O | S | D | N                 NEWSLETTER                          
    June 11, 2003                                          DEVELOPER SERIES  

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Electronics: Radio YourWay

Computing: ThermalTake Active Memory Cooling Kit

Cube Goodies: Luminglass

Computing: ThermalTake HardCano 10

Computing: ThermalTake Xaser PC Cases

Computing: ThermalTake Aquarius II CPU Cooler

Gadgets: Squid Light

Interests: I'm blogging this.

Interests: Tempt me.

Gadgets: USB Memory Watch

Caffeine: Octane Energy Gel

Cube Goodies: R/C Hovercraft

Gadgets: Yes Solstice

Computing: TouchStream LP ZeroForce Keyboard

Cube Goodies: Duct Tape Wallet

Computing: Ideazon Zboard

Gadgets: Inova X5 LED Flashlights

Tshirts: fork agent smith

Cube Goodies: Midnight blue 'geek.' glass

Caffeine: Jo Mints w/Guarana

OpenEJB 0.9.2 released

    The 0.9.2 release is one that the whole team is quite proud of. OpenEJB
    0.9.0 marked are first release with special Tomcat embedded support.
    Thanks to all the user feedback that support has just gotten better and
    better. The 0.9.2 release contains a neat surprise for OpenEJB/Tomcat
    users -- TOOLS! The new integration features a webapp with a setup
    verifier, JNDI browser, EJB viewer, Class browser, and even an Object
    invoker! You can browse the OpenEJB namespace and know right away
    exactly where the ejb is and what it is called. When you find one you
    like, just click it and it will open up into the EJB viewer. While
    there you can check out it's home, remote and bean classes in the class
    browser. The Object invoker allows you to actually create and invoke
    your EJBs without writing a single line of code. OpenEJB 0.9.2 also
    contains a new openejb.base variable to complement the openejb.home
    variable. The openejb.base variable allows you to have several
    configurations of OpenEJB all running against the same OpenEJB install.
    This makes using OpenEJB in IDEs like Eclipse or NetBeans even easier.
    Move the openejb_loader-0.9.2.jar into your project's lib directory,
    set the openejb.base, and you'll be debugging your EJB apps
    front-to-back without the need for remote debugging support or special
    editor plug-ins. Thanks to all the OpenEJB users for all the great
    ideas! You speak, we listen.

LTI-Lib Version Beta 1.9.3 released

    LTI-Lib is an object oriented computer vision library written in C++
    for Windows/MS-VC++ and Linux/gcc. It provides lots of functionality to
    solve mathematical problems, many image processing algorithms, some
    classification tools and much more. This release provides new functors
    and features, many bug fixes and more documentation. Download --------
    You can get this and previous releases from:
    https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=45767 Homepage
    -------- For more information please visit our homepage:
    http://ltilib.sourceforge.net ChangeLog --------- For more details
    about the changes in this release please visit the ChangeLog page at:
    Acknowledgments --------------- Thanks to all developers at the Chair
    of Computer Science: Suat Akyol, Pablo Alvarado, Daniel Beier, Axel
    Berner, Ulrich Canzler, Peter Doerfler, Thomas Erger, Holger
    Fillbrandt, Peter Gerber, Claudia, Goenner, Xin Gu, Michael Haehnel,
    Christian Harte, Bastian Ibach, Torsten Kaemper, Thomas Krueger,
    Frederik Lange, Henning Luepschen, Peter Mathes, Alexandros Matsikis,
    Bernd Mussman, Jens Paustenbach, Norman Pfeil, Jens Rietzschel, Daniel
    Ruijters, Thomas Rusert, Stefan Syberichs, Guy Wafo Moudhe, Ruediger
    Weiler, Jochen Wickel , Benni Winkler, Xinghan Yu, Marius Wolf, Joerg

Gallery v1.3.4 Release Candidate 2 available

    Gallery v1.3.4 Release Candidate 2 - This is the second (and, we fully
    expect, final) *release candidate* for Gallery v.1.3.4. Changes from
    RC1 essentially amount to small fixes for errors discovered since the
    first release candidate in the backup_albums.php script and the new
    "custom fields" code. Gallery is slick, intuitive web based photo
    gallery with authenticated users and privileged albums. Easy to
    install, configure and use. Photo management includes automatic
    thumbnails, resizing, rotation, etc. User privileges make this great
    for communities. Download it:
    http://sf.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=7130 Read more about this
    release candidate: http://gallery.sf.net/article.php?sid=75 

phpwsBB 0.1.0 released

    phpwsBB is a native bulletin board module for the phpWebSite content
    management system, version 0.9.2 or later. Today we release version
    0.1.0 of phpwsBB. Features include anonymous posting, message editing
    and deletion for registered users, thread locking and message forking
    for admins, and ... well that's probably it. Be sure you have the
    latest version of phpWebSite installed: http://phpwebsite.appstate.edu
    and then download phpwsbb from: http://phpwsbb.sourceforge.net. 

Aleph One 2003-05-30 Mac OS X Carbon and Windows releases

    Aleph One plays Marathon 2, Marathon Infinity, and third-party content
    on a wide array of platforms with numerous enhancements. The new Mac OS
    X Carbon and Windows SDL 2003-05-30 releases add significantly improved
    Internet play, Lua scripting, Speex compression for realtime network
    audio (making it much more practical in Internet games), an anisotropic
    filtering option on video cards that support it, and more. 

Investigating Angular Velocity

    [0]mbreitba writes "Sam Barros is at it again, Some may know him for
    his [1]Railgun research, and some may know him for his [2] homemade
    cannons. But now he's found a use for [3] all those old CD's you don't
    need anymore. Personally, I couldn't think of a better use for them." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.powerlabs.org/railgun.htm
    2. http://www.powerlabs.org/cannons.htm
    3. http://www.powerlabs.org/cdexplode.htm

A Shocking Controller For The Xbox

    An anonymous reader writes "This is freakin' awesome - Kevin Rose from
    TechTV has built a 20,000-volt [0]shocking Xbox controller. Imagine
    playing your friends in Mortal Kombat now... you can actually feel the
    pain. Seems easy to build and runs about $40 in parts." 
    0. http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/howto/story/0,24330,3450946,00.html

Who Opposes Open Source Software In Government?

    [0]Skapare writes "[1]Linux Journal is doing a story with a [2]roundup
    of who the players are that are opposing open source in governments.
    The one I find interesting is the Gates [3]connection to [4]BSA. But I
    think we all need to become familiar with this round-up of special
    interest groups not operating in our interests (as taxpayers)." 
    0. http://linuxhomepage.com/
    1. http://www.linuxjournal.com/
    2. http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=6927
    3. http://www.prestongates.com/
    4. http://www.bsa.org/

A Model End Vendor License Agreement

    Teese writes "[0]Low End Mac is presenting [1]this article as a humor
    piece, but its vision of an End Vendor License Agreement seems to be
    pretty well thought out, and one that I wouldn't mind seeing in the
    real world." 
    0. http://lowendmac.com/index.shtml
    1. http://lowendmac.com/lite/03/0610.html

Did SCO 'Borrow' Linux Code?

