
There is a command line tool in OTRS 4 for deleting tickets:

otrs.TicketDelete.pl - delete tickets by number.
Copyright (C) 2001-2016 OTRS AG, http://otrs.com/

Usage: otrs.TicketDelete.pl [options]

  Options are as follows:
  --help                             display this option help
  --TicketNumber no1 no2 no3         delete listed tickets (by ticket number)
  --TicketID no1 no2 no3             delete listed tickets (by ticket id)

$ perl otrs.TicketDelete.pl  --TicketNumber 2015120616000016 2016020116000015
Deleting specified tickets...
2 tickets have been deleted.

In OTRS 5 there is also a command line tool to delete tickets:

perl otrs.Console.pl Maint::Ticket::Delete --help

Delete one or more tickets.

 otrs.Console.pl Maint::Ticket::Delete [--ticket-number ...(+)]
[--ticket-id ...(+)]

 [--ticket-number ...(+)]       - Specify one or more ticket numbers
of tickets to be deleted.
 [--ticket-id ...(+)]           - Specify one or more ticket ids of
tickets to be deleted.
 [--help]                       - Display help for this command.
 [--no-ansi]                    - Do not perform ANSI terminal output coloring.
 [--quiet]                      - Suppress informative output, only
retain error messages.

This is not work:
perl otrs.Console.pl Maint::Ticket::Delete --ticket-number
2016032344000018 2016022644000041
Error: found unknown arguments on the command line ('2016022644000041').

But this works:
perl otrs.Console.pl Maint::Ticket::Delete --ticket-number
2016032344000018 --ticket-number 2016022644000041
Deleting tickets...
2 tickets have been deleted.

Why is it neccessary to set --ticket-number several times? Why doesn't
work with a list of ticket numbers separated by space or something
other separator?

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