
thanks to your help, I could compile ParaView v5.1.2 with Mesa v12.0.3 (release 
version, not from GIT repository) using the master git checkout (hash 
26eb1fa8f5364242d9f9c03b598f0ee735cf88e4) from last week.

It was not easy but probably due my lack of experience using the superbuild 
system and not knowing which external projects I had to enable/disable.

A few comments regarding the build on my system (OpenSuSE 12.3):

1.     Cmake v3.6.x is required for building. Not a big deal but this is new 
wrt. the release checkout.

2.     There are still libraries built into /path/to/build/install/lib64.

·         projects/apple-unix/szip.cmake

·         projects/unix/mesa.common.cmake

·         projects/apple-unix/freetye.cmake
For these libraries, I had to specify in the cmake file the additional option 

3.     Building Mesa v12.0.3 works like a charm. However, the libOSMesa relies 
on additional libraries such as:



which are not copied into the archive when packing the binaries using: “ctest 
-V -R cpack-paraviewsdk-TGZ”

4.     Compared to the ParaView v5.1.2 binary for Linux, the compiled version 
with mesa v12.0.3 is substantially slower than with the OpenSWR version shipped 
with the binary.

I have let my standard benchmark running to give you some numbers. The 
benchmark consists in rendering pressure-contours on a generic F1  & sports car 
as shown hereafter. The surface mesh of the sports car is roughly twice as fine 
as on the F1 car.

Rendering time

Generic F1 car

Generic sports car

PV 5.1.2 binary



PV 5.1.2 MESA3D v12.0.3



From the comparison, the version compiled with MESA 3D v12.0.3 is slower by a 
factor of 3 to 3.5. The compiler used is gcc v4.8.5 and in all cases the same 
server has been used. The SWR AVX2 rendering was set by giving –mesa-swr-avx2 
from the command line for the downloaded binary, by setting the environment 
variable GALLIUM_DRIVER=swr for the compiled version.

Is this something which was expected? Or did I miss something when compiling 
the source code?

Thank you very much in advance for any feedback.



From: ParaView [] On Behalf Of Albina, Frank
Sent: Donnerstag, 29. September 2016 13:55
To: Chuck Atkins; Ben Boeckel
Cc: Del Citto, Francesco;
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Building ParaView v5.1.2 on Linux from source with 
support for GPU and SWR.

Hi Chuck,
Thank you very much for your reply. It is very interesting and I will try my 
best to get ParaView compiled following your recommendations.
Unfortunately, others duties are holding me off this week from concentrating on 
this but I will share my test results comparing ParaView on GPU, with mesa-llvm 
and mesa-swr-avx2.
Talk to you soon.
Best regards,
From: Chuck Atkins []
Sent: Mittwoch, 28. September 2016 21:18
To: Ben Boeckel
Cc: Albina, Frank; David E DeMarle; Del Citto, Francesco;<>
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Building ParaView v5.1.2 on Linux from source with 
support for GPU and SWR.

> My intention is to compile paraview without GUI to run it in batch on
> our cluster. This is the main reason why I am using a specific test
> suite to check the performance of mesa-llvm vs. mesa-swr vs. GPU. At
> the moment, on CPUs supporting AVX2 instruction set, mesa-swr shows a
> very decent performance. Hence, my interest also to try out the latest
> mesa 12.0.3 version, which I have downloaded today and started
> compiling. In this regard, do you have any configuration options you
> can share for use in offscreen mode? If this is handled already by the
> latest superbuild version, then please disregard the questions above.

Chuck (Cc'd) does this quite a bit. There are scripts he has committed
which are used to build for specific platforms which you may be able to
start using, but he's the best source of instructions for those.

Hi Frank,

The updated superbuild uses a common shared set of packages that we use for 
several different projects and then the top level project which is ParaView 
specific. To use this, you'll want to check out the current master branch in 
the paraview-superbuild, run "git submodule init", and then "git submodule 
update".  This will put you at the current state of things.

You can browse the build script I have committed in Scripts/sites for linux 
clusters and Cray systems at Los Alamos National Labs and the DoD HPC network.  
They but they're a bit complicated though as I use them in a very generic 
fashion with lots of options for a lot of different build configurations.  The 
gist of it though is to encode all of the options you would need to turn on in 
a pre-configured CMake cache script. Note that this is actually a CMake script 
that sets the initial cache values and not and not just a list of variables 
like in CMakeCache.txt .  See cmake/sites for a few examples.  Doing this 
simplifies your build to just:
cd /path/to/build/location
cmake -C /path/to/MySystem-Cache.cmake /path/to/superbuild/source

# no -j here but don't worry, the subprojects will build in parallel

# Make the resulting ParaView package
ctest -R cpack-paraview-TGZ

The end result is ParaView-5.1.2-OpenGL2-MPI-Linux-64bit.tar.gz that you can 
extract anywhere to install.  Using ctest to drive the packaging is a bit 
weird, I know, but trust me that there were various reasons for that which 
could warrant it's own separate thread.

This allows you to keep MySystem-Cache.cmake under source control to maintain a 
consistent build.  For your configuration, the specific options of interest to 
run on are ENABLE_osmesa and ENABLE_ospray.  Our default configuration of 
osmesa will enable SWR.  What you'll end up with is a pvserver / pvbatch that 
uses OSMesa for off-screen CPU based rendering without X but with both llvmpipe 
and swr drivers built.  You can switch between the by setting the 
GALLIUM_DRIVER env var to either llvmpipe or swr.
Hope that gives you a good place to get started.
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