On Wed, May 15, 2024 at 6:00 PM Alexander Lakhin <exclus...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 15.05.2024 01:26, Thomas Munro wrote:
> > OK, so we know what the problem is here.  Here is the simplest
> > solution I know of for that problem.  I have proposed this in the past
> > and received negative feedback because it's a really gross hack.  But
> > I don't personally know what else to do about the back-branches (or
> > even if that complex solution is the right way forward for master).
> > The attached kludge at least has the [de]merit of being a mirror image
> > of the kludge that follows it for the "opposite" event.  Does this fix
> > it?
> Yes, I see that abandoned GSS connections are closed immediately, as
> expected. I have also confirmed that `meson test` with the basic
> configuration passes on REL_16_STABLE. So from the outside, the fix
> looks good to me.

Alright, unless anyone has an objection or ideas for improvements, I'm
going to go ahead and back-patch this slightly tidied up version

Attachment: v2-0001-Add-kludge-to-make-FD_CLOSE-level-triggered.patch
Description: Binary data

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