O | S | D | N                 NEWSLETTER                          
    June 12, 2003                                          DEVELOPER SERIES  

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Electronics: Radio YourWay

Computing: ThermalTake Active Memory Cooling Kit

Cube Goodies: Luminglass

Computing: ThermalTake HardCano 10

Computing: ThermalTake Xaser PC Cases

Computing: ThermalTake Aquarius II CPU Cooler

Gadgets: Squid Light

Interests: I'm blogging this.

Interests: Tempt me.

Gadgets: USB Memory Watch

Caffeine: Octane Energy Gel

Cube Goodies: R/C Hovercraft

Gadgets: Yes Solstice

Computing: TouchStream LP ZeroForce Keyboard

Cube Goodies: Duct Tape Wallet

Computing: Ideazon Zboard

Gadgets: Inova X5 LED Flashlights

Tshirts: fork agent smith

Cube Goodies: Midnight blue 'geek.' glass

Caffeine: Jo Mints w/Guarana

OpenEJB 0.9.2 released

    The 0.9.2 release is one that the whole team is quite proud of. OpenEJB
    0.9.0 marked are first release with special Tomcat embedded support.
    Thanks to all the user feedback that support has just gotten better and
    better. The 0.9.2 release contains a neat surprise for OpenEJB/Tomcat
    users -- TOOLS! The new integration features a webapp with a setup
    verifier, JNDI browser, EJB viewer, Class browser, and even an Object
    invoker! You can browse the OpenEJB namespace and know right away
    exactly where the ejb is and what it is called. When you find one you
    like, just click it and it will open up into the EJB viewer. While
    there you can check out it's home, remote and bean classes in the class
    browser. The Object invoker allows you to actually create and invoke
    your EJBs without writing a single line of code. OpenEJB 0.9.2 also
    contains a new openejb.base variable to complement the openejb.home
    variable. The openejb.base variable allows you to have several
    configurations of OpenEJB all running against the same OpenEJB install.
    This makes using OpenEJB in IDEs like Eclipse or NetBeans even easier.
    Move the openejb_loader-0.9.2.jar into your project's lib directory,
    set the openejb.base, and you'll be debugging your EJB apps
    front-to-back without the need for remote debugging support or special
    editor plug-ins. Thanks to all the OpenEJB users for all the great
    ideas! You speak, we listen.

LTI-Lib Version Beta 1.9.3 released

    LTI-Lib is an object oriented computer vision library written in C++
    for Windows/MS-VC++ and Linux/gcc. It provides lots of functionality to
    solve mathematical problems, many image processing algorithms, some
    classification tools and much more. This release provides new functors
    and features, many bug fixes and more documentation. Download --------
    You can get this and previous releases from:
    https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=45767 Homepage
    -------- For more information please visit our homepage:
    http://ltilib.sourceforge.net ChangeLog --------- For more details
    about the changes in this release please visit the ChangeLog page at:
    Acknowledgments --------------- Thanks to all developers at the Chair
    of Computer Science: Suat Akyol, Pablo Alvarado, Daniel Beier, Axel
    Berner, Ulrich Canzler, Peter Doerfler, Thomas Erger, Holger
    Fillbrandt, Peter Gerber, Claudia, Goenner, Xin Gu, Michael Haehnel,
    Christian Harte, Bastian Ibach, Torsten Kaemper, Thomas Krueger,
    Frederik Lange, Henning Luepschen, Peter Mathes, Alexandros Matsikis,
    Bernd Mussman, Jens Paustenbach, Norman Pfeil, Jens Rietzschel, Daniel
    Ruijters, Thomas Rusert, Stefan Syberichs, Guy Wafo Moudhe, Ruediger
    Weiler, Jochen Wickel , Benni Winkler, Xinghan Yu, Marius Wolf, Joerg

Gallery v1.3.4 Release Candidate 2 available

    Gallery v1.3.4 Release Candidate 2 - This is the second (and, we fully
    expect, final) *release candidate* for Gallery v.1.3.4. Changes from
    RC1 essentially amount to small fixes for errors discovered since the
    first release candidate in the backup_albums.php script and the new
    "custom fields" code. Gallery is slick, intuitive web based photo
    gallery with authenticated users and privileged albums. Easy to
    install, configure and use. Photo management includes automatic
    thumbnails, resizing, rotation, etc. User privileges make this great
    for communities. Download it:
    http://sf.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=7130 Read more about this
    release candidate: http://gallery.sf.net/article.php?sid=75 

phpwsBB 0.1.0 released

    phpwsBB is a native bulletin board module for the phpWebSite content
    management system, version 0.9.2 or later. Today we release version
    0.1.0 of phpwsBB. Features include anonymous posting, message editing
    and deletion for registered users, thread locking and message forking
    for admins, and ... well that's probably it. Be sure you have the
    latest version of phpWebSite installed: http://phpwebsite.appstate.edu
    and then download phpwsbb from: http://phpwsbb.sourceforge.net. 

Aleph One 2003-05-30 Mac OS X Carbon and Windows releases

    Aleph One plays Marathon 2, Marathon Infinity, and third-party content
    on a wide array of platforms with numerous enhancements. The new Mac OS
    X Carbon and Windows SDL 2003-05-30 releases add significantly improved
    Internet play, Lua scripting, Speex compression for realtime network
    audio (making it much more practical in Internet games), an anisotropic
    filtering option on video cards that support it, and more. 