    An [0]Anonymous Reader writes "Apparently someone inside SCO has stated
    that [1]SCO(actually Caldera) copied Linux code into System V. They did
    it to build what they now market as Linux Kernel Personality - the
    ability to run Linux software on their Unix. Now, the open source
    community(of course they don't mention who) is jumping on this, because
    they didn't return the changes to the OS community or give the
    community credit. Of course, SCO says it's a misunderstanding and, get
    this 'SCO also never used any of the Linux kernel code.'" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,3959,1123176,00.asp

Hints for Planning a Network Gaming Marathon?

    [0]Malfaetor asks: "Some friends and I are tentatively planning a
    public Network Gaming Marathon (LAN Party, except for an entire
    weekend) later this year, starting on a Friday night and ending the
    following Sunday afternoon. We've already acquired a file server and
    game servers, as well as did some testing on bandwidth usage of various
    games. We've also queried local hotels for available conference rooms,
    and thought about power consumption requirements, and so forth. I ask
    this of my fellow Slashdot readers: If you have ever hosted or attended
    a LAN party before, even if it was not of this scale, would you have
    any input (or horror stories!) that could help to ensure we have not
    overlooked anything? Any information you could provide would be greatly
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]om ['.c' in gap]

Microsoft Acquires RAV Antivirus

    Webmoth writes "[0]Microsoft has [1]announced the assimilation of
    [2]RAV Antivirus from [3]GeCAD Software of Romania. This is
    significant, because RAV Antivirus was one of the few antivirus
    products that provided [4]cross-platform email virus scanning and spam
    filtering, integrating with sendmail and postfix on Linux (among
    others). No word yet on the impact to non-Microsoft users. In the
    process, they've left [5]RAE Internet, the (former) exclusive U.S.
    distributor of RAV Antivirus, along with a host of authorized
    resellers, in the dust." 
    0. http://www.microsoft.com/
    1. http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2003/Jun03/06-10GeCadPR.asp
    2. http://www.ravantivirus.com/
    3. http://www.ravantivirus.com/pages/shownews.php?i=153
    4. http://www.ravantivirus.com/pages/isp.php
    5. http://www.raeinternet.com/

Quark Xpress 6 For OS X

    MikeXpop writes "[0]Apple's front page shows that [1]Quark Xpress has
    been announced for OS X and will be available as of next week. Anyone
    else getting a flashback to when Diablo II was in stores?" 
    0. http://www.apple.com/
    1. http://www.apple.com/macosx/applications/quarkxpress/

Imagine a Beowulf Cluster of Penguin Computers

    [0]Pii writes "[1]News.com is running a [2] story about [3]Penguin
    Computing acquiring [4]Scyld Computing, a company founded by Donald
    Becker, of linux ethernet driver and [5]Beowulf cluster fame. Becker
    will stay on as Penguin's Chief Technology Officer, and the companies
    claim they don't expect any layoffs as a result of the merger." 
    0. http://.gro.rebasthgil. .ta. .idej.
    1. http://www.news.com/
    2. http://news.com.com/2100-1010_3-1014970.html?tag=fd_top
    3. http://www.penguincomputing.com/
    4. http://www.scyld.com/
    5. http://www.beowulf.org/

How to Become a Patent Millionaire

    An anonymous reader writes "SF Gate has an article about people who
    [0]patent ideas for things they have no intentions of building, hoping
    to license technology or block competitors from doing something
    similar. As if the patent system weren't screwed up enough already." 
    0. http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2003/06/09/BU213833.DTL

aedGUI 0.1.1 

    aedGUI is a cross-platform C++ GUI library that works with SDL. 

Apolos 0.1.3 

    Apolos is a GTK+2 CD player for Linux. It features support for the CDDB
    protocol, playlists, and normal CD functions. 

APT-RPM 0.5.5cnc6 

    APT-RPM is a port of Debian's APT tools for RPM based distributions
    (Conectiva, Red Hat, SuSE, ALT-Linux, etc). APT is an advanced package
    management utility front-end which allows you to easily perform package
    installation, upgrading and removal. Dependencies are automatically
    handled, so if you try to install a package that needs others to be
    installed, it will download all needed packages and install them. 

Armagetron 0.2.pre3 

    In Armagetron, you ride a lightcycle around the game grid. You can only
    make sharp turns of 90 degrees and a wall constantly builds up after
    you. Make your enemies crash into your wall, but be aware that they are
    trying to do the same to you. If you are fast enough, you may be able
    to trap them, but the only way to speed up your lightcycle is to drive
    close to the dangerous walls. Prepare for exciting strategic
    preparations followed by action-packed close combat! 

Bicycle Repair Man! 0.8 BETA 2 

    The Python Refactoring Browser helps Pythonistas everywhere glide over
    the gory details of refactoring their code. Watch him extract jumbled
    code into well ordered classes. Gasp, as he renames all occurrences of
    a method. Thank you Bicycle Repair Man! 

BitlBee 0.74 

    BitlBee emulates an IRC server. Everything that is said on this server
    is forwarded to users on the MSN/ICQ/Jabber/Yahoo! networks, and
    responses are also returned. 

Boehm-Demers-Weiser Conservative Garbage Collector 6.2alpha6 (Alpha)

    The Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative garbage collector can be used as a
    garbage collecting replacement for C malloc or C++ new. It is also used
    by a number of programming language implementations that use C as
    intermediate code. Alternatively, it may be used as a leak detector for
    C or C++ programs. A slightly older version of the garbage collector is
    also included as part of the GNU compiler (gcc) distribution. 

Booby 0.1.3 

    Booby is a multiuser, multilanguage, fully themeable Web-based desktop
    application which provides online management for bookmarks, contacts,
    todo's, and notes. It is written in PHP and is mostly database
    independent by using the database abstraction layer 'ADOdb'. It is
    fully themeable (using Smarty). 

Bugzero 2.6.1 

    Bugzero is an easy-to-install Web-based bug, defect, issue, and
    incident tracking system. It can be customized to fit software,
    hardware, and help desk support situations. It is platform and database
    system independent (based on Java). It supports multiple projects,
    group-based access, automatic bug assignment, file attachment, email
    notification, metric reports, and workflow. It also features advanced
    search capability, a comprehensive bug audit trail, CVS version control
    integration, and an easy to use system administration tool for project
    configuration and user account management. 

