O | S | D | N                 NEWSLETTER                          
    July 30, 2003                                          DEVELOPER SERIES  

      The 'Developer Series' Newsletter is developed to bring Open Source     
    related content to a user with a focus for development with Open Source  
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Computing: ATi Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB

Electronics: Mustek [EMAIL PROTECTED] D30 Digital Camera

PC Mods: Cigarette Lighter Mod

PC Mods: Bubble Lights

PC Mods: Meteor Light

Cube Goodies: Levitating Desktop Globes

Tshirts: No, I will not fix your computer

Interests: ph34r t3h Cute Ones T-Shirt

Tshirts: anti-RIAA

Tshirts: Safe Hex

Computing: USB Sharing Hub

Computing: Logitech Cordless MX Keyboard & Mouse

PC Mods: Lian-Li Side Panel Aquarium Kit

Cube Goodies: LED Binary Clock

Gadgets: Ambient Orb Device

Cube Goodies: Desktop Retro Wind-ups

Cube Goodies: The Red Swingline Stapler

Cube Goodies: Futurama Tin Signs

Gadgets: USB Memory Pen

Gadgets: FM Radio Pen

Squashfs1.3 released

    Squashfs is a highly compressed read-only filestem for Linux. Release
    1.3 adds support for FIFOs and sockets. It also has numerous
    optimisations and small bug fixes. There are new patches for Linux
    2.4.21 and Linux 2.6.0-test1. Squashfs compresses both files, inodes
    and directories, and supports block sizes up to 32K for greater
    compression. It is implemented as a kernel module under VFS. 

RSSOwl ver. 0.3a released

    RSSOwl is a RSS reader written complete in Java using SWT as fast
    graphic libary. Some features are saving of RSS favorites in different
    categories and a TabFolder that shows multiple RSS feeds. The following
    features were implemented in version 0.3a: Open RSS feed from URL or
    local file, save RSS feed favorites in categories, Change language
    english / german, Change fontsize. IMPORTANT: Although this release is
    intended for Win32 you can use the program on many other platforms,
    after you installed the SWT graphic libary for your OS. The libary can
    be downloaded here:
    .php (at bottom of the page). 

Etherboot 5.0.11 (production) released

    This is the last planned release of 5.0. 5.0 now enters maintenance
    mode. See notes and change log. Etherboot is Open Source code for
    creating boot ROMs for network booting x86 platforms. It is also a
    coordination point for information about free software related to
    network booting. 

Big Sister has got an official logo

    Big Sister has finally got an official logo. The years of Tom's ugly
    hand-drawn symbols hurting your eyes are over! Special thanks go to
    Joerg Fischer, who cared for getting a well-designed logo and banner
    done. Big Sister is an SNMP-aware network and system monitor. 

BitAnarch 1.0.5-Alpha3 is available

    BitAnarch is getting more stable and mature DAILY! Thanks to all the
    bug testers out there, all your postings to hkpcug.opensource really
    accelerates the development process a lot! BitAnarch is the most
    compact BitTorrent client ever. It is available in three languages,
    with multiple downloads support, full unicode filename support,
    newsgroup scanning, automation, drag and drop support, etc. you name
    it. With a RAM usage of less than 10MB! Changes in 1.0.5-alpha3: A
    faster newsgroup scanning algorithm is implemented The newsgroup
    scanner is now compatible with most newsgroup servers A better
    algorithm for refreshing the network status list is implemented A
    proper IPC algorithm is implemented Bugfix: unicode filenames not
    parsed correctly at the command line Bugfix: the vertical line in
    "Newsgroups" tab is not displayed Bugfix: file details does not work
    occasionally Bugfix: files are not released properly Bugfix: files
    cannot be resumed on some really fast machines 

Technical Glitches Plague BuyMusic.com

    An anonymous reader submits: "Despite its much larger target market,
    BuyMusic.com does not seem to be the runaway success that Apple's
    iTunes Music Store was. USA Today is reporting that customers have
    experienced [0]technical glitches that prevent them from playing their
    purchases. Another customer reports that the BuyMusic tech support does
    little more than say '[1]Sorry, but that's YOUR problem.' Finally, a
    musician whose music is for sale at BuyMusic [2]questions the legality
    of BuyMusic's catalog." Scriptygoddess's account of her unhappy
    experience is [3]mirrored here. 
    0. http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2003-07-28-buymusic_x.htm
    1. http://www.scriptygoddess.com/archives/004057.php
    2. http://www.xlr8yourmac.com/index.html#S15891
    3. http://www.blogcritics.org/archives/2003/07/27/002033.php

Hardly Anyone Cares About Computer Voting Problems

    [0]Avidwriter writes "It's a sad thought that Roblimo explores in a
    [1]NewsForge article about computer voting fraud and how you'd think
    all honest politicians would be working to make sure computerized
    voting systems are open source, and why open source wouldn't hurt
    well-run voting machine companies' profits. Not that most people care,
    since they don't even bother to vote, right?" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=03/07/25/1349255&tid=4

Sharp Zaurus SL-C750 (P)reviewed

    [0]Bill Kendrick writes "[1]Dynamism loaned the Japan-only "C750"
    clamshell model [2]Zaurus Linux PDA to the folks over at
    BargainPDA.com, and they've put up a [3]mini-review, with the promise
    of a more in-depth review to come soon. The funniest part is they
    needed to scale down the screenshots to fit on their site." 
    0. http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/bill/
    1. http://www.dynamism.com/
    2. http://www.zaurus.com/
    3. http://www.bargainpda.com/default.asp?newsID=1524