Matrix Gets Egyptian Ban For Explicit Religion

    [0]pajor writes "BBC News is reporting that that [1]The Matrix Reloaded
    has been banned in Egypt. The country's censorship board cited violence
    which might 'harm social peace', but also said the 'religious themes'
    of the film's storyline, about the search for the creator and control
    of the human race, may cause 'crises'. A statement said: 'Despite the
    high technology and fabulous effects of the movie, it explicitly
    handles the issue of existence and creation, which are related to the
    three divine religions, which we all respect and believe in.'" 
    0. http://www.gnuyen.org
    1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/film/2980432.stm

The Australian Broadband Disaster

    [0]David Gerard writes "Monopolies are bad, mmmkay? Robert Clark of
    TelecomAsia discusses [1]the disaster that is broadband in Australia -
    its 2% takeup putting Australia behind such dynamic economies as
    Estonia. 'Telstra controls the local loop, is the largest mobile
    carrier with two digital networks, is the largest retail ISP, the
    largest wholesale data and Internet provider, and is a 50% shareholder
    in the biggest pay TV company.'" 
    0. http://velvet.net/~fun/
    1. http://telecomasia.net/telecomasia/article/articleDetail.jsp?id=53441

Lessig And RIAA Answer NewsHour Questions

    Zeta writes "The answers are finally in! Stanford's Lawrence Lessig and
    the RIAA's Matt Oppenheim have [0]responded to all the tough questions
    on copyrighted music, many from Slashdot readers, for the online part
    of the PBS NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. Take a look - some of the
    responses may surprise you." We ran [1]the original call for questions
    a few weeks back. 
    0. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/forum/june03/copyright.html
    1. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/05/15/2259240&tid=149

SCO Gives Friday Deadline To IBM

    [0]bcisys writes "Reuters is reporting that SCO is [1]planning to
    revoke IBM's license to Unix this Friday unless IBM settles SCO's claim
    that parts of its Unix code are being used in Linux. 'If we don't have
    a resolution by midnight on Friday the 13th, the AIX world will be a
    different place', SCO President and Chief Executive Darl McBride told
    Reuters News. 'We've basically mapped out what we will do. People will
    be running AIX without a valid license.'" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://asia.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=technologyNews&storyID=2915659

Apple Sued Over Unix Trademark

    Jerrry writes "CNET News reports [0]The Open Group is [1]suing Apple
    over unlicensed use of the Unix trademark, after Apple used the term in
    conjunction with its Mac OS X marketing. Apple, meanwhile, is
    countersuing to have the Unix trademark declared invalid because the
    term has become generic." 
    0. http://www.opengroup.org/
    1. http://news.com.com/2100-1016-1015814.html

FTC Wants Secret Spam Investigation Powers

    PingXao writes "Amidst the various anti-spam efforts underway in
    Washington, the FTC surprised lawmakers by saying they [0]need to be
    able to secretly investigate the worst-offending spammers, according to
    a Washington Post article. I'm generally against government secrecy,
    but quietly investigating spammers isn't as bad as secret courts and
    arrests. Is this acceptable, or another mis-step down the slippery
    0. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A44108-2003Jun11.html

One-Thumb Keyboard

    [0]pagercam2 writes "As Japanese teens are so used to typing one
    another messages on their cellphones, they are now more comfortable
    with one thumb typing than the old two handed QWERTY. So a Japanese
    company has come out with a [1]one-thumb keypad that allows a user to
    enter alphanumberic text and control the mouse with only one thumb.
    Sort of a cross between a TV remote and a phone keypad, with a USB
    connection, although wireless seems to be an obvious next step. Maybe
    not a revolution for the desktop, but this could advance data input on
    handhelds." Pictures transcend language barriers. 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.mevael.co.jp/index.html

Wal-Mart Enters NetFlix's Business

    [0]wcbrown writes "AP [1]reports that [2]Wal-Mart is entering into the
    online DVD rental arena, currently dominated by [3]Netflix. Wal-Mart is
    starting out with 13,000 titles, six distribution centers, and
    competitive pricing. With a seriously [4]tremendous infrastructure and
    expansive will, Wal-Mart stands poised to overtake Netflix. To say the
    least, that's not going to be good for business." 
    0. http://www.bbrown.info/
    1. http://apnews.excite.com/article/20030610/D7RJ558O0.html
    2. http://www.walmart.com/
    3. http://www.netflix.com/
    4. http://www.fortune.com/fortune/mostadmired/articles/0,15114,423053-2,00.html

Confronting Address Space Hijackers

    Tawn writes "There's a great story on [0]SecurityFocus about hijackers
    [1]taking over large allocations of IPv4 space with forged documents
    and false business fronts. Los Angeles County and some big
    multinationals have had /16's pulled out from under them in the last
    few months, and used to inject spam. ARIN and network operators are
    trying to get a handle on the problem. The owner of a webhosting
    company that wound up with L.A. County's /16 called it 'borrowed
    space,' and said he paid $500 for it to a guy he met online." 
    0. http://www.securityfocus.com/
    1. http://www.securityfocus.com/news/5654

Is 3G Irrelevant?

    An anonymous reader writes "Network Magazine asks '[0]Are We Better Off
    Without 3G?' in which the author notes that many networkers are giving
    up on 3G as a data services alternative due to high deployment costs
    and slower speeds vs. Wi-Fi. Given these issues, are we likely to see
    carriers like Nextel bypassing 3G for 4G technologies such as OFDM
    (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) by [1]Flarion
    1. http://www.flarion.com/

abcm2ps 3.6.0 (Development)

    abcm2ps is a package that converts music tunes from ABC format to
    PostScript. Based on abc2ps version 1.2.5, it was developed mainly to
    print baroque organ scores that have independant voices played on one
    or more keyboards, and a pedal-board. It introduces many extensions to
    the ABC language that make it suitable for classical music. 

acpi4asus 0.24 

    acpi4asus is a Linux kernel module and user-space daemon that handles
    special keys, LEDs, and extra ACPI features found on Asus laptops. It
    has been reported to work on Asus A1X/D1/L1X/L2X/L3X/M2X/S1X, but other
    models should also be supported. 

aesutil 1.0.7 (Stable)

    aesutil is a small library and command line program to encrypt or
    decrypt data using the Rijndael algorithm in CBC mode. 