C->Haskell 0.11.5 

    C->Haskell is an interface generator that simplifies the development
    of Haskell bindings to C libraries. The tool processes existing C
    header files that determine data layout and function signatures on the
    C side in conjunction with Haskell modules that specify Haskell-side
    type signatures and marshaling details. Hooks embedded in the Haskell
    code signal access to C structures and functions; they are expanded by
    the interfacing tool in dependence on information from the
    corresponding C header file. 

CDlinux 0.4.3 

    CDlinux is a Linux mini-distribution which runs from a CD-ROM. It aims
    to be an administration/rescue tool for Eastern Asian (CJK) users. It
    is also highly user configureable, and supports a wide range of
    hardware (PCMCIA/SCSI/USB). 

CDox 1.0.2 

    CDox is an editor for CD documents like CD covers, back sides, and
    booklets. It features many image processing options like sharpen,
    contrast, etc. One can use images and text as elements, and those
    elements can be flipped/rotated/resized in any way. It has easy-to-use
    features for previously-made images that are meant to be CD covers. It
    has also some features for automatic cover creation from MP3 CDs, CDs
    with filesystems, and CDs with video files. 

Charlemagne 2.0.0 

    Charlemagne is a versatile genetic programming application. It includes
    a commandline client and an interactive console mode. It is written in
    Python and Lisp, and is user extensible to some degree in both
    languages. It features built-in input-output mapping support and
    provides the ability to define complex fitness calculations in Lisp or

Cheap Threads 2.5 

    Cheap Threads is a collection of portable C routines for implementing
    sychronous threads. It includes a scheduler and a facility for passing
    messages among threads. Threads may run in a round robin or according
    to a priority scheme. Each thread must voluntarily relinquish control
    from time, via an ordinary function return, so that other threads can
    run. Since the threads are synchronous, i.e. they don't interrupt each
    other, they don't need to use semaphores, mutexes, critical sections,
    or other facilities to keep from interfering with each other. One
    version of Cheap Threads is designed for embedded systems. 

CodeTek VirtualDesktop 2.3.4 

    CodeTek VirtualDesktop brings full virtual desktop support as available
    on other operating systems (Mac OS 9, Windows, Unix, Linux) to the Mac
    OS X platform. 

Condenser 1.0.6 

    Condenser is a tool for finding and removing duplicated Java code.
    Unlike tools that only locate duplicated code, Condenser is also able
    to automatically remove duplicated code where it is safe to do so. 

CxxTest 2.8.2 

    CxxTest is a JUnit/CppUnit/xUnit-like framework for C++ that doesn't
    require RTTI, member template functions, exception handling, or any
    external libraries (including memory management, file/console I/O, or
    graphics libraries). It is distributed entirely as a set of header
    files which makes it extremely portable and usable. 

DbVisualizer 3.3 

    DbVisualizer is a cross-platform database visualization and management
    tool which entirely relies on the JDBC, Java Database Connectivity
    APIs. DbVisualizer enables simultaneous connections to many different
    databases through JDBC drivers. Just point and click to browse the
    structure of the database, characteristics of tables, etc. Arbitrary
    SQL statements can be executed and saved between sessions. DbVisualizer
    supports a variety of databases including Oracle, Sybase, DB2, MySQL,
    Informix, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Cloudscape, McKoi, SAP DB, and

dmidecode 2.1 

    Dmidecode is a tool for dumping a computer's DMI (some say SMBIOS)
    table contents in a human-readable format. It was first written by Alan
    Cox and is now being maintained by Jean Delvare. Part of its code can
    be found in the Linux kernel, because DMI data may be used to enable or
    disable specific portions of code depending on the hardware vendor.
    Thus, dmidecode is mainly used to detect system "signatures"
    and add them to the kernel source code when needed. 

Dnsmasq 1.13 

    Dnsmasq is lightweight, easy to configure DNS forwarder designed to
    provide DNS (domain name) services to a small network where using BIND
    would be overkill. It can have its upstream DNS servers automatically
    configured by PPP or DHCP, and it can serve the names of local machines
    which are not in the global DNS. It can integrate with the ISC DHCP
    daemon to serve the names of local machines which are configured using
    DHCP. Dnsmasq is ideal for networks behind NAT routers and connected
    via modem, ISDN, ADSL, or cable-modem connections. 

DocLite 1.1 

    DocLite is a simple documentation authoring system. It produces
    multi-page HTML output in a style similar to that found in the Linux
    HOTWTOs or other DocBook-created documents. DocLite processes a single
    XML file into a number of separate HTML pages, and it creates a
    contents page that contains links to the various topics within each
    page. The idea is to produce usable documentation with a minimum of

DOLFIN 0.3.7 

    DOLFIN is used as a platform for research in adaptive finite element
    methods for PDEs at Chalmers Finite Element Center and at the
    Department of Computational Mathematics at Chalmers University of
    Technology, Sweden. 

Dr.Cat 0.4.1 beta 

    Dr.Cat (Dave's Remote Cat) concatenates a file on a remote Linux host
    that is running the Dr.Cat daemon (drcatd) to stdout in the clients
    terminal. It authenticates users versus the standard shadow password
    authentication facility and spawns a process with that users
    permissions to attempt to access the requested file. If the file exists
    and the user has the necessary permissions the file is sent to stdout
    on the clients terminal; otherwise it returns "file not

EmPy 3.0.1 

    EmPy is a system for embedding Python expressions and statements in
    template text. It takes an EmPy source file, processes it, and produces
    output. This is accomplished via expansions, which are special signals
    to the EmPy system and are set off by a special prefix (by default the
    at sign, '@'). It can expand arbitrary Python expressions and
    statements in this way, as well as a variety of special forms. Textual
    data not explicitly delimited in this way is sent unaffected to the
    output, allowing Python to be used in effect as a markup language. Also
    supported are callbacks via hooks, recording and playback via
    diversions, and dynamic, chainable filters. The system is highly
    configurable via command line options and embedded commands. 

EXACT 1.34 

    EXACT is a program that implements POP-before-SMTP relay
    authentication. It supports UW-imap, Qpopper, Cyrus, Perdition, EXIM,
    and Sendmail out of the box. POP-before-SMTP relay authentication is
    commonly used on systems that provide IMAP and/or POP services as well
    as SMTP services, to authenticate users for mail sending based on their
    previous authentication against an IMAP or POP server. 

Firebird Relational Database 1.5 RC3 (Development)

    Firebird is a relational database offering many ANSI SQL-92 features
    that runs on Linux, Windows, and a variety of Unix platforms. It offers
    excellent concurrency, high performance, and powerful language support
    for stored procedures and triggers. 

