David Cantrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> I wonder if we really need this, and whether a shell-based interface
>> wouldn't be easier _and_ appeal to a larger audience.
> pyparted is in use by every distribution that uses anaconda (that
> includes Fedora, RHEL, CentOS, Yellowdog, rPath, and the list goes
> on). Gentoo as uses pyparted for the installer project(s).
> I'm more interested in multiple language bindings to make libparted as
> usable by other projects as possible.  Otavio mentioned this.  C++,
> Perl, and so on (PHP?  hahaha, that would be amusing!).  Shell
> bindings, sure.  My suggestion of pyparted is (1) it's already there
> and (2) it's in use in a lot of projects already.

I agree that it's need. I'm just wondering if pyparted was _done
right_. I'm woring if it need improvements but if it uses the a good
way of building bindings that allow us to reuse most of code to build
bindings for other languages as well.

We do need to think about how to do that otherwise will be a hell to
maintain it all on the future.

Most of projects that I found doing bindings to other languages uses
SWIG for it. What pyparted uses?

Iff it doesn't use that kinda of "framework" I'm not favoured to merge

>>> 4) Unit testing framework.
>> Otavio's working right on this, but I don't know who will code all the
>> tests.  It seems a lot of work.  I originally planned to pay someone to
>> do it via bounties, but as long as we haven't received the donation I
>> have applied for, this obviously won't work out.
> This will be a lot of work.  I don't think it's necessary to pay
> someone.  I think once the bulk of the test suite is written,
> maintaining it will be less difficult.  It's the initial
> getting-over-the-hurdle stage that's hard.

So please review the patches sent here to the mailing list about it. I
would like to merge it on a day or two.

>>> - Getting a rough schedule in place for some 1.9.x test releases
>> Speaking of which, I would like to hand over the lead for 1.x entirely
>> to you.  This sort of already happend, but I'd like to assert this.
>> You have done a very good job on this.
> Thanks.  Yeah, it has sort of happened already.  So I guess that means
> I'm the 1.x Maintainer (unless we're picking different terminology).


I would like to get some description from you what kinda of changes
you think are good for 1.x releases. Besides, how we should do to
merge changes on the stable-1.8.x branch too.

This is need otherwise will be difficult to others know what kinda of
fix could be merged there and also how we should proceed to process
the patch queue against the branch.

What's your idea on that?

        O T A V I O    S A L V A D O R
 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      UIN: 5906116
 GNU/Linux User: 239058     GPG ID: 49A5F855
 Home Page: http://otavio.ossystems.com.br
"Microsoft sells you Windows ... Linux gives
 you the whole house."

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