Album Shaper 1.0a2 

    Album Shaper is a graphical application used to create, maintain, and
    share photo albums using open formats like HTML and JPG. Two-layer
    albums can be created in a drag-n-drop interface which allows quick and
    easy arrangement and categorization of photos. A few simple image
    manipulations such as rotation and flipping are provided to help get
    photos presentable as quickly as possible. Photos, subalbums, and
    albums themselves can be labeled as needed and modified at a later time
    by saving and loading from a simple XML format. 

Amaranth Icons .5 

    Amaranth Icons is a smooth icon theme which was made with Adobe
    Illustrator 10. It will soon be released as SVG icons. 

Aranha 0.0.426 

    Aranha is a piece of software written to allow Web applications to be
    written more cleanly and more easily. It is a Local FastCGI Responder,
    although work is in progress to allow it to work as a FastCGI
    Authoriser and a FastCGI Filter. It is based on the programming
    language Lua, and contains many extensions to enable easy Web site
    development and maintenance. 

Arbitrary Command Output Colourer 0.2.0 

    acoc is a regular-expression based colour formatter for programs that
    display output on the command-line. It works as a wrapper around the
    target program, executing it and capturing the stdout stream.
    Optionally, stderr can be redirected to stdout, so that it, too, can be
    manipulated. acoc then applies matching rules to patterns in the output
    and applies colours to those matches. 

Aurox Linux 9.0 

    Aurox Linux is a Linux distribution that emphasizes support for
    European localizations. 

Avoid The Roid 3D 0.6 

    Avoid The Roid 3D is a 3D asteroids-like multiplayer game. The player
    flies around in a three dimensional space, shooting asteroids and other
    ships while trying to avoid running into any of them or being shot. 

AWStats 5.5 (Stable)

    Advanced Web Statistics (AWStats) is a free powerful Web server logfile
    analyzer (Perl script) that shows you all your Web statistics including
    visits, unique visitors, pages, hits, rush hours, search engines,
    keywords used to find your site, robots, broken links, and more. It
    works with both IIS 5.0+ and Apache Web server log files as a CGI
    and/or from the command line. It also supports multiple languages
    including English, French, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, German, Polish, and

BitlBee 0.74a 

    BitlBee emulates an IRC server. Everything that is said on this server
    is forwarded to users on the MSN/ICQ/Jabber/Yahoo! networks, and
    responses are also returned. 

Blue Day 0.2 

    Blue Day is a theme with water and mountains. The background is by

Clover 1.2 

    Clover makes the gathering and analysis of code coverage metrics as
    painless as possible. The main features include tight integration with
    the popular Jakarta Ant build tool, accurate, configurable coverage
    recording. It gathers Method, Statement and Branch coverage data.
    Compile-time properties and source level directives allow for precise
    control over the coverage gathering process. It also allows the user to
    view coverage data in XML, HTML, or via a Swing GUI. Report-time
    options allow for the exclusion of particular statement types from
    coverage analysis. 

Columba 0.10.2 

    Columba is a highly multithreaded Java email client. It supports
    multiple POP3/IMAP accounts, message filtering, the common basic
    features you would expect, and an address book. 

contacts 1.0 

    contacts gives you access to view and search all your records in Mac OS
    X's AddressBook database from the commandline. 

cwISPy 1.2.23 

    cwISPY is an ISP billing and management system. It features automatic
    generation and emailing of invoices and statements, a customer
    interface, a ticket system, DNS management, and much more. 

cyrus2courier 1.0 

    cyrus2courier is a little hack to convert a single mailbox from the
    format used by Cyrus-Imap into the Maildir++ format used by the
    Courier-Imap IMAP server. 

DCGUI-QT 0.2.15 

    DCGUI-QT a QT GUI Direct Connect filesharing client. 

Desktop ROCK Linux 2.0.0-beta4 

    Desktop ROCK Linux is a source distribution based upon the distribution
    build kit ROCK Linux. It is released with an automatic build system as
    well as prebuilt ISO images. It inherits the state-of-the-art tool
    chain from ROCK Linux and also includes the latest KDE and GNOME
    releases and many other packages. The build system allows optimized
    rebuilds of single packages or the whole ISO. 

Directory administrator 1.5 (Stable)

    Directory administrator is a smart LDAP directory management tool. It
    can be used to manage UNIX and Samba user accounts and groups in a
    single sign-on setup, corporate address book information, host-based
    access control and advanced email routing. It's extremely easy to
    install and use, yet powerful at the same time. 

Emdros 1.1.11 

    Emdros is a text database engine for annotated or analyzed text. It is
    applicable in linguistics, publishing, text processing, and other
    fields dealing with annotated text. Emdros has a powerful query
    language for asking relevant questions of the data. It is middleware,
    acting as a layer between a client (written by the user), and an
    underlying database. PostgreSQL and MySQL are supported. 

eZ publish 3.1 beta 2 (Unstable)

    eZ publish is an open source content management system and development
    framework. As a content management system (CMS) it's most notable
    feature is its revolutionary, fully customizable, and extendable
    content model. This is also what makes it suitable as a platform for
    general Web development. Its stand-alone libraries can be used for
    cross-platform, database independent PHP projects. eZ publish is also
    well suited for news publishing, e-commerce (B2B and B2C), portals, and
    corporate Web sites, intranets, and extranets. eZ publish is dual
    licenced between GPL and the eZ publish professional licence. 

focuseek searchbox 1.5.1 

    focuseek searchbox is an easily installable full-text search engine
    that can spider Web or intranet sites, or index data you feed to it,
    and make it available for searching through a Web form. It supports a
    variety of input formats, and is easily scriptable via a SOAP API or a
    REST interface, and can scale to millions of documents. 