FreeBSD-boot-rescue 1.1.5 

    FreeBSD-boot-rescue is a small FreeBSD system for the purpose of system
    booting or repairing a boot/rescue system. You can put it on a CD or
    floppy and boot it. It has support for many filesystems (ext2, ufs1/2,
    ntfs, nfs, msdos, and iso9660). 

FreeIPdb 0.2-RC2 

    FreeIPdb is a Web-based tool designed to manage, assign, track, and
    audit IP address assignments and allocations. It uses a best fit/binary
    tree method to make the most of limited IP address space. It is
    designed for use by ISPs and end users. Features include SQL data
    storage, a self-collapsing tree, and reporting. 

Freevix 0.7 

    Freevix is a tiny GNU/Linux distribution designed to provide a complete
    but small footprint environment for people wanting to build a Linux
    media player system with Freevo. Currently optimized for the VIA EPIA
    mainboards, it provides sub 45 second boot times, operation entirely
    from RAM, and supports loading from a 32MB CF card, HD, USB Flash
    Drive, CD, or PXE network booting. 

FUDforum 2.5.0RC5 (Development)

    FUDforum is templatable forum with i18n support based on PHP and either
    MySQL or PostgreSQL. It features a user/group management system, a
    multi-lingual spell checker, both flat and thread message views, a
    private messaging system with mult-iuser forwarding capabilities, poll
    file attachments, and much more. It is an extremely fast and scalable
    forum that can fulfill the needs of both small and large forum

genlop 0.15 

    genlop is a small Perl script which shows you, in a nice colored
    output, useful information about your previously-emerged packages by
    looking at /var/log/emerge.log. genlop is for Gentoo/portage users

Genmake 2003_06_10 

    Genmake creates Makefiles for C/C++ projects from a simple project
    description. The project description file can contain any number of
    projects and dependencies between them. The description is organized
    into workspace, projectspace and filespace and supports any number of
    build modes (debug, release, etc.). 

gluX 1.4 

    GluX is a cross-platform, easy-to-use OpenGL extension loader. It
    offers a very simple mechanism for loading and using OpenGL extensions.
    It allows your code to compile under Windows and Linux even if your
    video card doesn't support the OpenGL extensions used by your program.
    At run time, gluX will detect if required extensions are present or

GNOME-Mud 0.10.1 

    GNOME-Mud (formerly AMCL) is a Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) client that
    aims to make mudding a bit easier. It can define aliases, triggers,
    variables, keyboard shortcuts, and has a connection wizard for easy
    management of different player characters and MUDs. 

GNU Gadu 2.0pre3 

    GNU Gadu 2 is a modular instant messaging client with a GUI written in
    GTK2. It currently supports Gadu-Gadu, Tlen.pl, and Jabber. It is able
    to load Perl scripts, dock in several window managers, play sounds,
    talk to other programs via a UNIX socket, send SMS messages to Polish
    GSM operators, automatically check for updates, and use XOSD for
    displaying notices. 

GNU Transport Layer Security Library 0.8.8 

    GNU Transport Layer Security Library is a library which implements a
    secure layer over a reliable transport layer such as TCP/IP. It
    implements the TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols. GnuTLS is available for
    beta testing. 

Grammatica 1.2 

    Grammatica is a parser generator (compiler compiler) for C# and Java.
    It can create readable and commented source code from an LL(k) grammar.
    It also supports creating a parser in runtime without generating source
    code. The grammar productions are described in EBNF and tokens in
    regular expressions. 

GreenIcos Icons .1.5 

    GreenIcos is a green-colored icon set for KDE 3.x. 

green_lotr_I 0.1 

    green_lotr_I is a green theme based on Rivendell from The Lord of the

Grip 3.1.0 (Development)

    Grip is a CD player and CD ripper/MP3-encoder for the GNOME desktop. It
    has the ripping capabilities of cdparanoia built in, but can also use
    external rippers (such as cdda2wav). It also provides an automated
    frontend for MP3 encoders (presets for lame, bladeenc, l3enc,
    xingmp3enc, mp3encode, and gogo), letting you take a disc and transform
    it easily straight into MP3s. The Ogg Vorbis format is also supported.
    Internet disc lookups are supported for retrieving track information
    from disc database servers. Grip works with DigitalDJ to provide a
    unified, "computerized" version of your music collection. 

Guru for SELF 0.2 

    Given a collection of Self objects, Guru produces an equivalent set of
    objects in which there is no duplication of methods or certain types of
    expressions. To achieve this, it creates a replacement inheritance
    hierarchy and methods for factoring out expressions. The central
    motivation is that as systems evolve the design can deteriorate.
    Automatically refactoring a system can help a programmer restructure
    the system to reverse any deterioration. Guru has been developed in and
    for the object-centric language Self. 

HelpmeICT 0.71 

    HelpmeICT provides support team help desk functions with support for
    multiple sites, site groups, and role security. It features full issue
    tracking, cross-server knowledge bases, and management reporting and
    statistics. The entire system is Web enabled, including management and
    administration roles. Apart from just ICT, the system can be used for
    administration and reprographics requests and is being adapted as a
    pupil behaviour tracker. 

HFFzip 1.01 

    HFFzip is a file compressor for Linux and FreeBSD based on Huffman
    coding. Although this file compressor is not so good as other
    compression programs (like gzip), it is right for embedded systems,
    because of its little size and the simple algorithm used. 

HTML::Embperl 2.0b9 (Development)

    Embperl gives you the power to embed Perl code in your HTML or XML/XSLT
    documents and the ability to build your Web site out of small reusable
    objects in an OO-style. It can also build taglibs and use caching. You
    can also take advantage of hundreds of Perl modules which have already
    been written for such tasks as database access to a growing number of
    database systems. Embperl has several features especially useful for
    creating HTML, including dynamic tables, formfield-processing,
    escaping/unescaping, session handling, and more. Embperl is a
    server-side tool, which means that it's browser-independent. It can run
    in various ways: under mod_perl, as a CGI script, or offline. 

HTML::PopupTreeSelect 1.1 

    HTML::PopupTreeSelect is a Perl module which creates an HTML popup tree
    selector using HTML::Template. The HTML and Javascript produced will
    work in Mozilla 1+ (Netscape 6+) on all operating systems and Microsoft
    IE 5+ on Windows and Mac. The design for this widget is based on the
    xTree widget from WebFX and resembles a Windows Explorer directory

IceWM Icons 0.9.4 

    IceWM Icons is a set of XPM 16x16 and 32x32 icons for IceWM. It also
    includes an improved winoptions file to add icons of some applications
    to frames and the taskbar. 

iChatExporter 0.4 

    iChatExporter extends functionality in iChat so you can export any
    real-time or saved chat conversation into a text file. This is a
    feature of most modern AIM clients that is sorely missing in iChat. 

