-DirectFB is based
    on GTK+-2.0 and implements the drawing functionality encapsulated in
    GDK. It allows you to run standard GTK+-2.0 applications on the Linux
    framebuffer. Due to the use of DirectFB, graphic operations are
    hardware accelerated if a suitable DirectFB gfx driver is available.
    Since DirectFB is a very thin library, the memory footprint of
    GTK+-DirectFB is relatively small. 

harvest 1.7.36 

    Harvest is a system to collect information and make it searchable using
    a Web interface. It can collect information using HTTP, FTP, NNTP, and
    local files. Supported formats include HTML, DVI, PS, fulltext, mail,
    man pages, news, troff, WordPerfect, C sources, and many more. Adding
    support for new formats is easy due to Harvest's modular design. 

iftop 0.5 

    iftop provides real-time bandwidth usage information on a specified
    interface, listed by host pairs. 

JavaGroups 2.0.2 

    JavaGroups is a Java package for reliable group communication. It
    consists of 3 parts: The first part is a socket-like API for
    application development, providing methods for joining and leaving a
    group, sending multicast messages to members, and receiving
    notifications when members join/leave/crash. The second part is a
    protocol stack which implements reliable communication, and can be
    configured according to the QoS desired. New protocols can easily be
    added, and existing ones removed/replaced/modified. The third part is a
    set of building blocks which give the application/protocol programmer
    high-level abstractions (e.g. DistributedHashtable, derived from
    java.util.Hashtable, which is similar to Linda/JavaSpaces). 

kanjidrill 5.12.2 

    kdrill helps people learn Japanese 'Kanji' characters. It originally
    started as a simple multiple choice Kanji quiz program, to help people
    learn Japanese characters, but it now has a few different guess
    formats, history options, and also has a dictionary function. Words can
    be looked up in a variety of methods, including Romaji, SKIP,
    four-corner, cut-n-paste, and English search. 

Libxml 2.4.24 

    Libxml is the XML C library developed for the Gnome project. The
    library code is portable (to Linux, Unix, Windows, embedded systems,
    etc.) and modular; most of the extensions can be compiled out. Libxml
    implements a number of existing standards related to markup languages,
    including the XML standard, Namespaces in XML, XML Base, RFC 2396,
    XPath, XPointer, HTML4, XInclude, SGML Catalogs, and XML Catalogs. In
    most cases, libxml tries to implement the specifications in a
    relatively strict way. To some extent, it provides support for the
    following specifications, but doesn't claim to implement them: DOM, FTP
    client, HTTP client, SAX, and DocBook SGML. Support for W3C XML Schemas
    is in progress. 

Lyric Display System 1.0 

    The Lyric Display System is used to edit/display song lyrics on a
    second screen/projector for use at singing events such as church

monit 2.5.1 

    monit is a utility for monitoring and managing daemons or similar
    programs running on a Unix system. It will start specified programs if
    they are not running and restart programs not responding. It supports a
    daemon mode (poll programs at a specified interval, and start, stop,
    and restart programs), logging (syslog or your own logfile),
    configuration (with a comprehensive controlfile) runtime and TCP/IP
    port checking, process status, and timeout. Alert notification is
    flexible and customizable. It provides an HTTP interface. 

MySource 2.3.9 (Beta)

    MySource is a powerful, open source Website and intranet content
    publishing and management system. It is designed to enable technically
    unskilled users to build and maintain their own Web solutions securely,
    professionally, and inexpensively. It is written in PHP, and requires
    both MySQL and Apache. 

neon 0.23.1 

    neon is an HTTP and WebDAV client library for Unix systems, with a C
    language API. It provides high-level interfaces to HTTP/1.1 and WebDAV
    methods, and a low-level interface to HTTP request/response handling,
    allowing new methods to be easily implemented. 

Normalize 0.7.5 

    Normalize is a tool for adjusting the volume of audio files to a
    standard volume level. This is useful for things like creating mix CDs
    and MP3 databases, where different recording levels on different albums
    can cause the volume to vary greatly from song to song. 

nut 7.1 

    nut is nutrition software to record what you eat and analyze your meals
    for nutrient composition. The database included is the USDA Nutrient
    Database for Standard Reference, Release 15, which contains 6,220
    foods. This database contains values for vitamins, minerals, fats,
    calories, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, etc., and includes special
    information on the essential polyunsaturated fats, Omega-3 and Omega-6.
    Nutrient levels are expressed as a percentage of the Daily Value, the
    familiar standard of food labeling in the United States, but also can
    be fully customized. 

Ozibug 1.2.0 

    Ozibug is a platform-independent, Web-based bug tracking system. It is
    written entirely in Java, and utilizes servlet technology. This allows
    Ozibug to be installed and run on any platform for which a Java Virtual
    Machine (JVM) and servlet container are available. It provides features
    such as reports, file attachments, email notifications, audit trails,
    an administration interface, and system statistics. For those who
    require more flexibility, it also offers fine-grained access control,
    multiple module support, a customizable appearance, customizable
    reference data and full internationalization. 

psycopg 1.0.11 (Stable)

    psycopg is a PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming
    language. Its main advantages are that it supports the full Python
    DBAPI 2.0 and it is thread safe at level 2. It was designed for heavily
    multi-threaded applications that create and destroy lots of cursors and
    make a conspicuous number of concurrent INSERTs or UPDATEs. The psycopg
    distribution includes ZPsycopgDA, a Zope Database Adapter. 