FreeMarker 2.3pre3 (Lazarus)

    FreeMarker is a template engine that was originally designed so that
    servlet-based applications could keep graphical design separate from
    application logic. The templates provide an easy and highly flexible
    way to generate any kind of text output (HTML, RTF, PostScript, TeX,
    source code, etc.) from a variety of data sources such as Java objects,
    Jython objects, XML object models, and more. 

freepia 0.3.6 

    Freepia is small GNU/Linux distribution designed to run on VIA EPIA-M
    mainboards. It currently only runs on the M-9000. The main goal of this
    project is to build a full-featured, low-noise media box to play
    movies, MP3s, images, etc. It currently uses freevo as its media
    viewer, but in the future there may be support for others, like mythtv
    or vdr. 

FW1-Loggrabber 1.7 

    FW1-Loggrabber is a simple LEA (Log Export API) client for Checkpoint
    Firewall-1. It was developed to access Firewall-1 Logfiles from
    commandline from any host in the network. Without an LEA client you can
    only access logs with graphical Checkpoint Tools or via commandline
    directly on the Firewall-1 machine. The primary goal was to automate
    reports of FW-1 logs with LIRE. 

FXRuby 1.0.24 

    FXRuby is a Ruby extension module that provides an interface to the FOX
    GUI toolkit. 

GImageView 0.2.23 

    GImageView is a GTK+ based image viewer. It supports tabbed browsing,
    thumbnail table views, directory tree views, drag and drop, reading the
    thumbnail cache of other famous image viewers, and a flexible user
    interface. It also support movies using the Xine library. 

GPdf 0.103 

    GPdf is a PDF viewer for GNOME, based on Xpdf. 

gtkcdlabel 0.7.6 

    gtkcdlabel is a GTK 2 frontend to cdlabelgen, a Perl script that allows
    you to create nice CD covers. gtkcdlabel is based on code from gcombust
    and gcdlabelgen. 

gucharmap 0.8.0 

    gucharmap is a Unicode/ISO 10646 character map and font viewer. It
    supports anti-aliased, scalable truetype fonts in X, using Xft, and
    works on Unix and Windows platforms. 

h2incn 0.3 

    h2incn tries to directly convert C/C++ headers to Nasm-style include
    files, and can be used in a makefile. It is useful if you want to use
    the same structures or external variable declarations in C and
    assembler code, and you don't want to use two separate files and update
    both each time you change something. It is written in a mix of C and
    C++ code. It currently works for simple files. 

HardCore Web Content Management 3.5 

    HardCore Web Content Management is an easy-to-use and inexpensive Web
    content management system. It runs on most major Web platform operating
    systems, databases, Web servers, and scripting languages. It is
    available in three editions: Personal (for individuals), Professional
    (for organizations), and Hosting (for Web hosting service providers). 

HaXml 1.09 

    HaXml is a suite of libraries and tools for manipulating XML documents
    in Haskell. It includes a parser, a pretty-printer, a validator, a
    combinator library for transforming documents, and converters for
    changing a Haskell datatype into an XML DTD, and for changing an XML
    DTD into a set of Haskell datatypes. There are also tools for a query
    language based on XQL. 

Helix Python Player Extension 1.3 

    The Helix Python Player Extension (pyplayer) is a Python interface for
    the Helix DNA Client. The Helix DNA Client is the media playback engine
    used by the RealOne Player. pyplayer allows for scripted playback and
    other automation tasks using the Helix media engine. 

iftop 0.13 

    iftop provides real-time bandwidth usage information on a specified
    interface, listed by host pairs. 

Ikaros Simulation Framework 0.7.5 

    Ikaros is a framework for writing and running component-based
    simulators. It is presently used for simulations of brain areas and
    learning models, but is general enough to be easily used for any
    discrete-time simulations. A simulation consists of modules written in
    C or C++ that are connected in the simulator, with connections
    specified in an XML file. At this time it is a console-based
    application, but there are socket-based hooks for adding a GUI. The
    package contains a number of modules and complete documentation for
    working with the framework. 

im-ja 0.5 

    im-ja aims to be a generic Japanese input module for GTK+ 2. Currently
    supported input modes are Hiragana, Katakana, Half-Width Katakana,
    Zenkaku, Canna, Wnn, and Kanji character recognition (based on

inline_smtp 0.95 

    The inline_smtp Perl script was created to allow filtering of incoming
    mail on a separate server that houses the mailspools without running a
    full-blown MTA. While it's possible to configure another MTA, e.g.
    postfix, to relay all mail to a smart host and do filtering through
    postfix, the queue can get behind easily, and on a busy host thousands
    of messages can get queued in a few hours causing delays in delivery
    from a few minutes to several hours. By filtering while redirecting,
    mail arrives without any delays, and can be filtered by a seperate host
    adding headers or content reducing the load on the final mail host. 

Inside Systems Mail 1.6.1 

    Inside Systems Mail is a Webmail system that is programmed in PHP,
    makes heavy use of Javascript/DOM, and is designed to work with any
    IMAP server (including Microsoft Exchange). It aims to be quick and
    easy to use, with an interface that most users will find familiar and
    several options that help fine tune the Webmail experience. 

Interact 1.7.1 

    Interact is an online learning and collaboration platform that was
    developed by the Christchurch College of Education. It was designed
    with the intention of making it easy for students and lecturers to
    interact online, and is based around constructivist and Vygotskian
    views of teaching and learning. 

Jaba Server 0.7 

    Jaba Server is an open source Java implementation of Jabber Server. Its
    purpose is to produce a fast, simple, and highly efficient server, with
    modularization/datasource features (especially on the users list
    repository), and high scalability using J2EE/JMS. 