Python 2.3 Final Released

    An anonymous reader writes "Nineteen months in the making, [0]Python
    2.3 has just been released. With a plethora of [1]changes since version
    2.2, this release is definately worth the upgrade. Be sure to read the
    [2]Release Notes and the [3]Highlights file for more information." 
    0. http://www.python.org/2.3/
    1. http://www.python.org/doc/2.3/whatsnew/
    2. http://www.python.org/2.3/NEWS.txt
    3. http://www.python.org/2.3/highlights.html

Morse Code Migrating To The Net

    Rosco P. Coltrane writes "With Morse code [0]slowly disappearing off
    the air, there seems to be a growing number of people who carry out
    conversations in [1]Morse over the internet. Several Windows and Linux
    clients using VoIP or special protocols, such as [2]EchoLink,
    [3]EchoLinux, [4]MorseMail, [5]CW Communicator or [6]CWirc exist for
    Morse lovers worldwide to pound brass and make contact with one
    another. Could the next must-have computer input device be a morse key
    0. http://www.wiavic.org.au/
    1. http://morsecodeonweb.homestead.com/Index.html
    2. http://www.echolink.org/
    3. http://cqinet.sourceforge.net/
    4. http://www.seanet.com/~harrypy/MorseMail/
    5. http://www.mrx.com.au/d_cwcom.htm
    6. http://webperso.easyconnect.fr/om.the/web/cwirc/

Chinese "Dragon" Chip On Sale

    [0]mrseigen writes "The processor that Chinese firms have been working
    on as a response to foreign equipment and software is now available for
    pre-order. The Inquirer did an [1]article here, and the [2]company
    website is here. The chip will supposedly ship with [3]Midori Linux." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=10724
    2. http://www.culturecom.com.hk/
    3. http://midori.transmeta.com/

Rechargeable Batteries - Yes or No?

    [0]TheFifthElephant asks: "I currently use quite a few devices that
    require various size batteries and I feel horrible just tossing them
    when they die. I saw a recharger at a retail store today and was
    thinking to myself how much waste it would reduce by using rechargeable
    ones. Which units have you used happily and/or which units have you
    heard of/read about satisfying someone else? Are the more expensive
    units better? What chemical rechargeable batteries last the
    longest/recharge the most?" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cyber Sleuths vs. Secret Networks

    [0]amnfinch writes "I saw this article on BBC news and frankly, I was
    blown away. Just another example of the relentless campaign to [1]treat
    file swappers as criminals when their 'crime' is murky at best." Sir
    Haxalot provides an article on the flip-side: "CNN has a story on
    [2]'exclusive' Peer to Peer networks, that require 'knowing the right
    people and having a wealth of content on your hard disk to get into the
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/3104281.stm
    2. http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/internet/07/29/private.fileshare/index.html

Citizens' Protection in Federal Databases Act Introduced

    SewersOfRivendell writes "Quote from [0]http://boingboing.net/: 'EFF,
    EPIC, CDT, ACLU and Free Congress have drafted a bill that's been
    introduced by Senator Wyden today, for a new law called "The Citizens'
    Protection in Federal Databases Act." This is a hell of a law. It finds
    that various species of spooks are making avid use of commercial and
    governmental databases, merging them and aggregating them, without
    transparency, accountability, or any real understanding of the danger
    to civil liberties involved in this practice. Accordingly, it requires
    any Fed agency using non-Fed databases to cut it out and make a full
    report to Congress on who they're buying database and database-services
    from, what they're doing to preserve privacy, why they're doing what
    they're doing, and whether they actually have a realistic chance of
    catching any bad guys. And it calls into account Feds who abuse their
    authority and limits the kind of doomsday hypotheticals that can be
    used to justify such abuse.' [1]PDF draft of the bill here." 
    0. http://boingboing.net/
    1. http://boingboing.net/cpbdb.pdf

(Solar) Power to the Masses

    [0]D3 writes "This [1]report on a solar power tower (pdf) looks
    extremely interesting. Maybe one day we can have international power
    lines where all the countries with lots of sunshine provide power to
    the rest of the world? How cool would that be?" The NY Times has a good
    article on [2]solar power in Japan. 
    0. http://.dhenning. .at. .speakeasy.net.
    1. http://www.sandia.gov/awards/images/R&D/Solar.pdf
    2. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/07/29/business/worldbusiness/29SOLA.html

a place to go 0.4.2 

    aptg(2) (a place to go) is a Web-based email client written in PHP,
    using localhost connections to a running IMAP4 server. It is designed
    to work with Postfix. Authentication is against a MySQL database as
    used by pam_mysql (username + password) or by using one of the virtual
    email addresses (also stored in the MySQL database) and that password.
    A powerful addressbook is also included. It uses its own session
    handling system with one-time session ids. 

ActiveDeveloper 2.14 

    ActiveDeveloper is an incremental runtime Objective-C and C IDE, JIT
    compiler, and debugger for Cocoa and QuickTime. It features fast
    incremental Objective-C and C compilation, full native speed
    applications in deployment, and no ActiveDeveloper dependency in your

Aegis Virus Scanner 0.0.3 

    Aegis Virus Scanner is a virus scanner for Linux/Unix systems with a
    simple and intuitive user interface. It uses the File:: Scan module for
    detecting viruses. 

AirSort 1.0 

    AirSort is a PHP/MySQL Web-based application that lets you search for
    an airport by name, IATA, ICAO, city, longitude, or latitude. Output is
    textual and graphic, and a cross shows you the position of the airport
    on a world map. 

ARIA Business Management 0.99 

    ARIA is business class management (ERP) software. It lets you manage
    inventory levels, maintain payroll, and process orders. It is written
    primarily in PHP and incorporates the ADODB database abstraction layer. 

