On Mon, Mar 1, 2021 at 11:22 AM Mark Dilger
<mark.dil...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:
> If bt_index_check() and bt_index_parent_check() are to have this 
> functionality, shouldn't there be an option controlling it much as the option 
> (heapallindexed boolean) controls checking whether all entries in the heap 
> are indexed in the btree?  It seems inconsistent to have an option to avoid 
> checking the heap for that, but not for this.

I agree. Actually, it should probably use the same snapshot as the
heapallindexed=true case. So either only perform unique constraint
verification when that option is used, or invent a new option that
will still share the snapshot used by heapallindexed=true (when the
options are combined).

> The regression test you provided is not portable.  I am getting lots of 
> errors due to differing output of the form "page lsn=0/4DAD7E0".  You might 
> turn this into a TAP test and use a regular expression to check the output.

I would test this using a custom opclass that does simple fault
injection. For example, an opclass that indexes integers, but can be
configured to dynamically make 0 values equal or unequal to each
other. That's more representative of real-world problems.

You "break the warranty" by updating pg_index, even compared to
updating other system catalogs. In particular, you break the
"indcheckxmin wait -- wait for xmin to be old before using index"
stuff in get_relation_info(). So it seems worse than updating
pg_attribute, for example (which is something that the tests do

Peter Geoghegan

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