Since I haven't a response from PG on this yet (after a week), and there
are likely others in the same boat on this list, I figured I'd ask this
here as well.

I have an app that is now partially dependant on MathLib.  I say pertially
dependant, because only one feature needs it, and the app will run without
that feature if the library isn't installed.  I'm planning to bundle the
current version of MathLib with the app, but I'm at a loss as to what to
do with PalmGear's StreamLync auto-install with this.  The library may
already be on the device, or may even be in the ROM (the case with
Handspring Visors, at least), and wouldn't need to be reinstalled.  The
question, then, is should I set it up to be auto-installed?

Thanks in advance.

Brian Smith // avalon73 at arthurian dot nu //
Software Developer  //  Gamer  //   Webmaster  //  System Administrator
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