AzDGDatingLite 1.2.1 

    AzDGDatingLite is a Web-based dating platform featuring PayPal support,
    uploading of photos, internationalisation, templates, 35 registering
    fields, messaging system, birthdays, a recommend us script, a powerful
    admin mailing list feature, quick/simple/advanced search, a favorites
    users list, security system, 2CheckOut integration, an affiliates
    program, e-cards, banner ads, and more. 

Beats By Design 0.4.5 

    Beats By Design (bbd) is an artificially-intelligent drum machine/step
    sequencer. You can use it to compose and play beats, and train it to
    edit beats with you, responding appropriately to your changes. All of
    this can be done live. 

BomberClone 0.10.0 

    BomberClone is a free Bomberman-like game for Linux and Windows. The
    rules of the game are simple: run though a level and bomb other
    players. It features powerups that give you more strength, make you
    walk faster through the level, or let you drop more bombs. 

Camera Picture Copier 0.0.2-1 

    Camera Picture Copier reads files from a source and copies them, making
    a directory for each day and renaming all files to the time they where
    last modified. This can be used to copy/rename pictures from a digital
    camera (USB-mounted) to have them make more sense. 

Clubmask Resource Manager 0.5b84 

    Clubmask is a 'glue' package that combines the outstanding management
    and speed of the Bproc distributed process layer with the power and
    configuration of the Maui HPC Scheduler. It uses the Supermon resource
    monitor to gather node information. This node information is combined
    with job submission data, and suplied to Maui. Maui issues job start
    and termination commands which are handled by Clubmask via the Bproc
    layer. Clubmask also supplies a 'supermon2ganglia' translator that
    allows supermon data to be displayed in a ganglia Web frontend. 

CodeTek VirtualDesktop 2.3.7 

    CodeTek VirtualDesktop brings full virtual desktop support as available
    on other operating systems (Mac OS 9, Windows, Unix, Linux) to the Mac
    OS X platform. 

Construo 0.2.1 

    Construo is a simple 2D construction program for objects that consist
    of rods and springs that react to physical forces. It can be used to
    construct buildings and structures like bridges, towers, and space
    shuttles, and lets you watch them fall to the ground, smash, and break. 

Contenido (Development)

    Contenido is a Content Management Systems. It features advanced
    workflow and user management, insite-editing, WYSIWYG-editor, and more. 

cyrus2courier 1.2 

    cyrus2courier is a little hack to convert a single mailbox from the
    format used by Cyrus-Imap into the Maildir++ format used by the
    Courier-Imap IMAP server. 


    DSPAM is a server-side anti-spam agent for UNIX email servers. It
    masquerades as the email server's local delivery agent and
    filters/learns spam using a Bayesian statistical approach which
    provides an administratively maintenance-free, self-learning anti-spam
    service. Each email is broken down into its most interesting tokens,
    each assigned a spam probability. All probabilities are then combined
    to produce a statistical probability of spam. This approach, applied to
    a mature corpus of email, has the potential to yield a 99.75% success
    rate with less than a 0.03% chance of false positives. 

dxr3Player 0.3 

    dxr3Player is a lightweight command line DVD player for Linux and the
    DXR3 (aka Hollywood+) MPEG-2 decoder boards. It supports all major DVD
    features, including menus, navigation, fast forward and backward
    playback, subtitles, and camera angle changes. The player is very
    conservative on memory usage and tries very hard (and mostly succeeds)
    to keep video and audio in sync. 

Echo Web Application Framework 1.1Beta1 (Development)

    Echo is a framework for developing object-oriented, event-driven Web
    applications in Java. Echo removes the developer from having to think
    in terms of "page-based" applications and enables him/her to
    develop applications using the conventional object-oriented and
    event-driven paradigm for user interface development. Knowledge of
    HTML, HTTP, and JavaScript is not required. Tutorials, white papers,
    and full API documentation are available. 

Ewe Programming System 1.29 

    Ewe is a programming system that allows users to write applications,
    using Java, which run exactly the same on desktop systems, on mobile
    systems, and even in a Web browser as an applet. The same deployment
    can be run on Mac OS X, Windows 9X, Windows NT, Linux, Palm, PocketPC,
    and any system using the Java runtimes. 

File access statistics 0.1.2 

    File access statistics is a Perl script that can check the last access
    time of your files. The script sorts the files in packages (packages by
    file type). In a Debian Linux system it can sort the packages using the
    Debian PacKaGe (DPKG) groups. The main usage of this script is to
    detect which Debian packages are not used for a long time, so they can
    be removed from the system. 

FreeMarker 2.3pre10 (Lazarus)

    FreeMarker is a template engine that was originally designed so that
    servlet-based applications could keep graphical design separate from
    application logic. The templates provide an easy and highly flexible
    way to generate any kind of text output (HTML, RTF, PostScript, TeX,
    source code, etc.) from a variety of data sources such as Java objects,
    Jython objects, XML object models, and more. 

Fremtris 0.5.1 

    Fremtris is a J2ME implementation of the well-known Tetris game. It
    works on every Java (J2ME) compatible mobile phone and PDA. 

fscaps 0.15 

    fscaps implements filesystem capabilities for the Linux operating
    system (2.5 and up). With filesystem capabilities, you will be able to
    grant selective privileges to executables on a needed basis. This means
    there is no need anymore to run executables as root or as a suid root

GKrellM gamma 2.02 (GKrellM2)

    Gkrellm gamma is a Gkrellm plugin which allows you to control your
    monitor's gamma correction with XFree86 (as xgamma). 