Irmo 1.0.0 

    Irmo is a generalized client-server multiplayer engine provided in the
    form of a library. It can be used as a base for development of
    multiplayer games. 

Issue Manager 0.8.14 

    The Issue Manager is a simple product for managing (structuring,
    editing, prioritizing, categorizing) issues. It is primarily used to
    manage information. 

JaxMeXS 1.00 

    JaxMeXS is a parser for XML Schema, written in Java. Unlike Xerces or
    similar parsers, this one isn't written for validation of conforming
    instances, but for schema authors who like to use the schema
    information or extend the XML Schema language with private data. An
    excellent example is JAXB, the Java/XML binding specification. 

kavi2svcd 0.6.1 

    kavi2svcd is a GUI for generating MPEG files from an AVI file using
    transcode and mplex. It then generates a Video CD image using vcdimager
    and burns to CD with cdrdao. It can generate m1v, m2v, and mpa files,
    multiplex the MPEG file, generate cue and bin files, and allows the
    generated command lines to be edited before executing them. 

KdeAm 1.2 

    KdeAm is an answering machine frontend for Linux, written using KDE. It
    needs to have the vboxgetty daemons running to handle the answering of
    calls. The vboxgetty stores the messages in the vbox spool directory,
    from which KdeAm then picks them up. 

Keylime for Zope 1.0 

    Keylime for Zope is a set of generic objects to facilitate fast SQL
    application development. It offers the following objects, which can be
    used or overridden: htmlView, htmlInsert, formInsert, htmlUpdate,
    formUpdate, and htmlDelete. It uses Folder properties to define
    sqlTable, sqlKey, and sqlUniq so that the application will function
    using generic or overridden forms. Infinitely hierarchical application
    can be written very quickly. Sample apps and a Zope installation guide
    are included. 

Khttrack 0.10 

    Khttrack is a easy-to-use offline browser utility with a KDE Wizard
    Interface. It is a frontend to Httrack, used as a library, for KDE. It
    allows you to download a WWW site from the Internet to a local
    directory, recursively building all directories, getting HTML, images,
    and other files from the server to your computer. It arranges the
    original site's relative link-structure. It can also update an existing
    mirrored site, and resume interrupted downloads. It is fully
    configurable, and has an integrated help system. 

KRconLinux 0.1RC3 

    KRconLinux is a KDE tool for querying and managing game servers like
    Half-Life mods (Counter Strike, Dod, etc.), Quake series, and more. It
    features a console to send rcon commands, a server log receiver, an
    (incomplete) IRC bot to monitor the games, and a chat console to
    interact with the players inside the game. It is capable of listing the
    available server maps and changing them, establishing server settings
    via configuration files, changing the current server password, updating
    and modifying the server ban list, kicking and banning players, and
    changing server variables. 

LibTomMath 0.03 

    LibTomMath provides highly optimized and portable routines for a vast
    majority of integer-based number theoretic applications (including
    public key cryptography). 

LILO 22.5.5-beta2 (Beta)

    LILO is a Boot loader for Linux/x86 and other PC operating systems. It
    is responsible for loading your Linux kernel from either a floppy or a
    hard drive and passing control to it. It is capable of booting beyond
    cylinder 1024 of a hard disk if the BIOS supports EDD packet call
    extensions to the int 0x13 interface. LILO can also be used to boot
    many other operating systems, including DOS, Windows (all versions),
    OS/2, and the BSD variants. The LILO distribution includes full source,
    documentation and support files. 

Linbox Backup Server 20030604 

    The Linbox Backup Server (LBS) is a server that, for client PCs, saves
    hard-disk images on a network server, restores, deploys one image, and
    keeps a hardware inventory. All that is needed on the client PC is a
    PXE or an Etherboot compatible network card for network booting. The
    LBS can be managed from any PC through a Web-based administration
    interface. Bootable installation CD-ROMs can also be generated from any
    hard disk image. It supports ext2/3, ReiserFS, NTFS, and FAT

LinPacker 0.4.5 (Development)

    Linpacker is a tool to optimize the placement of rectangles in a band
    of semi-infinite size (2D bin packing problem). It can be useful for
    cutting stocks in trucks and factories. 


    Lupy is a full-text indexer for Python. It is a port of Jakarta Lucene
    to Python, and reads, writes, and searches indexes in Lucene binary
    format. Like Lucene, it is sophisticated, scalable, and Unicode aware. 

MailStripper Pro 1.0.2 

    MailStripper Pro is a mail scanner that aims to remove spam and viruses
    from incoming mail using the F-Prot anti-virus. It is written in Tcl
    and was designed to be MTA-independent. 

Mamory 0.2.9 

    Mamory is a library for ROM management in emulator-related projects. It
    also has a CLI client. 

Managing Gigabytes for Java 0.8 

    MG4J (Managing Gigabytes for Java) is a collaborative effort aimed at
    providing a free Java implementation of inverted-index compression
    techniques; as a by-product, it offers several general-purpose
    optimised classes, including fast and compact mutable strings,
    bit-level I/O, fast unsychronised buffered streams, (possibly signed)
    minimal perfect hashing, etc. 

MerlinWork 0.9.0-rc1 

    MerlinWork (the Merlin Web Application Framework) is a framework for
    Web-based, event driven stateful applications written in PHP. It allows
    easy integration with databases, or other data sources such as text
    files. It is fully object-oriented so the code is very re-usable and

mhWaveEdit 1.2.3 

    mhWaveEdit is a program for playing, editing, and recording sound
    files. It supports .wav files and a few other formats. It is good at
    editing both large and small files, and has support for 8/16/24/32-bit
    signed and unsigned sample formats. 

minido 0.3 

    minido is a simple, generic, multi-user, database-free todo list
    manager and tracking system written in GTK2. Its interface is generated
    from a simple data description file in XML. 

Mp3cdBrowser 1.9.2 (Development)

    Mp3cdBrowser is a Java program which stores MP3 information in a
    database. You can add an MP3 manually or by scanning a hard drive/CD
    for files. Information about the MP3s is obtained using their ID3 (v1
    and 2) tags. You can search the database for MP3s by CD ID, artist,
    album, title, etc. 

Mysql Data Manager 1.70 

    Mysql Data Manager is a Web-based MySQL client that provides local or
    remote database access. It allows direct data access and database
    management via an easy and intuitive interface. 

mysqlwdb 1.3.1 (Stable)

    mysqlwdb is a CGI script written in Perl. It is easy to configure and
    install, and is intended to be used to manage MySQL database tables via
    a Web interface. You only need to edit and configure one file. 

