On 16.05.24 09:24, Daniel Gustafsson wrote:
When writing a new SSL test for another patch it struck me that the SSL tests
are doing configuration management without using the test framework API's.  The
attached patches cleans this up, no testcases are altered as part of this.

0001 makes the test for PG_TEST_EXTRA a top-level if statement not attached to
any other conditional.  There is no change in functionality, it's mainly for
readability (PG_TEST_EXTRA is it's own concept, not tied to library presence).

Makes sense to me.

0002 ports over editing configfiles to using append_conf() instead of opening
and writing to them directly.

Yes, it's probably preferable to use append_conf() here. You might want to run your patch through pgperltidy. The result doesn't look bad, but a bit different than what you had crafted.

append_conf() opens and closes the file for each call. It might be nice if it could accept a list. Or you can just pass the whole block as one string, like it was done for pg_ident.conf before.

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