    JBIG-KIT implements a highly effective data compression algorithm for
    bi-level high-resolution images such as fax pages or scanned documents.
    It provides a portable C library of compression and decompression
    functions with a documented interface that can easily be included into
    image or document processing software. In addition, JBIG-KIT provides
    ready-to-use compression and decompression programs with a simple
    command line interface (similar to the converters found in netpbm). It
    implements the specification ISO 11544 and ITU-T T.82, which is
    commonly referred to as the "JBIG1 standard". 

Kahakai 0.1 

    Kahakai is a fork of the Waimea window manager, adding scripting
    support for many languages through SWIG. 

Koalog Code Coverage 1.2 

    Koalog Code Coverage is a code coverage computation application written
    in the Java programming language. Its main features are in-process or
    remote coverage computation, the ability to work directly on Java
    binaries without recompilation, predefined (XML, HTML, LaTeX, CSV,
    TEXT) or custom report generation, session merging, portability,
    ease-of-use, and Ant integration. 

konspire2b beta1.2 

    konspire2b is a content distribution system that takes the standard
    peer-to-peer model and turns it upside-down. Instead of downloaders
    broadcasting search requests, content sources send out announcements
    for the content that they have. This simple change gives the konspire2b
    network several nice properties, including log-bounded distribution

Krefty 0.1 

    Krefty is an application that runs under KDE. It is designed to display
    short cuts, hot keys, and command lines in a "Quick Reference
    Sheet" fashion. The data is held in XML files and can thus be
    modified and added to as necessary. Display fonts and colors are
    controlled by a CSS stylesheet and can also be modified as necessary.
    It is hoped that over time other people can contribute their
    "Krefty Sheets" to the project and a set of files will be
    built up. NOTE: the data files come in a separate tarball available
    from the home page. 

libcfgparse 0.2 

    libcfgparse is a small library designed to parse configuration files.
    The configuration file is kept in a C-like syntax, with defined
    grammar. The variables defined in the file can be arranged in branches
    (like C structs) and lists (arrays). They can be accessed in a simple
    manner using a C or C++ API. 

LinkBrowser 1.226 

    LinkBrowser is a program for browsing the links in HTML documents and
    downloading the files that they reference. Basically, this program is
    like a normal Web browser, but instead of rendering the HTML it just
    shows a table of all the files that the html references. The files can
    be downloaded in batches. 

Linux 2.4.21-rc8 (2.4-testing)

    Linux is a clone of the Unix kernel, written from scratch by Linus
    Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the
    Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance. It
    has all the features you would expect in a modern fully-fledged Unix
    kernel, including true multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries,
    demand loading, shared copy-on-write executables, proper memory
    management, and TCP/IP networking. 

Linux Virtual Server 1.1.6 (IPVS for kernel 2.5)

    The Linux Virtual Server Project is an Open Source project to cluster
    many real servers together into a highly available, high-performance
    virtual server. The LVS handles connections from clients and passes
    them on the the real servers (so-called Layer 4 switching) and can
    virtualize almost any TCP or UDP service, like HTTP, HTTPS, NNTP, FTP,
    DNS, ssh, POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, etc. It is fully transparent to the client
    accessing the virtual service. 

linuxsms 0.65 

    Linuxsms is a Perl script to send SMS to GSM phones. There is support
    for multiple servers/gateways (some servers require registration). The
    script has an adressbook, the ability to compress SMS, and the ability
    to check for new versions. 

Llucy 0.2 

    Llucy is a theme with a landscape in blues and golds. The background is
    by Sebastian Marquez. 

MAD 0.15.0b 

    MAD is a high-quality MPEG audio decoder capable of 24-bit output. All
    computations are performed with fixed-point integer arithmetic, making
    it ideal for systems without a floating-point unit. The implementation
    is entirely new, based on the ISO/IEC standards. 

MailListStat 1.3 

    MailListStat generates useful statistics for email archives stored in
    the mbox format. It will show the top 10 authors, most successful
    subjects, and more. It also prints graphs showing the number of
    messages written during different hours of the day, days of the month,
    and days of the week. The output is in text format suitable for
    mailing. It also produces output in plain text or HTML format, includes
    a PHP wrapper, and supports cache files. It is mainly useful for
    mailing list archives, produces tables and graphs, and supports
    different output languages (English, Slovak, Italian, Francais,
    Deutsch, Spanish, Serbian, and more). 

mkvtoolnix 0.4.3 

    mkvtoolnix is a set of tools that allow users to display information
    about, extract streams from, merge several streams into, and split
    Matroska media files. Supported stream types include video streams from
    AVIs or Ogg files and Vorbis audio from Ogg files among many others.
    The resulting files can be played back with mplayer or the Matroska
    Direct Show filter under Windows. 

Music Player Daemon 0.6.2 

    Music Player Daemon (MPD) allows remote access for playing music (MP3
    and Ogg Vorbis) and managing playlists. The design focus is on
    integrating a computer into a stereo system that provides control for
    music playback over a local network. Currently, it includes a Web
    interface, phpMp. The goals are to be easy to install/use, to have
    minimal resource requirements, stability, and flexibility. 

Naamah 1.09 

    Naamah is a Web application that stores the ID3 tags from your MP3s and
    details of your audio CDs in a MySQL database. It scans drives for MP3
    files and can generate LaTeX listings. 

NFS Commander 0.51 

    NFS Commander is a Mac OS X tool for managing NFS mounts and exports. 

nldict 0.9.2 

    nldict is a Ruby interface to the on-line Van Dale "Groot
    Woordenboek Hedendaags Nederlands", a renowned dictionary of the
    modern Dutch language. It can be used to obtain spelling, grammatical
    information, and the definition of all words in the dictionary. 