MythTV 0.9 

    MythTV is a project aiming to create a homebrew set-top box. The end
    goal is to have a nice interface for watching TV, recording shows,
    listening to music, etc., all displayed on a TV and controlled by a

NDir 0.8.6 

    NDir is a terminal tool to display the contents of directories. It can
    both provide a brief overview on the present files and display all
    interesting information associated with the files. NDir is designed to
    display its output in a more legible and informative way than ls. This
    includes various degrees of verbosity, a statistics line for each
    directory, coloured output and intelligent handling of long file names. 

Neomik 1.0 

    Neomik is a simple theme inspired by the KDE 3.x theme
    "keramik" along with a number of other influences. 

Netdisco 0.91 Beta 

    Netdisco is a Web-based network management tool. Users can locate the
    switch port of an end-user system by IP or MAC address. Data is stored
    using a SQL database. Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) optionally
    provides automatic discovery of the network topology. The network is
    inventoried by both device model and operating system (like IOS). It
    uses router ARP tables and L2 switch MAC forwarding tables to locate
    nodes on physical ports and track them by their IP addresses. For each
    node, a time stamped history of the ports it has visited and the IP
    addresses it has used is maintained. It gets all its data, including
    CDP topology information, with SNMP polls and DNS queries. Security
    features include a wire-side Wireless Access Point (AP) locator. 

NetEclipse 0.2 

    NetEclipse is a console-based sniffer, written with pcap. 

Note Editor 2.1.3 

    Note Editor is an editor for music notation that supports an unlimited
    number of staffs and up to 9 voices per staff. The import formats are
    MIDI files, recorded from MIDI keyboards and TSE3. The export formats
    are MIDI, MusiXTeX, LilyPond, PMX, MUP, and TSE3. 

Open CORBA Benchmarking Suite 1.15 (Stable)

    The Open CORBA Benchmarking Suite measures several basic performance
    aspects of various CORBA brokers. The suite produces an XML output that
    can be submitted to a searchable database of broker performance data
    and browsed in a graphical form. The suite is portable to a number of
    platforms and brokers. 

OperaHotlist2HTML 2.8 

    OperaHotlist2HTML is a script that converts Opera Hotlist files into
    HTML 4.01-compliant Web pages. 

P::Classes 0.9.0 

    P::Classes is a portable C++ Application Framework. It includes
    everything needed for real world application development, such as
    classes for networking, GUI, databases, config, logging, and plugins. 

Pancho 9.1.3 (Stable)

    Pancho is a utility that allows network administrators to make changes
    to the configuration for a single node or group of nodes through SNMP
    and TFTP. It also provides archiving functionality by allowing you to
    copy the device configurations to a remote server through a scheduled
    cron or at job. 

PandaScript 0.5 

    PandaScript is a frontend to the Panda PDF generation API that reads
    from standard in and generates a PDF document as instructed. This makes
    it much easier to generate PDF documents from shell and Perl scripts. 

Passcheck 3.0rc2 

    Passcheck is a drop-in replacement or rewrite of the original cracklib,
    and shares no code with the original. It features an enhanced
    dictionary check, and the ability to use the standard system wordlist. 

Perl Database Admin 2.1 

    pDBAdmin is a Web-based administration tool for MySQL databases. It is
    particularly suitable for fast and uncomplicated changes to table

Perl Panel 0.0.2 

    PerlPanel is an attempt to build a useable, lean panel program (like
    Gnome's gnome-panel and KDE's Kicker) in Perl, using GTK 2. It has an
    object-oriented design for easy customisation and extension, and an
    applet architecture that means that you can create an applet in a
    matter of minutes. 

PHPTestManager 0.1.2beta 

    PHPTestManager allows you to create and maintain school tests through a
    Web interface. 

PJIRC 1.84 

    PJIRC is a very complete IRC applet which handles multichannel, private
    conversations, text coloration, graphical smileys, etc. In addition,
    it's still quite light. 

Postfix 2.0.11 (Stable)

    Postfix is an attempt to provide an alternative to the widely-used
    Sendmail program. Postfix attempts to be fast, easy to administer, and
    hopefully secure, while at the same time being sendmail compatible
    enough to not upset your users. 

pychart 1.33 

    PyChart is a Python library for creating high-quality Postscript, PDF,
    or PNG scientific charts ready for publishing. It supports line charts,
    bar charts, range-fill charts, and pie charts. 

PyGDChart2 2.0 Alpha 2 

    PyGDChart2 is a comprehensive set of Python bindings for the GDChart
    graphing library. It features a full OO interface, an extensive manual,
    and support for the latest 0.11.x versions of GDChart. 

Quanta Plus 3.1.2 

    Quanta is a web editor for KDE supporting HTML and more. It has dynamic
    preview, project management, context tag editing and context tag
    reference docs, auto-completion, DTD management, templates, loadable
    toolbars, document structure tree, and much more. 

rclean 1.14 

    rclean provides a command-line tool to order and clean content of
    rc.conf, using option order from /etc/defaults/rc.conf and printing
    only choices that were different by the default value in /etc/rc.conf.
    Output is customizable from "only used values" to "full

Reason 0.8 

    Reason is a theme which uses the orange motif engine. 

RPL/2 4.00pre6l (Development)

    RPL/2 (Reverse Polish Lisp/2) is a langage derived from the RPL made by
    Hewlett-Packard for its HP-28S. It has some extensions (preprocessor,
    compilated libraries, new functions), a TeX output, and can draw

rpmrebuild 1.4.3-1 

    rpmrebuild is a tool to build an RPM file from a package that has
    already been installed. It can be used to easily build modified
    packages, and works on any Linux distribution that uses RPM. 

runit 0.9.4 

    runit is a daemontools alike replacement for SysV-init and other init
    schemes. It currently runs on GNU/Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, and can
    easily be adapted to other Unix operating systems. runit implements a
    simple three-stage concept. Stage 1 performs the system's one-time
    initialization tasks. Stage 2 starts the system's uptime services (via
    the runsvdir program). Stage 3 handles the tasks necessary to shutdown
    and halt or reboot. 

Samsung Contact 8.0.3 BETA (Server)

    Samsung Contact is Samsung SDS's Linux/Unix unified communication,
    business messaging, and collaboration system. It supports desktops
    running Microsoft Outlook, including support for calendaring, wide-area
    scheduling, public folders, and delegation. 

ScheduleWorld 1.0 

    ScheduleWorld is calendar that is based on open standards and is
    compatible with Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes. It provides a client
    and a server, and supports encrypted calendar components. By default
    the NHL and NBA schedules are included, along with date and time
    support for over 50 languages. It features HTML customization and
    multiple simultaneous color-coded calendar views, and works on any
    system with Java 1.4. 

Scraper 1.3.5 

    Scraper is designed to scrape the Web for information. It is very easy
    to use. 