RPL/2 4.00pre5e (Development)

    RPL/2 (Reverse Polish Lisp/2) is a langage derived from the RPL made by
    Hewlett-Packard for its HP-28S. It has some extensions (preprocessor,
    compilated libraries, new functions), a TeX output, and can draw

Security Filter 1.0-b3 

    SecurityFilter is intended for use by Java Web application developers.
    It provides robust security and automatic authentication services for
    Web applications. It mimics the behavior and configuration format of
    container-managed security, but has several important advantages that
    make it an ideal solution for single-context, public Web sites, or when
    it is necessary or simply desirable to avoid the server configuration
    hassles and portability issues associated with container-managed

Seminole Webserver 2.15 (Stable)

    Seminole Webserver is a portable Web server designed to be used in
    embedded systems, where memory space is at a premium. It is written in
    C++, and has a mechanism to direct requests to application-specific
    code, complete with the decoding of "CGI" parameters. It also
    includes a "filesystem" that can package up Web content (and
    optionally compress it) and store it in a ROM or other "flat"
    device. It comes with a simple example to make it a standalone
    Webserver under POSIX platforms for evaluation and testing. 

Six 0.2.8 

    Six plays Hex, a game with very simple rules and deep tactical
    complexity. Two players, one with black and one with white pieces,
    alternate placing marks on a rhombic board of hexagonal cells. Black's
    goal is to connect the two opposite black sides of the board with black
    pieces. White's goal is to connect the white sides of the board with
    white pieces. 

socket_wrappers 7.6 

    socket_wrappers is an improved version of tcp_wrappers. The
    improvements include changing from K&R to ANSI C, removing unneeded
    compatibility libraries, separation of the public and private API,
    prepending tcpd_ to all private functions and data to prevent name
    collisions, updates to signal handlers so that the application's
    handlers aren't tampered with, dropping supplemental groups, and some
    build and man page improvements. Applications compiled with this
    library should be smaller, too. 

spasm anti-spam milter 0.23 

    The spasm anti-spam milter is a spam filter for sendmail 8.12+ (with
    libmilter support). Current features include logging of rejected spam,
    fully virtualised settings for domains, individual whitelists, and over
    two dozen blacklist filters which can be set individually on a
    per-domain or per-email address basis (including local blacklist, rDNS
    resolution, HELO/EHLO verification, envelope sender address
    verification, numerous DNS-based lists, whitelist-only mode,
    tagging-only mode, and auto-blacklisting features). 

SQLite 2.7.0 

    SQLite is a C library that implements an SQL database engine. A large
    subset of SQL92 is supported. A complete database is stored in a single
    disk file. The API is designed for convenience and ease of use.
    Applications that link against SQLite can enjoy the power and
    flexiblity of an SQL database without the administrative hassles of
    supporting a separate database server. Because it omits the
    client-server interaction overhead and writes directly to disk, SQLite
    is also faster than the big database servers for most operations. In
    addition to the C library, the SQLite distribution includes a
    command-line tool for interacting with SQLite databases and SQLite
    bindings for Tcl/Tk. 

strip2zsafe 2002-08-26 

    strip2zsafe converts Strip account information from a Palm PDA to a
    ZSafe compatible textfile, for use with the Zaurus and other Linux

Stuffed Tracker 1.1 

    Stuffed Tracker is used to track Return on Investment. It might be very
    useful for any site that uses advertising to attract visitors and that
    have some sort of ordering process (registration, selling products,
    etc.). With the help of the Stuffed Tracker, the site owner can learn
    how many visitors that came from online advertising were converted into
    customers (i.e., registered, bought something, etc.). 

sxw2txt 0.1 

    sxw2txt converts Open Office Word files (.sxw) to ASCII text. 

Sylpheed 0.8.2 (Main)

    Sylpheed is a GTK+ based, lightweight, and fast email client. Almost
    all commands are accessible with the keyboard. It also has many
    features such as multiple accounts, POP3/APOP support, thread display,
    and multipart MIME. One of Sylpheed's future goals is to be fully
    internationalized. The messages are managed in the MH format, so you'll
    be able to use it together with another mailer that uses the MH format. 

The XSLT C library for GNOME 1.0.20 

    Libxslt is a C library for GNOME which allows developers to work with
    XSLT. It is based on libxml for XML parsing, tree manipulation, and
    XPath support. It is written in plain C, making as few assumptions as
    possible, and sticking closely to ANSI C/POSIX for easy embedding. It
    should work on Linux, Unix, and Windows. Though not designed primarily
    with performances in mind, libxslt seems to be a relatively fast
    processor. It also include full support for the EXSLT set of extension
    functions as well as some common extensions present in other XSLT

Tonto 1.32 (Main)

    Tonto is a developer-oriented companion to the popular Pronto line of
    programmable remotes made by Philips. Tonto provides both an IDE GUI
    and a Java API for editing CCF files. 

