Hi Samuel,

Thank you so much! This is extremely helpful ^_^

From: Samuel Key <samuel...@bresnan.net>
Sent: November 21, 2017 10:38:15 PM
To: Doina Gumeniuc (224252 MAHS); paraview@paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Degrees of freedom


In what follows, I will skip talking about a 3-nod quadratic line as a way to 
display a cured beam or a deformed beam. (I live in a world of large 
deformation simulations and I like to display that type of behavior.)

The concept of FIELD (aka GLOBAL) simulation results, for example, results that 
come from or related to overall behavior like total Kinetic Energy (KE), are 
well supported by the Exodus-II format and are absent from the EnSight format 
and the VTK format for simulation results. I will confine my comments to what I 
have to offer to just POINT data and CELL data.

It is convenient to divide simulation results into three categories for 
virtually all of the data formats that PV can read.

(1) GEOMETRY data

(2) POINT data

(3) CELL data

The following is the VTK-XML ASCII format. (See the attached file 

(1) GEOMETRY. ParaView is quite happy with just GEOMETRY data.(It is a nice way 
to start when one is trying to write a datum set for ParaView. ParaView will 
display an object with only the geometry data.)

(1a) Write the entire Point inventory from 1 to n where n = number of nodal 
points  in terms of coordinate 3-tuples [(x1,y1,z1,), ...,(xn,yn,zn)]

(1b) Write the entire Cell inventory of connectivity n-tuples (as array 

(1c) Write the 'starting location' for the n-tuples in (1b)

(1d) Write the VTK cell-type values for the n-tuples in (1b)

ParaView now has everything it needs to display your geometry.

(2) Write POINT data information.

(2a) In the case of 'mode shapes,' write the mode's displacement 3-tuples (aka 
Vectors, name="Mode1")


(2b) Repeat with name="Mode2", and so fourth (aka und so weiter)

ParaView now has the enough information to animate the mode shapes. 
Instructions are here

( https://public.kitware.com/pipermail/paraview/2017-October/041077.html ) for 
producing animations of the mode shapes.

Hope this helps.


On 11/21/2017 7:15 AM, Doina Gumeniuc (224252 MAHS) wrote:

Hi Samuel,

Thank you for your reply.

I have different frequencies, 50 in total. If I use FIELD POINT DATA and then 
for arrayname 1 and so on, I use the Freq1, Freq2... then for 6Dofs, I use 
vectors in x,y,z for translation and Phi-x,Phi-y, Phi-z for rotation.... would 
it make sense in paraview? I can hopefully then warp by vectors using the data 
for each frequency.

Thank you! I hope I was clear.

From: ParaView 
<paraview-boun...@paraview.org><mailto:paraview-boun...@paraview.org> on behalf 
of Samuel Key <samuel...@bresnan.net><mailto:samuel...@bresnan.net>
Sent: November 18, 2017 7:00:51 PM
To: paraview@paraview.org<mailto:paraview@paraview.org>
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Degrees of freedom


At the risk of underestimating ParaView's functionalities, I can tell you what 
will work. For displaying geometry,  PV only needs Point (aka nodal point) 
x,y,z-coordinates, a Cell (aka Finite Element, ...)  type  and for each Cell an 
n-tuple of Point "array locations", for example, EnSight-format::{1,2,4,3,7,8,} 
or VTK-format::{0,1,3,2,6,7}.

The VTK format uses C-language 'array offsets' for Cell connectivity n-tuples. 
The EnSight format uses FORTRAN-language array locations for Finite Element 
connectivity n-tuples. It is just the way it is.

Variables are either located at Points or in Cells (conceptually Cell centers). 
The arrays supplied for variables must span all of the Points or all of the 
Cells. (I do not know how to use or about the acceptability of "partially" 
specified variable datum sets.) For Points with 6-DOFs versus 3-DOFs, if you 
want to see the three rotational DOFs, use POINT DATA arrays and fill in the 
Phi-x, Phi-y, Phi-z values using zeros for at those Points without a rotation.

If you want to visually display a 2-node, 6-DOF beam's geometry (a curved beam 
or a deformed beam) , one solution is too use a VTK Cell type 
'VTK_QUADRATIC_EDGE = 21'  for the beam. This will require you to 
add-on-the-fly to the simulation results a beam center-Point with 
x,y,z-coordinates and displacements for the beam's center Point using the 
beam's interpolation functions. (PV has a Warp Filter that will let you then 
scale up the deflections for visualization purposes.)

Should you have access to source code for the simulations, I can supply FORTRAN 
language routines that write VTK ASCII-formatted simulation results. (My 
personal preference is the EnSight format.)


On 11/18/2017 6:12 AM, Doina Gumeniuc (224252 MAHS) wrote:

Hi all!

I am still learning the use of paraview and I have got to such a question: How 
to show in a vtk input file the degrees of freedom of elements? Some of the 
beams have 6 degrees of freedom, some of the other elements...less or nothing 
at all. IS there any possibility?

Thank you a lot in advance!

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