SecurID authentication for OpenSSH 3.6.1p2 

    SecurID authentication for OpenSSH is done as a patch for the official
    portable release of OpenSSH. It is done as keyboard-interactive
    authentication and [EMAIL PROTECTED] authentication (a non-standard
    solution provided in commercial implementations from F-Secure and SSH).
    All SecurID token states are covered (Next token code and New PIN). 

SimpleAIM 0.1.3 

    SimpleAIM is a miniature console-based AIM client written in pure Java.
    It implements the TOC protocol and provides a solid framework for
    understanding and writing your own IM clients or bots. 

SNMP::Info 0.5 

    SNMP::Info gives an object oriented interface to information obtained
    through SNMP. This module is geared towards network devices. Speciality
    sub-classes exist for a number of network devices and MIBs. 

SPIN Distributed Software Verification Tool 4.0.6 

    Spin is an award winning (ACM) software tool that can be used for the
    formal verification of distributed software systems. The tool was
    developed at Bell Labs in the original Unix group of the Computing
    Sciences Research Center. 

stmpclean 0.3 

    The stmpclean utility removes old files (and old empty directories)
    from the specified directory. It is meant to be used to clean
    directories such as "/tmp" where old files tend to
    accumulate. stmpclean never removes files or directories owned by root,
    which is a feature, not a bug. Great care is taken while descending
    into the directory, and the operation is secure. Anything that's not a
    directory, regular file, or symbolic link is also left alone (because
    programs like screen(1) create sockets and FIFOs under /tmp and expect
    them to be long-lived). Unlike other programs that do the same task,
    stmpclean never forks and consumes limited amount of memory. If
    stmpclean determines a race condition it will log the situation and
    exit with a failure. 

System Watcher 0.3 

    Watcher is a daemon that gets some system information and stores it on
    a pre-configured file. The information stored by watcher are uptime,
    running processes, disk free blocks, disk used blocks, system users,

TA-Linux 0.2.0-beta4 (PPC)

    TA-Linux is a Linux distribution that targets power users. It features
    a small base installation that end users can expand to include any
    required software. It also attempts to support as many different
    architectures as possible - at this time x86 is fully supported, with
    Alpha, SPARC, PPC, and PA-RISC around the corner. 

TA-Linux 0.2.0-beta4 (Alpha)

    TA-Linux is a Linux distribution that targets power users. It features
    a small base installation that end users can expand to include any
    required software. It also attempts to support as many different
    architectures as possible - at this time x86 is fully supported, with
    Alpha, SPARC, PPC, and PA-RISC around the corner. 

TA-Linux 0.2.0-beta4 (i386)

    TA-Linux is a Linux distribution that targets power users. It features
    a small base installation that end users can expand to include any
    required software. It also attempts to support as many different
    architectures as possible - at this time x86 is fully supported, with
    Alpha, SPARC, PPC, and PA-RISC around the corner. 

The Gimp 1.3.15 (Development)

    The GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely
    distributed piece of software suitable for such tasks as photo
    retouching, image composition and image authoring. It can be used as a
    simple paint program, an expert quality photo retouching program, an
    online batch processing system, a mass production image renderer, a
    image format converter, etc. 

Thy 0.6.193 (Development)

    Thy is a lightweight HTTP daemon that is designed to be clean and fast,
    yet powerful enough to serve many hits a day. Despite its small size,
    it supports CGI, IPv6, SSL/TLS, and on-the-fly compression. 

Titan PhoneBook 1.0.1 

    PhoneBook is a multi-user PHP program that stores names, phonenumbers,
    addressess, email addresses, etc. It has view by index, search, view
    all entries, and view details. It also has an admin feature that you
    can use to setup new users with access to phonebook, creating them a
    table to store their data in. 

TriviaShock 1.4.3 

    TriviaShock is a Web-based trivia game and quiz system which uses PHP,
    MySQL, and Flash. 

twocrypt 2 

    twocrypt (2c) is a tool for the ultra-paranoid, providing a traditional
    crypto, but also an option of deniable (subpoena-proof) encryption. It
    encrypts one or two files at once. Each file can be recovered with its
    respective passphrase, but the presence of more than one file cannot be
    demonstrated, and the presence of this option alone should not be a
    credible argument for data hiding. 

VisualBoyAdvance 1.5.1 

    VisualBoyAdvance is a GameBoyAdvance emulator. It's not the fastest but
    it aims to be the most accurate. 

vofce 1.4 

    vofce is a simple GUI graph plotting tool with a wide range of
    exporting features (for PNG, PDF, METAPOST, SVG, and MathML). 

WEB-ERP 0.1.7 

    WEB-ERP is a Web-based integrated accounting system. It offers
    multi-currency sales orders and accounts receivable, multi-currency
    purchase orders and accounts payable, multiple stock locations,
    unlimited number of price lists, pricing by customer and currency,
    integrated general ledger journals created for all transactions in
    accounts receivable and payable, standard costing, user definable sales
    analysis reports, and stock valuation and stock planning reports. 

wGui 0.2.0 

    wGui is a simple, platform-independent dialog manager library using SDL
    and FreeType2. Written in C++ (with extensive use of the Standard
    Library and STL), the intention is to leave all of the antiquated C
    paradigms out of it (like #defines). 

white_dune 0.25beta04 (Development)

    VRML97 (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) is the ISO standard for
    displaying 3D data over the web via browser plugins. It has support for
    animation, realtime interaction and multimedia (image, movie, sound).
    Dune can read VRML97 files, display and let the user change the
    scenegraph/fields, and load and store x3d (next generation VRML xml
    format) files if configured to work with the nist.gov x3d translators.
    It also has support for stereoscopic view via
    "quadbuffer"-capable stereo visuals. 

wmgtemp 0.7 

    wmgtemp is a dock-app for Window Maker that graphically displays the
    CPU and System temperatures using the lm_sensors package. It was
    originally intended to work with the VIA686A chipset although it can
    dynamically detect chipset features to work with other sensors. It
    displays the CPU and System temperature values, a scaling graph of
    temperature history, and high-temperature warning lights. It should
    also work fine with other window managers. 

X-Itools pre2-0.6.00 (Development)

    The goal of the X-itools project is to propose an alternative to
    products like Exchange or Lotus Notes/Domino. They are composed of
    several modules, and this project has been under development for
    several years. Modules include a shared public and private agenda, a
    flow-chart, task, and post-it manager, a visitors and associated badges
    manager, a password and history manager (with the ability to encrypt
    things other than passwords), a holiday manager (to manage public
    vacation days, illness periods, absence periods according to country
    profiles), a shared public and private address book, an incoming and
    outgoing phone calls manager, and a global management module. 

Xaraya .9.0.4 

    Xaraya is extensible, Open Source software written in PHP. It utilizes
    robust permissions, data management, and multilingual systems to
    dynamically integrate and manage content. Its modular,
    database-independent architecture introduces tools which separate form,
    function, content, and design. 

