
On 2023-11-08 13:55:02 +0100, Christoph Berg wrote:
> Re: Peter Eisentraut
> > > If the problem is broken doc patches, then maybe a solution is to
> > > include the `xmllint --noout --valid` target in whatever the check-world
> > > equivalent is for meson.  Looking at doc/src/sgml/meson.build, we don't
> > > seem to do that anywhere.  Doing the no-output lint run is very fast
> > > (375ms real time in my machine, whereas "make html" takes 27s).
> > 
> > This would be a start, but it wouldn't cover everything.  Lately, we require
> > id attributes on certain elements, which is checked on the XSLT level.
> I'd think there should be a catchy "make check-world"-equivalent that
> does run all reasonable check that we can tell people to run by
> default. Then if that takes too long, we could still offer
> alternatives that exclude some areas. If it's the other way round,
> some areas will never be checked widely.

The 'test' target (generated by meson, otherwise I'd have named it check),
runs all enabled tests.  You obviously can run a subset if you so desire.


Andres Freund

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