
Try the CLIP filter with a box.

Sam Key

On 11/1/2016 9:34 AM, Dorian Pustina wrote:
Thank you both for the suggestions. I managed to have the arrows via python calculator, but couldn't make the Temporal Particles to Pathlines filter produce arrows.

Can I bug you with another question?

I want to apply a Slice filter to see the arrows that depart from that slice. But the filter in Paraview just cuts through the objects in that slice, it doesn't show the whole arrows. It also does not have any tolerance (i.e., to pick points 2mm before and after the slice). Is there another way to get a slice with full arrows, and have some tolerance to pick up more points before and after the slice?

On Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 10:20 AM, Moreland, Kenneth <> wrote:

If you want to draw a line from point positions at two subsequent time steps, you can use the Temporal Particles To Pathlines filter, which traces a line behind particles as they move through space and time. When you use this filter for your purposes, set Mask Points to 1 and Max Track Length to 2. (You can increase Max Track Length to lengthen the line to connect more than 2 timesteps.) Note that you will not see any lines until you step time.


The Temporal Particles to Pathlines filter actually has two outputs. The first, named Pathlines, contains the lines. The second, named Particles, is a point at the end position of the line. You can add a glyph to this output to create arrow-like filters.




From: ParaView [] On Behalf Of Dorian Pustina
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016 8:09 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Paraview] Compute line between coordinates


Hello everyone,


I am working on visualizing some brain imaging data. I have a bunch of points in 3D space, which have two sets of coordinates: x1/y1/z1 and x2/y2/z2. All I need is to show arrow glyphs starting from the first coordinate and ending to the second coordinate. I currently import the data as csv. I tried using the time series option, and I can loop through the two time points, but can't find how to model a line or an arrow for each point between the two times. I also tried to compute what is called "velocity fields", that is a set of 3 scalar factors that if multiplied with the original coordinates would yield the second coordinate (using Calculator):

iHat*X snapped+jHat*Y snapped+kHat*Z snapped


Still, I don't get reasonable results. The problem looks trivial but I couldn't find any solution online after hours of search. It is not even clear to me what does the above formula do exactly.


Can someone help if this is possible?



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