Martin Moss wrote:
> Hi All,
> Wondering if anybody has an 'efficient' Hat on today?
> I Have a Hash who's Key's are all 'Module Names'.
> e.g.
> Foo=>1
> Foo::Bar=>1
> Foo::Bar::Poo=>1
> Foo::Beer=>1
> Foo::Beer::Nuts=>1
> Foo::Beer::Nuts::Hmmm=>1
> Foo::Bar::AgainHmmm=>1
> What I want to do is to turn this hash into a Hierarchical Hash based upon
> the Module Name Structure e.g.
> {
>     'Foo=>{
>                 'Foo::Bar'=> {
>                                         'Foo::Bar::Poo'=>1,
>                                         'Foo::Bar::AgainHmmm=>1,
>                                     },
>                  'Foo::Beer=>{
>                                          'Foo::Beer::Nuts=>{
> Foo::Beer::Nuts::Hmmm=>1,
>                                                                         },
>                                          }
>                     }
> }
> The Strucuture can be unlimited in depth.
> Can anybody suggest an efficient Solution?
> Is it possible to use grep on the hash Keys?
> My Other question is, If The Original Hash was an @array could the structure
> be built on the fly, or do I need to know all the hash keys in advance?
> (I ask this coz I generate the original hash structure from an array (whilst
> doing other processing) and wondered if I could tie it all in together)

It would be hard to build on the fly since you don't know the depth yet.  You
need to either re-structure the final hash or sort when complete.

use strict;
use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Indent=1;

my %hash = (
  Foo => 1,
  Foo::Bar => 1,
  Foo::Bar::Poo => 1,
  Foo::Beer => 1,
  Foo::Beer::Nuts => 1,
  Foo::Beer::Nuts::Hmmm => 1,
  Foo::Bar::AgainHmmm => 1,
print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%hash], [qw(%hash)]);

my %newhash;
foreach (reverse sort keys %hash) {

        my @l = split /::/, $_;

        my $path = '';
        for (my $ii = 0; $ii < @l; $ii++) {

                $path .= "'}{'" if $path;
                $path .= join '::', @l[0..$ii];

                my $exists = eval "exists \$newhash{'$path'}" || 0;
                if (not $exists) {
                        if ($ii < scalar @l - 1) {
                                eval "\$newhash{'$path'} = {}";
                        } else {
                                eval "\$newhash{'$path'} = 1";

print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%newhash], [qw(%newhash)]);


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