On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 10:03 AM, Gauthier, Dave
> V8.2.0 on Linux

Look into updating, there were some serious bugs fixed between 8.2.0
and 8.2.6  It's a pretty simple thing, since you don't need to dump /
reload for it.

> Can't rename a db, complains that it doesn't exist.  Yet psql –l shows that
> it does and I can connect to it ???
> mmdcc228_SETUP(120)% psql stdb2 -c "alter database stdb rename to stdb_tmp"
> ERROR:  database "stdb" does not exist
> mmdcc228_SETUP(121)% psql -l
>          List of databases
>      Name     |  Owner   | Encoding
> --------------+----------+----------
>  stdb         | dfgauthi | UTF8
>  stdb2        | dfgauthi | UTF8
>  stdb_standby | dfgauthi | UTF8

Very strange.  maybe the name has a space in it?

Try running this query:
 select '|'||datname||'|' from pg_database ;
and see if you have a space or something in there.  can you run the
alter database rename from the command line and just not from psql?

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