XFaceMaker 4.0.5 

    XFaceMaker is a full-fledged Motif GUI builder and application
    development environment. It allows you to design and layout a Motif
    GUI. Its features include: generation of Xt and C++ classes for
    portions of the GUI (e.g. a dialogue box, menus, etc), design
    templates, extensions, numerous design aids (groups, specialized
    dialogue windows for complex set of resources, etc.), and much more. 

Xfprot 0.19beta 

    XFPROT is a graphical frontend for the F-Prot Antivirus for Linux Small
    Business Edition. It is based upon the XSTEP-3.5.1 library. 

XML::Twig 3.10 

    XML::Twig is a Perl module built on top of XML::Parser. It is designed
    to process XML efficiently, with a tree-oriented interface that builds
    the tree only for parts of the documents. It has many convenient
    methods to simplify XML processing. A complete tutorial is available
    from the home page. 

Yahoo Group Archiver 1.9 (Attachments)

    Yahoo Group Archiver is a command line utility to interact with Yahoo
    Groups. Messages are stored in Maildir format. 

YASM 0.2.2 

    YASM is a complete rewrite of the NASM assembler. It is designed from
    the ground up to allow for multiple syntaxes to be supported (e.g.,
    NASM, TASM, GAS, etc.) in addition to multiple output object formats.
    Another primary module of the overall design is an optimizer module. 

ZoneMinder 0.9.12 

    ZoneMinder is a suite of applications intended for use in video camera
    security applications, including theft prevention and child or family
    member monitoring. It supports capture, analysis, recording, and
    monitoring of video data coming from one or more cameras attached to a
    Linux system. It also features a user-friendly Web interface which
    allows viewing, archival, review, and deletion of images and movies
    captured by the cameras. The image analysis system is highly
    configurable, permitting retention of specific events, while
    eliminating false positives. ZoneMinder supports both directly
    connected and network cameras and is built around the definition of a
    set of individual 'zones' of varying sensitivity and functionality for
    each camera. This allows the elimination of regions which should be
    ignored or the definition of areas which will alarm if various
    thresholds are exceeded in conjunction with other zones. All
    management, control, and other functions are supported through the Web

Handling logging issues

    I'm using cronolog for my apache logs, and I really, really like it.
    I'd like to be able to use it on the slash logs as well, which become
    large and cumbersome over time with many sites running on a server. How
    do you all handle your logs? What do you use for log rotation? How long
    do you keep logs? Is anyone using cronolog, or something like it with

RSS to Story?

    Hi, I'm looking for a way to grab remote RDF and post them as stories.
    portald seems only to handle blocks. I'm aware of the elixus.org, and
    the RSS2Story plugin in their patch of slashcode, but I can't get the
    plugin installed, and it seems to be left unfinished. So is there any
    other way to do this? 

launch of slash site "stupidsecurity.com"

    Announcing the opening of StupidSecurity.com. The site is meant to be a
    chronicle of idiotic and deceptive "security" measures. From the "three
    questions" that the airlines finally stopped asking to the closing of
    Meigs Airport in Chicago supposedly for security reasons, we want YOUR
    gripes about security measures that are just plain dumb! I'd welcome
    submissions (the stupider the better!), comments, complaints, and

MySQL 4.1+

    I want to start using MySQL 4.1 to take advantage of the new Spatial
    extensions in MySQL to further enhance my plugin. I saw the recent
    story referring to using MySQL 4, but no direct mention of experience
    with versions 4+. Any tips or recommendations? Should I make the
    upgrade only on my development box, or is using 4+ okay. Any experience
    with 4.1, which is alpha? 

Section-specific Quick Links

    I'm in the process of setting up a intranet Slash 2 site for a company.
    With the aid of the Crow Book I've got everything installed and with
    the L'n'F that they want, and we are in the process of adding some
    initial content and getting the blocks running the way they want.
    However, we're having problems getting section-specific quick links
    blocks to work. Example: I have a section called legal, and a block
    called legal_qlinks which has different links to index_qlinks.
    index_qlinks shows up on the homepage as I expect, but nothing is
    displayed in the right "frame" if I click no the section title under an
    article. What am I doing wrong? The Crow Book (page 127) suggests that
    this should work. 

Need help building Slash templates

    I have comps for a site I want built in Slash. While I have worked with
    Movable Type, building Slash templates is a whole different beast. I
    need someone to help me convert my comps into a functioning Slash site.
    If you have these skills, please drop me a line with your rates and
    scheduling availability. You can see what the site will look like here.

Preventing duplicates from being posted

    I'm getting sick of seeing duplicate posts all the time on Slashdot. I
    have a feature-request/enhancement that I would like to request for
    slashcode. It would be nice if before a moderator submits a story to
    check all of the URLS in that post and match it with the previous
    weeks/months stories for the same URL. If there is a match, throw up a
    warning saying that this story is a possible duplicate. This will help
    the moderator out too, since they wouldn't have to read every story on
    slashdot in the past two weeks. What do you think? Is this doable?
    --Min Idzelis 

Vorlonspace Is Back

    Announced back in October last year, Vorlonspace was launched as a
    Babylon 5 discussions site. In late January, the site went down and was
    taken off the YASS list. It is now back up and the premise has changed
    from Babylon 5 to a general sci-fi discussion site which has generated
    more interest. 

Adding ispell after slash is installed

    Hi, I read the (archived) thread at:
    http://ask.slashcode.com/article.pl?sid=02/03/22/1 724238&mode=thread
    and I have "Running Weblogs with Slash", so I know that "... Slash 2.2
    has added an ispell compatibility mode. If the ispell program exists
    and points to an ispell binary, the Edit Story page will include a list
    of potentially misspelled words.)" (thanks blagger), but I don't know
    how exactly what to add, and into what directory,. I installed freebsd
    5.0, then built and installed the slashcode port, and now I've
    installed ispell. I then tried adding symlinks to ispell into various
    directories, including /usr/local/slash/bin, and restarting my browser
    and the freebsd box. Nothing obvious changes. Can someone tell me
    exactly which file to put where to enable spell-checking? I'm running
    slash-2.2.6 on Freebsd 5.0. Thanks... P.S. Sorry if I misspelled
    anything, but... 

Shouldn't Slash Be Represented at OSCOM 3?

    I found out that OSCOM 3, The Open Source Content Management
    Conference, is taking place in Cambridge, MA, from May 28-30. I was
    surprised to see that Slash does not appear to be represented in any
    way. I posted a story to CTDATA suggesting that our community try to
    represent itself in some fashion. If anyone wants to discuss how we can
    influence the organizers of this conference to include a Slash
    presentation, please email me at dave_aiello at ctdata.com. 

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South Beach Diet by Arthur S. Agatston (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $17.55 

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