Nuxeo Collaborative Portal Server 2.2 beta3 

    Nuxeo CPS is the collaborative web content management solution for
    Zope. Users create and manage content in Workgroups and publish them in
    Publications spaces (Hierarchies) through a dedicated workflow.
    Managers can easily set global and local roles for users (Workgroup
    Managers, Members, Visitors, Reviewers, and Readers). All actions are
    available through simple Web interfaces. Nuxeo CPS also features office
    document integration, indexing, and conversion to HTML format;
    versioning; attached comments; interactive services (e.g.
    mailing-lists); and skinning of hierarchies. 

Ogg Theora Alpha 2 

    Ogg Theora is Xiph.Org's first publicly released video codec, intended
    for use within the Ogg's project's Ogg multimedia streaming system.
    Theora is derived directly from On2's VP3 codec and is a superset of

OpenInteract 1.99_00 (Beta)

    OpenInteract is an extensible Web application server written in pure
    Perl. It includes a robust system of components, object-oriented data
    access, a consistent security scheme for both tasks and data objects, a
    simple user and group management system, and a convenient packaging
    system that makes it easy to distribute custom applications, amongst
    other things. It is stable, and runs out of the box on five different

oxygen XML editor 2.0.2 (Stable)

    Oxygen is a Java-based XML editor with support for XML, XSL, TXT, XSD,
    and DTD documents. It has FOP and Unicode support and the interface
    messages have been translated to English, French, German, Italian, and

pdfcrypt 2.2 

    pdfcrypt allows you to set permissions on a PDF file. For example, you
    can publish a document without permitting users to print it. The button
    to print the file will be disabled in the Acrobat Reader application.
    It can be used as a batch application to set permissions on a large
    group of PDF files, or as a filter in a Unix pipeline, or within a CGI
    application. Only binary executables are distributed, but the original
    Perl source code may be requested. 

phpSANE 0.1.1 

    phpSANE is a Web-based frontend for SANE written in HTML/PHP. Now you
    can scan with your Web browser, too. 

Project Penguin Database  1.0.4

    Project Penguin Database (PPD) is a centralized databases of Linux
    boxes all around the world that is designed to report detailed
    statistics including processor information, software, network device
    statistics, filesystem information, uptime, load average, etc. This
    program is a client that uploads information to the server with
    statistics about the user's machine. 

PyPov 0.0.1 

    PyPov is a relatively simple Python framework for generating povray
    files. It allows the programmer to create objects and manipulate their
    attributes from within a Python script. It's good for creating
    structured/mathematical scenes and animations. 

qpsmtpd 0.26 

    qpsmtpd is a plugin driven, object-oriented qmail-smtpd replacement
    written in Perl. Its features include tools to avoid accepting mails
    that have to bounce anyway, SpamAssassin integration, and a fancy
    object-oriented system for extension plugins. Most functionality is
    implemented in simple plugins. 

Quantian 0.3-clusterKnoppix_2003-05-20 

    Quantian is a directly bootable and self-configuring Linux system on a
    single CD-ROM. It is based on Knoppix and adds about 500MB of software
    with a quantitative, numerical, or scientific focus such as R, Octave,
    GiNaC, GSL, Maxima, OpenDX, Pari, PSPP, QuantLib, Scilab, XLisp-Stat,
    and Yorick. 

Ragel State Machine Compiler 1.5.0 

    Ragel compiles finite state machines from regular languages into
    runnable C code. It allows you to embed actions at any point in your
    regular language and to control the non-determinism in the resulting
    machines. It understands concatenation, union (the "or"
    operator), kleene star, subtraction, and intersection, as well as some
    helpers like "!", "?" and "+". Ragel's
    finite state machines are closed under all of its operators. This
    property allows for arbitrary regular lanuages to be described. It can
    be used to create a parser for any language that is regular. 

RasterImageManipulator 1.028 

    RasterImageManipulator is a free program for image processing and
    fractal exploration. It has many features for customizing the
    appearance of fractal images. These include special filters, a palette
    editor, gradient palette creator, and animated palette cycling. 

rdiald 0.70 

    rdiald allows users in your home network to initiate a dialup
    connection to one of a freely configurable set of internet service
    providers on the server rdiald is running on. Multiple users can be
    online at the same time, and the connection is only terminated once the
    last user goes offline. The users are allowed to execute any commands
    that have been defined previously on the server and to hang up as soon
    as these commands have finished. 

RHIDE 1.5 

    RHIDE is a powerful integrated development environment that uses the
    GDB debugger. It supports the C, C++, and Pascal languages. 

Ruby/DICT 0.9.2 

    Ruby/DICT is an RFC 2229-compliant client-side library implementation
    of the DICT protocol, written in the Ruby programming language. It can
    be used to write clients that access dictionary definitions from a set
    of natural language dictionary databases. rdict, a powerful CLI
    dictionary client built on Ruby/DICT, is included. 

Ruby/Password 0.4.0 

    Ruby/Password is a set of useful methods for creating, verifying, and
    manipulating passwords. It includes an interface to CrackLib, a library
    commonly used for checking password strength. It is intended to be used
    by system administrators who need to write Ruby programs that prompt
    for, generate, verify, and encrypt passwords. 

Satellitarium 0.0.beta1 

    Satellitarium is a graphical application that computes and displays the
    position of artificial satellites of Earth against a sky background.
    Beside displaying, it is capable of doing searches on various satellite
    conditions (e.g., visible passes of a satellite). 

Setedit 0.5.2 

    Setedit is a text editor specially designed for programmers. It has a
    nice interface with mouse support, menus and windows (text mode). The
    editor is a very good choice for people with DOS background, especially
    people accustomed to Worstar and Borland editors. The editor has
    overlapped windows so you can see more than one file at the same time,
    configurable syntax highlighting, macros, rectangular selection, block
    indentation, as well as customizable keyboard shortcuts and menus. 