GKrellM xkb 1.01 

    GKrellM xkb is a plugin for GKrellM which displays a small country flag
    indicating the currently-active national keyboard layout. It requires
    GKrellM2 and the XKB X Window extension. 

Gnatsweb 4.00 (Development)

    Gnatsweb is a Web interface to GNATS, the GNU bug tracking system. 

GNU Smalltalk 2.1a (Development)

    GNU Smalltalk is a free implementation of the Smalltalk-80 language. 

GNU TeXmacs 

    GNU TeXmacs is a free scientific text editor, which was inspired by
    both TeX and GNU Emacs. The editor allows you to write structured
    documents via a "wysiwyg" and user friendly interface. The
    program implements high quality typesetting algorithms and TeX fonts.
    It is also possible to use TeXmacs as an interface to computer algebra
    systems. Finally, TeXmacs supports the Guile/Scheme extension language,
    which makes it possible to adapt the user interface to specific needs,
    and even to extend the editor. 

imgv 2.8.7 (Development)

    imgv is an image viewer that runs on Linux, FreeBSD, MS-Windows, Mac OS
    X, and others. It includes standard features such as a file/directory
    browser, slideshows, zooming in and out, flipping, and rotating. It
    also has special features such as the ability to view 4 images on the
    screen at once, adjustable thumbnail sizes, image playlists, the
    ability to view images on Web sites, MPEG movie support, a customizable
    interface, and much more. 

ITracker 2.1.0 (Development)

    ITracker is a Java J2EE issue/bug tracking system designed to support
    multiple projects with independent user bases. It supports features
    such as full i18n support, multiple versions and project components,
    detailed histories, issue searching, file attachments, dynamic reports
    with charts, configurable field values, and multiple email

Jaffa 1.2.0 

    Jaffa (Java Application Framework For All) is an enterprise-focused
    Java framework for rapid application development. It provides a
    complete Java Web application development stack, extending exsiting
    projects like Tomcat and Struts at the frontend with MVC-based web
    widgets, all the way through to a high-performance lightweight O/R
    persistence engine, with plenty of rich features in between including
    rules engines, declarative application, and data security. In addition
    to the runtime framework, there is a suite of component templates and
    other tools for rapid application development, including a TogetherSoft
    plug-in for UML intergration. 

JaxMeJS 1.11 

    The JaxMe JavaSource generation framework (a spinoff of the JaxMe
    Java/XML binding tool) is an object-oriented view to a set of Java
    classes created by you. For example, there are objects JavaSource,
    JavaMethod, and so on. Features include automatic generation of import
    lists, semiautomatic indentation, and the ability to postprocess
    generated sources. This allows source code generation to be a
    pipelining process. Additionally, a framework for generating SQL is

JBoss 3.2.2 RC 2 (3.2.x Development Releases)

    JBoss is an Open Source, standards-compliant, Enterprise JavaBeans
    application server implemented in pure Java. JBoss provides
    JBossServer, the basic EJB container and JMX infrastructure, JBossMQ
    for JMS messaging, JBossMail for mail, JBossTX for JTA/JTS
    transactions, JBossSX for JAAS based security, JBossCX for JCA
    connectivity, and JBossCMP for CMP persistence. It integrates with
    Tomcat Servlet/JSP container and Jetty Web server/servlet container,
    and enables you to mix and match these components through JMX by
    replacing any component you wish with a JMX-compliant implementation
    for the same APIs. The goal is to provide a full J2EE stack in the
    Free/Open Source software world. 

JGraph 2.2.1 (For Java 1.4)

    JGraph is a robust and complete graph component that is better than
    many of its commercial competitors. With the JGraph zoomable component,
    you can display objects and relations (networks) in any Swing UI. It
    can also be used on the server-side to read an GXL graph, apply a
    custom layout algorithm, and return the result as an SVG image. 


    JPluck converts Web sites to Plucker documents for offline reading on
    your handheld. 

KDE 3.1.3 

    KDE is a powerful graphical desktop environment for Unix workstations.
    It combines ease of use, contemporary functionality and outstanding
    graphical design with the technological superiority of the Unix
    operating system. KDE is a completely new desktop, incorporating a
    large suite of applications for Unix workstations. While KDE includes a
    window manager, file manager, panel, control center and many other
    components that one would expect to be part of a contemporary desktop
    environment, the true strength of this exceptional environment lies in
    the interoperability of its components. 

KnowledgeTree 1.1.2 

    KnowledgeTree is a feature-rich document management system featuring
    knowledge management, document version control, hierarchical document
    management, support for common file formats (MS Word, MS Excel, PDF,
    TXT, HTML), extensible meta data, creation of custom document types,
    application managed document links that guarantees consistent data and
    eliminates emailing documents, easy publication of documents,
    subscription agents, archiving according to expiry date, expiry time
    period, or utilisation for enhanced speed, and much more. 

Kodo JDO 2.5.2 

    Kodo JDO allows you to write database calls using Java statements
    instead of SQL statements, by supporting the Java Data Objects standard
    for transparent persistence. It is the most complete implementation of
    the JDO specification for relational data stores, and comes with tools
    for producing a schema from an object model, producing class files from
    an existing schema, and a performance pack (distributed caching and
    statement batching) that improves performance by 15 - 30 times. It
    supports most relational databases, application servers, and IDEs, and
    reduces the total coding effort by 20-40%. 

Konstruct 20030729 

    Konstruct is a build system which helps you install KDE releases and
    applications on your system. It downloads defined source tarballs,
    checks their integrity, decompresses, patches, configures, builds, and
    installs them. A complete KDE installation should be as easy as
    "cd meta/kde;make install". Optionally, you can install
    additional applications like KOffice, KDevelop, or Quanta (for example,
    "cd apps/koffice;make install"). 

