V8.2.0 on Linux


Can't rename a db, complains that it doesn't exist.  Yet psql -l shows
that it does and I can connect to it ???


mmdcc228_SETUP(120)% psql stdb2 -c "alter database stdb rename to

ERROR:  database "stdb" does not exist

mmdcc228_SETUP(121)% psql -l

         List of databases

     Name     |  Owner   | Encoding


 cells        | dfgauthi | UTF8

 cells_dev    | dfgauthi | UTF8

 postgres     | dfgauthi | UTF8

 stdb         | dfgauthi | UTF8

 stdb2        | dfgauthi | UTF8

 stdb_standby | dfgauthi | UTF8

 template0    | dfgauthi | UTF8

 template1    | dfgauthi | UTF8

(8 rows)


mmdcc228_SETUP(122)% psql stdb

Welcome to psql 8.2.0, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.


Type:  \copyright for distribution terms

       \h for help with SQL commands

       \? for help with psql commands

       \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query

       \q to quit



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