Hello ParaView community,

while programming a ParaView filter I encountered a problem with the CS 
wrapping. In the following I will describe the problem. The ParaView version I 
am currently using is 5.3.0.

In my project I created a filter that has one of two possible outputs, 
depending on a preprocessor variable. The idea behind this is, that there is a 
define "_DETAILED" that can be set via cmake. If it is not defined, a 
vtkRectilinearGrid is created. It it is defined, the plugin outputs a 
multiblock data set with an additional polydata object.

The problem now is that the generation of the MyPluginClientServer.cxx doesn't 
account for the preprocessor variable and just takes the last defined 
algorithm. In my case, this means that in the MyPluginClientServer.cxx file the 
line is always written as
const char* commandName = "vtkRectilinearGridAlgorithm";
This leads to a runtime error when applying the filter because it erroneously 
tries to downcast the plugin to the wrong algorithm data type.

Here the error message:
 line 371
vtkPVSessionCore (000001D0D3633550): Cannot cast MyPlugin object to 
vtkRectilinearGridAlgorithm.  This probably means the class specifies the 
incorrect superclass in vtkTypeMacro.
while processing
Message 0 = Invoke
  Argument 0 = vtk_object_pointer {MyPlugin (000001D080685680)}
  Argument 1 = string_value {SetInputConnection}
  Argument 2 = vtk_object_pointer {vtkAlgorithmOutput (000001D0E3D49AB0)}

The following is how I create the plugin class:
#ifdef _DETAILED
// Create multi block data set for additional output as polydata
#include "vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm.h"

class VTK_EXPORT MyPlugin : public vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm
       static MyPlugin* New();
       vtkTypeMacro(MyPlugin, vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm);
// Create rectilinear grid
#include "vtkRectilinearGridAlgorithm.h"

class VTK_EXPORT MyPlugin : public vtkRectilinearGridAlgorithm
       static MyPlugin* New();
       vtkTypeMacro(MyPlugin, vtkRectilinearGridAlgorithm);

The work-around so far is to manually edit the MyPluginClientServer.cxx file to 
use the correct algorithm base class. This however is very unpractical as the 
code is supposed to be distributed to others. As I don't have enough knowledge 
of the inner workings of ParaView, especially the wrapping that is done, I 
don't know where or how to fix this. I would be glad if someone was able to 
help me with this issue.

Kind regards,
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