LAN Instant Messenger 0.3.1 final 

    LAN Instant Messenger is a client/server chat/messenger application
    written entirely in Java. It supports common chat, direct messages,
    colors, emoticons, secure login (CHAP-like), ICQ-like status,
    experimental voice support, intuitive installation, and more. 

ldapmigrate 0.80 

    ldapmigrate is a single self-contained script that can perform initial
    migrations of /etc files to LDAP. It supports SSL/StartTLS and can
    operate over the network. It is driven via command line arguments and
    is self documented via --help. 

libdvbpsi 0.1.3 

    libdvbpsi is a very simple and fully portable library designed for MPEG
    TS and DVB PSI table decoding and generation. 

libdvdcss 1.2.8 

    libdvdcss is a cross-platform library for transparent DVD device access
    with on-the-fly CSS decryption. It currently runs under Linux, FreeBSD,
    NetBSD, OpenBSD, BSD/OS, Solaris, BeOS, Win95/Win98, Win2k/WinXP, MacOS
    X, HP-UX, QNX, and OS/2. It is used by libdvdread and most DVD players
    such as VLC because of its portability and because, unlike similar
    libraries, it does not require your DVD drive to be region locked. 

libnova 0.8.0 

    libnova is a general purpose, double precision, celestial mechanics and
    astronomical calculation library. It can calculate aberration,
    nutation, apparent position, dynamical time, Julian day, precession,
    proper motion, sidereal time, solar coordinates (using VSOP87),
    coordinate transformations, planetary positions (Mercury - Neptune
    using VSOP87), planetary magnitude, illuminated disk and phase angle,
    lunar position (using ELP82), phase angle, elliptic motion of bodies
    (Asteroid + Comet positional and orbit data), asteroid + comet
    magnitudes, parabolic motion of bodies (comet positional data), orbit
    velocities and lengths, atmospheric refraction, rise/set/transit times,
    and semidiameters of the Sun, Moon, planets, and asteroids. 


    The licq-osd plugin that enables licq to display new messages as an On
    Screen Display message. 

lwm 1.1.4 (Development)

    lwm (Lightweight Window Manager) is a window manager for X that tries
    to keep out of your face. There are no icons, no button bars, no icon
    docks, no root menus, no nothing. If you want all that, other programs
    can provide it. 

Medialibrary 0.4 

    Medialibrary is a standalone application which catalogs all of your
    media files (on hard disk and CD). You can browse, sort, search, and
    organize them once indexed. It features a user-friendly GUI,
    hierarchical categories, ADC (.cat) file support, search, and
    statistics, and MP3 ID3 parsing. 

Megamek.NET 0.326 

    Megamek.NET allows you to enter the World of Battletech and become
    commander of a subsection of the forces of one of the 5 big houses or a
    minor faction. You then use your lances (groups of Meks) to fight
    against other players online. The game's community is already quite
    large, and there are 2 major servers set up. One is using the 3025
    timeline and the other one is set in the year 3060. 

mnoGoSearch 3.2.14 (3.2.x)

    mnoGoSearch (formerly known as UdmSearch) is a full-featured Web search
    engine which you can use to build search engines over HTTP, HTTPS, FTP,
    and NTTP servers, local files, and database big text fields. It
    supports Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, miniSQL, Solid, Virtuoso,
    InterBase, SAPDB, iODBC, EasySoft ODBC, and unixODBC database backends.
    mnoGoSearch is also known to work with MS SQL, SyBase, and Oracle
    through ODBC. It has text/html and text/plain built-in support, and
    external parsers support for other document types. An automatic
    language/charset guesser for more 70 language/charset combinations is
    included, along with basic authorization support, and you may index
    password-protected intranet HTTP servers with proxy authorization

mp3riot 1.1 

    mp3riot (formerly known as f2html.pl) is a command line utility that
    searches recursively through directories, builds a file list (with
    additional file information), and generates HTML files, playlists, etc.
    The output can be controlled, links can be corrected, and more. The
    script is mainly desigend to create Web pages, playlists, and databases
    for MP3 and Ogg files, but can also used for other purposes. 

Multi tape backup script 0.1 

    Multi tape backup script writes to the tape; when it is full will eject
    the tape, tell the autoloader to change tapes, load the new tape, and
    then continue writing to the tape. Once the backup is done it will load
    the first tape and do a TOC to make sure there is data on the tape. 

NEdit 5.4RC1 

    NEdit is a Unix text editor for programmers and general users. It
    combines a standard, easy-to-use, graphical user interface with the
    thorough functionality and stability required by users who edit text
    eight hours a day. It includes a macro language with a complete library
    of editing functions, state-of-the-art syntax highlighting for 30
    common languages and text processors, and the best mouse-interactivity
    available in a Unix text editor. 

Node Data System (libnds) 2.1.1 (Version 2 (C++))

    Node Data System (libnds) is a cross platform library that dynamically
    manages data. It comes in two flavours, version 1 in C using a node
    structure, and version 2 in C++ using a node class. Libnds has a simple
    to use API that allows powerful management of data, and also supports
    simple and complex file I/O for saving and retrieving data. 

NSD 1.2.2 

    NSD is a complete implementation of an authoritative DNS nameserver. 

Nvclock 0.7 (Stable)

    Nvclock allows you to overclock your Nvidia card under Linux and

Onager 0.1 

    Onager is a PalmOS GUI for mldonkey. It uses the low bandwidth (and
    low/almost not documented) GUI protocol to communicate. 

pg Request Tracker Report 1.0.11 

    pg Request Tracker 2/3 Report is a set of tools for generating reports
    for Request Tracker 2/3 (RT 2/3). Currently, it only supports the
    Postgres ("pg") backend, but MySQL support may be added in
    later releases. 