TreeLine 0.4.2 

    TreeLine is used to organize and store text data in a tree structure.
    It is well suited to keeping track of many different types of
    information. Each node of the tree can contain several defined fields,
    forming a mini-database. The format of each node can be defined, and
    the output can be shown on the screen, printed, or exported to HTML.
    The tree structure is navigated and edited in the left pane of the
    window, while various views of the child data are shown and editable in
    the right pane. The data is stored in XML text files. TreeLine is based
    on the PyQt library. 

Webtop Web-based Email System 1.12 

    Webtop is a Web-based POP3 email client that includes many filter
    options, custom folders, and email-to-PDF generation. The Webtop also
    includes a calendar, notepad, Webdrive, automated email reminders,
    contacts, P2P sharing, and Web-based administration. One installation
    can support multiple users and each user can set up as many POP3
    accounts as they need. 

Worker 2.6.1 

    Worker is a file-manager exclusive for X based on the famous
    filemanager "DirectoryOpus" on the AmigaOS. It is
    configurable on the fly without restarting Worker. Any extern program
    can be easily integrated in the GUI, including a button and a hotkey.
    Worker uses real file-recognition on file-content AND/OR file-ending,
    where each file-type can get an own action. 

Xmldiff 0.6 

    Xmldiff is a Python tool that figures out the differences between two
    similar XML files, in the same way the diff utility does for text

XMLtype 0.7 (Development)

    The goal of the XMLtype project is to create a console-based editor of
    XML document-oriented files in UTF-8 encoding. It is designed from the
    beginning for multilingual use, even for writing bi-directional texts
    (e.g. mixed English and Hebrew). The design focuses on comfortable and
    fast typing of well-formed XML documents. Thus XMLtype is not meant to
    compete with advanced console editors like Emacs or VIM. For full
    functionality, XMLtype requires UTF-8 console support. It is being
    developed under Linux and for the ANSI/VT-100 terminal. 

Yorick Maintenon Branch 1.5.15 

    Yorick is a language for scientific computing à la
    Matlab/Octave. The Maintenon Branch is an enhanced version of Yorick,
    supporting true color image display and printing, extended C type
    support, support for compiled extensions in dynamic libraries, and
    readline binding. 

Colors not saving

    I just installed slash, and whenever I try to customize the colors on
    my site, I pick them out, enter them into the boxen, then click either
    "preview" or "save" and am summarily presented with the story list (not
    to mention an unchanged site). Is there something I'm missing here? 

Amateur Astronomy Site: m57.org

    Just setup a new slash site for amateur astronomers: The Ring: m57.org.
    Please visit! Thanks to Micah Yoder Internet Development for capable


    A new slash site http://www.ucdot.org/ for uClinux and Embedded linux
    developers and users. 

Only new headlines

    I have two suggestions that I think would be really cool. I've listed
    them after a short story of what prompted the ideas. I keep a mozilla
    window with slashdot in it on one of my virtual desktops all the time.
    I open interesting stories in their own tab leaving the first tab
    solely for slashdot. Whenever I refersh the page I have to scroll down
    to find the last headline that I read and start reading up from there.
    Sound familiar? Sometimes it gets complicated when I don't find the
    last headline I read and have to go back and look at the older stuff
    for what I might have missed. My quick fix suggestion first then, my
    really cool suggestion. 1) Previous 10 headlines button. 2) A
    Last_Headline_Read field stored in my cookie. If the site remembers
    that I'm logged in it should be able to remember the last headline that
    I read. It would be cool if, when I refreshed the page, slashdot only
    displayed the new headlines! Just a thought...    Thanks
    for the awesome work you guys do. --Tres 

Saving user settings in the Slash DB: WHERE?

    On the "Customize Homepage" page (users.pl?op=edithome) does anyone
    know where it saves the exclusion filters (exclude by topic, section,
    or author) in the database? I've figured out all the other settings
    except these. 

Exporting a Slash site between Machines?

    I have a fully customized Slash site on one machine, and I need to
    migrate it to a different machine. How can this be done? Do I just TAR
    up the directories and move them over? And if so, what files/db entries
    do I need to modify with the new machine/site name? Any help is
    appreciated. Thanks, QWade 


    Its another Slash Site - http://www.DiverseDVD.com/ this time about
    DVDs, VHS, and Cinema releases. It comes to you from the team which
    produced http://news.DiverseBooks.com 

Displaying Number of Comments in Storylink,Index,D

    I've been trying to find the code that displays the number of comments
    on a story. In looking at the template "storylink,index,default", I see
    [% links.join(' | ') %] which I assume is the item that displays the
    "(Read more | X comments...)" Where the heck to do find this? 

RSS Source for QOTD

    I'm trying to implement a Quote Of The Day functionality in my site,
    and I was wondering if anyone knows of any good source of RSS
    syndication for Quotes? 


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