SimpleCDR-X 1.3 

    SimpleCDR-X is a GTK+ based frontend for CD writing, mastering, and
    audio manipulation. Its design goals include ease of use and a clean
    interface without compromising functionality. SimpleCDR-X utilizes many
    common utilities such as cdrecord, cdrdao, mkisofs, cdparanoia,
    cdda2wav, mpg123, ogg tools, and lame. SimpleCDR-X supports on-the-fly
    CD track ripping to MP3 or OGG and importing of MP3 or OGG files to CD
    in Audio CD Mastering. SimpleCDR-X also features CD Copying, burning
    from a saved ISO, and Data CD Mastering. 

Smeagol 0.20 

    Smeagol is an easy-to-use httpd with CGI support and some other nice
    features. Its design goals were simplicity and the absence of bloat. 

SpectrumSCM 1.3.9 

    SpectrumSCM is the first platform-independent, truly integrated
    enterprise-level Source Configuration and Management solution, which
    includes version control, process management, release management,
    advanced branching, issue tracking and much more, all integrated into
    one tool. Being a 100% pure Java tool, the software can be installed
    and run on any operating system with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). In
    addition, it allows users to construct automated workflow engines and
    interfaces to external systems through the SpectrumSCM API. The tool
    also incorporates advanced security features through the Java Security
    Model, SSL and LDAP. The client software can be run as an application
    or accessed over the Web as an applet or through Java Web Start. It
    also includes a full-featured commandline interface. 

Tablix 0.0.3 

    Tablix is a high school timetable generator. It uses a coarse-grained
    parallel genetic algorithm to construct sensible timetables from
    XML-formated school information files. It can run on a single host as
    well as on a heterogenous parallel virtual machine by using MIT's PVM3.
    Its features include a number of possible restrictions for teachers or
    classes, HTML-formatted output, and configurable genetic parameters. 

Tensile Libutils 1.0.3 

    Tensile LibUtils is a small library of common C routines for
    maninpulating variable-length strings, generic lists, as well as
    tokenizing and refined memory management. Tensile LibUtils were
    designed for the Tensile interpreter. 

Termim 1.0.0 

    Termim is an input method system for Unix systems that run in terminal
    mode. It allows you to type several languages, including simplified
    Chinese and Japanese, in an UTF-8 capable terminal like XTerm or the
    Linux console, with a regular ASCII keyboard. The master word for
    termim is simple: there is almost nothing to configure before it works,
    and all fits in two files. 

TrackStudio Enterprise 2.7 Beta 

    TrackStudio Enterprise is a powerful and scalable multi-platform defect
    tracking system based on Java. It includes a Web-based workflow manager
    and bug filter (AND, OR, and NOT). It supports custom fields,
    multi-level security, rule-based email notification, PDF reports with
    charts, locales, and timezones. It allows you to organize your database
    into projects and subprojects, and works with any database. 

Turck MMCache for PHP 2.3.15 

    Turck MMCache is a PHP accelerator and encoder. It increases
    performance of PHP scripts by caching them in a compiled state, so that
    the overhead of compiling is almost completely eliminated. It also uses
    some optimizations for speeding up PHP scripts' execution. It typically
    reduces server load and increases the speed of PHP code by 1-10 times.
    It is tested with PHP 4.1.0-4.3.2, and Apache 1.3 and 2.0 under Linux
    and Windows. 

txt2pdf 6.6 

    txt2pdf is a very flexible and powerful Perl program that converts
    files from text to PDF format. 

Voodoo Package Manager 0.2.2 

    Voodoo Package Manager is a package manager that is similar in usage to
    RPM, but instead of using RPM files, it tracks packages straight out of
    CVS or downloaded as a source tarball. It does this by reading
    variables out of the Makefile to find out the name of the package,
    version, etc., and then tracing the install script for any modification
    to the filesystem, and storing these changes into an XML file, which
    then it stores in a central database which can be queried later. 

wapymail 0.1 

    wapymail is a PHP WAP module to view email in a POP account on your
    mobile phone. 

WCG beta7 

    WCG (Web Chess Game) is a Web-based chess game written in PHP. Text
    files are used for storing data and the installation is very easy. 

Web components 2.11 

    Web components is a collection of visual programming elements that can
    be used when creating a PHP-based Web site. It is similar in spirit to

Webdonkey 1.47 

    Webdonkey is a complete suite to control any edonkey2000 commandline
    core with your Web browser. It has been developed as a standalone Perl
    application with a standalone Perl Web server, but can also be run
    under mod_cgi. It not only provides the basic edonkey commands; it also
    comes with a lot of tools to automate/control edonkey2000. It has
    statistics, download database, fake check, and more. You still can use
    another GUI over the admin-port of edonkey, so it is the perfect
    companion for your Linux commandline client. 

WebGraph 1.0 

    WebGraph is a framework for studying Web graphs. It provides simple
    methods for managing very large graphs by exploiting modern compression

weDBmail 20030611 

    weDBmail is a Web-based frontend to the dbmail project. It is designed
    to directly interface with the backend and implement a full-featured
    mail client. 

xLib 0.1 

    xLib is an advanced DOM Javascript library that supports dynamic
    layers, flexible menus, advanced auto-columns, simple debugging
    methods, alpha state signals-and-slots, and much more. 

XPaint 2.7.0 

    XPaint is an image editor which supports most standard paint program
    options. It includes advanced features like image processing
    algorithms, simultaneous editing of multiple images, and support for a
    wide variety of image formats. 