PHP Cascading Menu Class 1.0 

    The PHP Cascading Menu Class creates a cascading menu complete with
    JavaScript code for image rollovers. It allows for CSS styles and
    infinite levels of menus. 

PHP Langadmin 0.1 

    PHP Langadmin is a Web interface for translating applications using the
    GNU gettext utilities and a MySQL database as its backend. It features
    package administration to handle different applications, user
    administration, and language administration. It can parse output of the
    xgettext utility and create a language file for the translated

PHP-Nuke 6.7 

    PHP-Nuke is a Web portal and online community system which includes
    Web-based administration, surveys, access statistics, user customizable
    boxes, a themes manager for registered users, friendly administration
    GUI with graphic topic manager, the ability to edit or delete stories,
    an option to delete comments, a moderation system, referer tracking,
    integrated banner ad system, search engine, backend/headlines
    generation (RSS/RDF format), Web directory like Yahoo, events manager,
    and support for 20+ languages. 

poc, mp3 streamer 0.3.0 

    poc is an MP3 streamer supporting HTTP, RTP (RFC 2250 and RFC 3119),
    and FEC protocols. It can handle VBR streams, and comes with server and
    client programs that can all be used from the command line. 

PyKota Print Quota System 1.14 

    PyKota is a centralized and extensible print quota system for the
    Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS) and LPRng. It features per-printer
    user and group quotas, automated email warning to users and quota
    administrator, commandline tools which mimic the disk quota utilities,
    PostgreSQL and OpenLDAP backends, and much more. 

Q 4.3.1 

    Q is a powerful and extensible functional programming language based on
    the term rewriting calculus. When programming with Q, you specify an
    arbitrary system of equations which the interpreter uses as rewrite
    rules to reduce expressions to normal form. Q is useful for scientific
    programming and other advanced applications, and also as a
    sophisticated kind of desktop calculator. The distribution includes the
    Q programming tools, a standard library, add-on modules for interfacing
    to GNU Octave, Tcl/Tk and IBM's Data Explorer, and an Emacs mode. 

QuickRip DVD 0.8-rc1 (Testing)

    QuickRip is a basic DVD ripper for GNU/Linux written in Python and
    PyQt. It lacks options to fine-tune how you want to rip your DVD, but
    it makes ripping quick and easy, and so is ideal for those who aren't
    bothered about framerates, clipping, and other unecessary options. It
    uses mplayer and transcode to retrieve DVD info and rip the tracks. 

Raptor RDF Parser Toolkit 0.9.11 (Development)

    Raptor is a C library for parsing RDF syntaxes into RDF triples. It
    supports the latest revision of RDF/XML (including collections and
    datatypes), N-Triples, and some XML RSS via a tag soup parser. It
    handles the RDF/XML used by RDF applications such as RSS 1.0, FOAF,
    Dublin Core, and OWL. It can use either expat or libxml2 for XML
    parsing, libcurl when available for URI retrieval, and is portable to
    many POSIX systems. 

RRDtool 1.0.45 

    RRDtool is basically the time-series graphing and data
    storage/management component of MRTG, broken out and `done right'.
    `done right' means that RRDtool is magnitudes faster than MRTG and
    extremely configurable. 

SCIM Chinese input method module 0.2.4 

    This package provides the Chinese input method module for the Smart
    Common Input Method platform (SCIM). Only a pinyin input method module
    is currently available. 

SecureCGI 0.11 

    SecureCGI is a suid-ed wrapper which executes CGI scripts with owner
    rights. It also cleans environment variables, modifies resources
    limits, and drops Linux capabilities. 

SendIP 2.5 

    SendIP is a command-line tool to send arbitrary IP packets. It has a
    large number of options to specify the content of every header of a
    RIP, RIPng, BGP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, or raw IPv4/IPv6 packet. It also
    allows any data to be added to the packet. Checksums can be calculated
    automatically, but if you wish to send out wrong checksums, that is
    supported too. 

Smart Common Input Method platform 0.6.0 (Unstable)

    Smart Common Input Method platform is a development platform that
    significantly reduces the difficulty of input method development. SCIM
    splits input method into three parts: FrontEnd, which handles user
    interface and communication with client applications, Server, which
    handles the key event to string conversion work, and BackEnd, which
    manages all of the Servers. 

Squash 0.6 

    Squash is a C/Ncurses-based music player. It supports MP3 and Ogg
    Vorbis through libraries (with planned FLAC support). It uses
    statistics to determine songs to play automatically. It garners this
    information through whether or not a song is skipped. It also avoids
    picking the same song twice. Thus, it is like a radio station that
    plays the songs you like without you having to call in requests. 

Squashfs 1.3 

    Squashfs is a highly compressed read-only filesystem for Linux 2.4 and
    Linux 2.6. It uses zlib to compress files, inodes, and directories. All
    blocks are packed to minimise the data overhead, and block sizes of
    between 4K and 32K are supported. It is intended to be used as a
    filesystem for archival use and in embedded systems where low overhead
    is needed, and has been tested on PowerPC, i586, and SPARC

Symbio 1.6 

    Symbio is a fully themable commenting system for Web sites and blogs.
    Its features include polls, multi-language support, smileys, text
    styling, and statistics. 

