I too, miss PUG comments, but I'm in the same boat as you.  My shots rarely get
mentioned, except for by those who take the time to comment on ~every~ shot (and
then the comments have always been good), and back when Brogden organized the
little critique circle a year or more ago - again, never a bad comment that I can

I kind of felt the same as you, though.  Why no comments?  Is my stuff that bad?
Or, is the general standard of PUG simply so high that my shots rarely stand out,
but are still more than competent?

Well, I've come to the conclusion that my work isn't bad.  It may be that the
average quality of PUG is just so high that I don't get noticed, at least not
enough to stand out as a favourite of the month.

Bottom line is, I don't worry about it anymore.  I've become more confidant in my
work over the last few years.  Maybe showing in public helps that.  Maybe
soliciting comments with non-pug stuff, and generally receiving positive,
constructive criticism helped overcome that worry.  Or, maybe I just don't care as
much.  I do what I do, if it's good, someone will see it in some forum or another,
and I'm confidant enough to know (or at least feel) what's good and what's not.

OTOH, I could be completely wrong here!  Wouldn't be the first time.  <vbg>



> <snip>
> But I do miss the comments on the list about the PUG. I wonder, each month,
> whether my stuff is really that bad (so that there are no comments, out of
> politeness?) or whether it has just failed to stand out. I'd had comments in
> the past, when I guess certain people had more time to give us these great
> reviews, so at least I've had the experience of getting feedback from my fellow
> Pentax Users. My father and my husband each submitted a photo once and hoped to
> get some comments, and they didn't get any. I think they were disappointed.

"Hell is others"
-Jean Paul Sartre

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