Without replying to anyone in particular, I'll say ...

I agree with the camp that says an = at the start of a line is pod, without exception, regardless of context.

I am also assuming that "start of the line" means there is no whitespace to the left of the =.

I also recognize and agree with Perl 6 being sometimes whitespace sensitive.

I also found from my own experience a few months back (and I added a test for it as t/syntax/parsing/pod_in_multi_line_exprs.t), that this (represented with Pod 5) didn't work, but ought to (assume the 'my' et al is flush left):

  my $list = {

  =pod foo docs

    'foo' => sub {...},

  =pod bar docs

    'bar' => sub {...},


For technical reasons, I was constructing a bunch of routines anonymized within a hash, rather than added to a package. A whole file could be mostly a single hash declaration like this. I had been expecting that I could put pod at the start of any line and it would work, as is what seems the most intuitive. The camp that I support would make this work.

Given this, there is an obvious (to me) solution for pod blocks in the middle of expressions like:

  my $foo
    = $bar;

As the example shows, and I believe best practices espouse, you *indent* the code line with a leading =.

This both makes the Perl code easier to understand (a continuation is indented), and because there is leading whitespace, that = isn't confused with pod, which is always not indented.


And since Perl 6 does consider whitespace significant sometimes, this is not unprecedented.

-- Darren Duncan

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