Systems Panel 1.0.2 

    The Systems Panel features 6 functions for organizing any size IT
    department. These features include knowledge base, ticket system,
    contact directory, and system inventory. Systems Panel's knowledge base
    allows you to quickly store, search, and view technical documentation.
    The Trouble Ticket System can manage all support problems for your IT
    department. It does this by allowing you to quickly store, track, and
    search trouble tickets. The Inventory feature allows you to track your
    entire computer system inventory. Information like serial numbers,
    model number, warranty data, or problem history can be store and
    tracked right from Systems Panel. Systems Panel is built on PHP and
    MySQL and can be implemented alongside any current intranet on your

The Battle for Wesnoth 0.3 

    The Battle for Wesnoth is a turn-based strategy game with a fantasy

The Distributed Library Project 0.1 

    The Distributed Library Project is a distributed library of people's
    books and videos, an experiment in creating community and sharing
    information. Users create accounts complete with bios and interest
    enumerations, then list the books and videos that they own. Those users
    are then free to browse the books that others have listed, sorted by
    proximity, interest, and book commonality. If a book or video is
    available, a user can check it out directly from the owner. There is an
    eBay-style feedback system for managing trust--users who return books
    on time get positive feedback, while users who damage books or return
    them late get negative feedback. These points create an overall
    "score" that lenders can use to judge the trustworthiness of
    a borrower. The system also supports user reviews, ISBN lookups, and
    collaboritve filtering. 

The Linux Memory Game 0.6 

    The Linux Memory Game is an X11 game using GTK+ library for children
    ages 3 and up. It is a lot more than the card game "Memory".
    It has five skill levels, the higher ones are challenging to adults as
    well. Additionally, one can choose from the menu to match 2 cards or 3
    cards, or match different cards. This last "different card"
    mode can be a very good teaching tool for teaching languages, concepts,
    or association. 

ThingamaBlog 0.9.1 

    ThingamaBlog is a cross-platform, standalone blogging application
    written in Java. Basic features include the ability to maintain
    multiple blogs, the ability to easily manage lots of entries,
    customizable templates, find, edit, and delete entries functions,
    'Quick Tags' for on the fly HTML editing, customizable archiving
    options, the ability to organize entries by category, previewing of
    entries in HTML or in plain text, and one-click publishing. 

Thunderbolt Integration Suite 3.01 (Development)

    The Thunderbolt Integration Suite is a full integration server
    infrastructure featuring two phase commits between connectors, multiple
    stage failure recovery, a drag and drop business process design
    console, and runtime monitor GUIs. The engine was developed in C++ on
    Linux; Node controllers and connector libraries are in Java. The GUIs
    require Windows. 

TINTFU 0.0.5 

    TINTFU is an editor for the .DOT files of the "GraphViz"
    program. Written in Java, it allows you to edit any attribute of a .DOT
    file's elements while at the same time displaying an immediate preview
    of the changes made. 

TrackStudio Enterprise 2.7 SP3 

    TrackStudio Enterprise is a powerful and scalable multi-platform defect
    tracking system based on Java. It includes a Web-based workflow manager
    and bug filter (AND, OR, and NOT). It supports custom fields,
    multi-level security, rule-based email notification, PDF reports with
    charts, locales, and timezones. It allows you to organize your database
    into projects and subprojects, and works with any database. 

Traffic tool Troll 1.01 

    The Traffic Tool Troll is a traffic monitoring and managing skript.
    Traffic statistics are generated by port, hour, day, month, and year.
    You can define a special period for your needs. The script is written
    in Perl and uses iptables and MySQL to get and store the traffic. 

UltraMake 2.4 build 0.553 

    UltraMake is a powerful tool for the management of build process from
    source code to binary software releases and for setting up automated
    test suites for the produced software. Its most important features are
    access to a standard scripting language (Tcl or Perl), extensive
    consistency checking of builds, and support for division of larger
    projects into smaller parts while retaining full consistency checking
    between the parts. It integrates with version control systems. 

uuturn 0.1 

    uuturn allows you to detect someone remotely logging in to one of your
    boxen and then going on to another, without even logging into the box,
    by only analyzing the packets on the network. It's a connection
    correlator. Bullets not included. 

viPlugin 0.1.20 

    viPlugin is an Eclipse plugin that adds vi functionality to the editors
    that are provided with Eclipse (JDT, CDT, etc.). 

Vyger b1 

    Vyger offers a D & D and Rogue-like environment in a graphical
    online roleplay game. 

Warrdcraft 1.0 

    Warrdcraft is a Perl script that creates RRDTool files/ graphs out of
    Warcraft III Battle.net information. It supports multiple users,
    gateway selection, and both versions of Warcraft III (RoC/TFT). 

xawdecode 1.7.5beta 

    Xawdecode is a fork of xawtv that allows you to watch TV and make use
    of plugin extensions. It interacts with AleVT for Teletext and Nxtvepg
    for NextView, and uses the video4linux API. It can use deinterlacing
    filters and record video files with the ffmpeg and divx4 codecs. 

Xfstt 1.5 

    Xfstt means "X11 Font Server for TrueType fonts". TrueType
    fonts are generally regarded to be the best scalable fonts for low
    resolution devices like screens. Examples where good scalable fonts
    improve the visual quality considerably are Mozilla, GIMP, and Java. A
    fonts.properties file for use with Java is provided. 

YAFFA alpha-0.1 (Development)

    YAFFA is an SFTP/FTP application and filemanager with both a
    console-based user interface and a GTK-based user interface. 

ZZIPlib 0.10.82 

    ZZIPlib provides read access on ZIP-archives. The library uses only the
    patent-free compression-algorithms supported by zlib. Functions are
    provided that transparently access files being either real files or
    zipped files, both with the same filepath. The zip-archive can be used
    in the place of a normal subdirectory. It is written in portable C. 

