On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 17:54:53 +0200, Albina, Frank wrote:
> I had to recompile from scractch, which took a bit of time. Actually,
> the GNU compiler requirement is coming from building the OSPRAY
> project, as shown hereafter:
> [...]
> CMake Error at cmake/gcc.cmake:48 (MESSAGE):
>   GCC version 4.8.0 or greater is required to build OSPRay.
> Call Stack (most recent call first):
>   cmake/ospray.cmake:97 (INCLUDE)
>   common/CMakeLists.txt:17 (CONFIGURE_OSPRAY)

This makes sense; ospray requires C++11 support for which GCC 4.8 was
the first release with viable support (4.7.x had some, but not enough).

> If the new superbuild has support for building mesa 12.0.3, I would be
> interested in trying this out. Are there any instructions I can follow
> to do that?

It's on my list to improve docs here. I'd welcome feedback where the
existing docs are deficient (they're in README.md on the master branch)
so I can improve those parts.

> My intention is to compile paraview without GUI to run it in batch on
> our cluster. This is the main reason why I am using a specific test
> suite to check the performance of mesa-llvm vs. mesa-swr vs. GPU. At
> the moment, on CPUs supporting AVX2 instruction set, mesa-swr shows a
> very decent performance. Hence, my interest also to try out the latest
> mesa 12.0.3 version, which I have downloaded today and started
> compiling. In this regard, do you have any configuration options you
> can share for use in offscreen mode? If this is handled already by the
> latest superbuild version, then please disregard the questions above.

Chuck (Cc'd) does this quite a bit. There are scripts he has committed
which are used to build for specific platforms which you may be able to
start using, but he's the best source of instructions for those.

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