Handling logging issues

    I'm using cronolog for my apache logs, and I really, really like it.
    I'd like to be able to use it on the slash logs as well, which become
    large and cumbersome over time with many sites running on a server. How
    do you all handle your logs? What do you use for log rotation? How long
    do you keep logs? Is anyone using cronolog, or something like it with

RSS to Story?

    Hi, I'm looking for a way to grab remote RDF and post them as stories.
    portald seems only to handle blocks. I'm aware of the elixus.org, and
    the RSS2Story plugin in their patch of slashcode, but I can't get the
    plugin installed, and it seems to be left unfinished. So is there any
    other way to do this? 

launch of slash site "stupidsecurity.com"

    Announcing the opening of StupidSecurity.com. The site is meant to be a
    chronicle of idiotic and deceptive "security" measures. From the "three
    questions" that the airlines finally stopped asking to the closing of
    Meigs Airport in Chicago supposedly for security reasons, we want YOUR
    gripes about security measures that are just plain dumb! I'd welcome
    submissions (the stupider the better!), comments, complaints, and

MySQL 4.1+

    I want to start using MySQL 4.1 to take advantage of the new Spatial
    extensions in MySQL to further enhance my plugin. I saw the recent
    story referring to using MySQL 4, but no direct mention of experience
    with versions 4+. Any tips or recommendations? Should I make the
    upgrade only on my development box, or is using 4+ okay. Any experience
    with 4.1, which is alpha? 

Section-specific Quick Links

    I'm in the process of setting up a intranet Slash 2 site for a company.
    With the aid of the Crow Book I've got everything installed and with
    the L'n'F that they want, and we are in the process of adding some
    initial content and getting the blocks running the way they want.
    However, we're having problems getting section-specific quick links
    blocks to work. Example: I have a section called legal, and a block
    called legal_qlinks which has different links to index_qlinks.
    index_qlinks shows up on the homepage as I expect, but nothing is
    displayed in the right "frame" if I click no the section title under an
    article. What am I doing wrong? The Crow Book (page 127) suggests that
    this should work. 

Need help building Slash templates

    I have comps for a site I want built in Slash. While I have worked with
    Movable Type, building Slash templates is a whole different beast. I
    need someone to help me convert my comps into a functioning Slash site.
    If you have these skills, please drop me a line with your rates and
    scheduling availability. You can see what the site will look like here.

Preventing duplicates from being posted

    I'm getting sick of seeing duplicate posts all the time on Slashdot. I
    have a feature-request/enhancement that I would like to request for
    slashcode. It would be nice if before a moderator submits a story to
    check all of the URLS in that post and match it with the previous
    weeks/months stories for the same URL. If there is a match, throw up a
    warning saying that this story is a possible duplicate. This will help
    the moderator out too, since they wouldn't have to read every story on
    slashdot in the past two weeks. What do you think? Is this doable?
    --Min Idzelis 

Vorlonspace Is Back

    Announced back in October last year, Vorlonspace was launched as a
    Babylon 5 discussions site. In late January, the site went down and was
    taken off the YASS list. It is now back up and the premise has changed
    from Babylon 5 to a general sci-fi discussion site which has generated
    more interest. 

Adding ispell after slash is installed

    Hi, I read the (archived) thread at:
    http://ask.slashcode.com/article.pl?sid=02/03/22/1 724238&mode=thread
    and I have "Running Weblogs with Slash", so I know that "... Slash 2.2
    has added an ispell compatibility mode. If the ispell program exists
    and points to an ispell binary, the Edit Story page will include a list
    of potentially misspelled words.)" (thanks blagger), but I don't know
    how exactly what to add, and into what directory,. I installed freebsd
    5.0, then built and installed the slashcode port, and now I've
    installed ispell. I then tried adding symlinks to ispell into various
    directories, including /usr/local/slash/bin, and restarting my browser
    and the freebsd box. Nothing obvious changes. Can someone tell me
    exactly which file to put where to enable spell-checking? I'm running
    slash-2.2.6 on Freebsd 5.0. Thanks... P.S. Sorry if I misspelled
    anything, but... 

Shouldn't Slash Be Represented at OSCOM 3?

    I found out that OSCOM 3, The Open Source Content Management
    Conference, is taking place in Cambridge, MA, from May 28-30. I was
    surprised to see that Slash does not appear to be represented in any
    way. I posted a story to CTDATA suggesting that our community try to
    represent itself in some fashion. If anyone wants to discuss how we can
    influence the organizers of this conference to include a Slash
    presentation, please email me at dave_aiello at ctdata.com. 

Price Compare
256MB Secure Digital Card (SanDisk)

    Lowest Price: $61.00 

JumpDrive Trio USB (Lexar Media)

    Lowest Price: $13.99 

128MB Magic Gate Memory Stick Duo (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $69.95 

256MB Secure Digital (Lexar Media)

    Lowest Price: $69.99 

256MB CompactFlash Type I (SanDisk)

    Lowest Price: $52.90 

Power Mac G4 (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $895.00 

iMac PowerPC G4 800MHz 256MB 60GB CDRW/DVD-R (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $1794.00 

XTREME - EXPLORER X4000 PC Intel Pentium 4 Processor 1.60 GHz, 256MB DDR, 40GB (Xtreme)

    Lowest Price: $558.00 

Dimension 8200 (P4 2.2 GHz, 256MB, 40GB, CDRW) (Dell)

    Lowest Price: $1298.00 

X3000 (AMD Thunderbird 1.2GHz, 512MB, 20GB 52X CD-ROM) (Xtreme)

    Lowest Price: $445.00 

South Beach Diet by Arthur S. Agatston (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $14.68 

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J. K. Rowling (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $16.19 

Haley's Hints by Graham Haley (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $15.99 

Living History by Hillary Rodham Clinton (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $18.23 

Official Guide for GMAT Review by  (Trade Paper)

    Lowest Price: $27.99 

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