YogaCircle.net (New Yoga Slash Site)

    Well this should be a first. A Yoga base Slash site. Check it out, if
    you have any questions or comments let me know. Thanks for the code. 


    Yet another Slash site, Computer Science Daily News. Aims to be a
    resource for Computer Science professionals, researchers, students and
    instructors. Hopefully this fills a niche, computer science
    developments seem to be very decentralized, and hard to find. Slash
    seems to be working out nicely, though I'm still learning the ropes...

Slash on server running Livejournal?

    Maybe this is the wrong venue to ask in, and I'm sorry if it is, but
    this question has been nagging me for about the past week or so. I have
    a personal server running Slackware 8 with a custom-compiled Apache
    1.3.27 (with the appropriate mod_perl) and MySQL 4.0.13. This server is
    currently running the LiveJournal server code and works quite well at
    this. I'm interested in attempting to set up slash for personal use
    (the Livejournal code is running for personal use as well), and herein
    lies the question. Can slash be run on the same server in another
    VirtualHost without having a separate apache installation/process and
    doing some fancy trick with mod_rewrite? Or am I asking too much? I
    will be happy to provide any further info anyone needs through e-mail
    (the e-mail link above is NOT spam-armored at all). 

QubitNews is finally launched!

     QubitNews: News and Inforation from the Quantum Community. This is
    conceived as a meeting-point for the community working in the fast
    developing field of Quantum Information and Computation. This is an
    open and free project devoted to the exchange of information in this
    field.: news, stories, announcements, comments of scientific work,
    debates, polls, forums, etc... Many aspects of your work that cannot
    appear in scientific journals may find a place here. The main feature
    of QubitNews is that it is dynamical: you are wellcome to participate
    and modify the look and feel of this site. You may become an anonymous
    user, site user or an Author. Visit the homepage and consult the
    documents About, FAQ, How-To and GettingStarted. It may be useful,
    helpful and a lot of fun. 

Tuxedo.org Now running Slashcode

    Tuxedo.org is now running Slashcode. I should have done this a couple
    of years ago... Most recent story is Linus Torvalds Comments on SCO
    Lawsuit and Linux. Hope you all enjoy the new site! --Chuck Peters 

Best hosting service for Slash?

    I'm going to be doing some "big things" with Slashcode but am
    interested in going through someone to set up Slashcode and the server,
    so that I can just right in and start building the site. What are the
    best hosting services out there? Will they set up Slash for me? What
    kinds of experiences have people had? 

Dissociated Press goes Slash

    After a bit of poking and prodding, I've converted Dissociated Press to
    Slashcode (2.2.6). Works great! 

So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish!

    All things come to an end and its been a wonderful ride. Today is my
    last day at OSDN and this will be the last thing I will be posting on
    Slashcode. It has been fun working on Slash for the last few years and
    I have enjoyed working with the Slash community (tf32, ACS, vladinator,
    ericdano, and many more that I am forgetting). On Monday I start work
    for MySQL so I will be a bit busy for a while but I expect you will
    still see Slash stuff coming from me in the future. I will continue to
    be in #slash for a while, and you can still always reach me via email.
    The best of luck with you and your sites, it has been great! 


    After much kicking and screaming, yet another Slash Site! The Spotted
    Rabbit with news and events for Sussex County NJ, and Orange County,
    NY. It still looks a lot like basic slash, but I'm new to this, and
    we're working on it! --Ken Hall 

Multiple Instances

    Please indulge a beginner. I currently have slashcode setup on a single
    domain with its own IP address (wwwntm.biz) for testing purposes. Here
    is my dilemma. I am setting up a community similar to yahoo/geocities.
    It will be www.newthoughtcommunity.net and the individual communities
    will be sub-domains of this domain ex;
    community1.newthoughtcommunity.net, community2.newthoughtcommunity.net
    etc Residents of the communities will be set up as users ex;
    http://community1.newthoughtcommunity.net/user2 etc. Directory is:
    /home /newthoughtcommunity /community1 /community2 I know that slash
    can be setup with virtual domains, but can sub domains have there own
    instance. I need each community to have their own slash. Also. When I
    set up a new instance of slash for a virtual domain, do I use the same
    database and administrator with a new virtual user when I run
    DBI::Password? Thank you for any help you can offer John --John Macuga 

Price Compare
256MB Secure Digital Card (SanDisk)

    Lowest Price: $63.00 

256MB Memory Stick (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $74.99 

128MB USB Flash Drive (Lexar Media)

    Lowest Price: $29.99 

256MB Compact Flash Card for Digital Cameras and PDAS (PC/Mac) (Kingston)

    Lowest Price: $50.96 

Travel Flash (6IN1, CF/MD/MMC/MS/SD/SM) (PQI Corporation)

    Lowest Price: $14.88 

Power Mac G4 (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $895.00 

iMac PowerPC G4 800MHz 256MB 60GB CDRW/DVD-R (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $1794.00 

XTREME - EXPLORER X4000 PC Intel Pentium 4 Processor 1.60 GHz, 256MB DDR, 40GB (Xtreme)

    Lowest Price: $558.00 

Dimension 8200 (P4 2.2 GHz, 256MB, 40GB, CDRW) (Dell)

    Lowest Price: $1298.00 

X3000 (AMD Thunderbird 1.2GHz, 512MB, 20GB 52X CD-ROM) (Xtreme)

    Lowest Price: $445.00 

South Beach Diet by Arthur S. Agatston (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $14.68 

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J. K. Rowling (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $14.38 

Glucose Revolution Pocket Guide to Losing Weight by Kaye Foster-Powell (Mass Market)

    Lowest Price: $1.70 

Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $11.99 

Essential 55 by Ron Clark (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $10.99 

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Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without 
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