> Haven't the faintest idea what you mean by "direct from the 
> web" and "a secure 
> Intranet mysql db" and "web DB". 

Sorry. What I mean is that we have an externally hosted website.
Currently all the forms etc update tables in the web hosted mysql DB. I
am in the process of building a small CRM system and want the data to
drop into our non public domain Intranet server. Is this possible?

> > I am thinking down one of three lines.
> > 1) I use PHP to send an email with the data in it and update our 
> > internal DB manually (the worst case)
> Can be done pretty easily.

I know but I don't want to have to manually update data from emails to
our Intranet server.

> > 2) I use PHP which takes data, sends it as an email, puts it into a 
> > form which then automatically updates our internal network 
> > (interesting idea but I have no clue if it can be done ;o)
> Not sure what you mean here. How is it different from the above?

I was thinking that I may be able to *automatically* take the data from
emails and put them through a form (hosted internally) which would then
update our DB here. I just don't know whether it's possible to do or
where to start.

> > 3) I use some sort of synchronisation so every time the web DB is 
> > updated our internal one is also updated (ideal).
> See mysql replication.
> > I would welcome any other ideas or solutions. Does mysql have any 
> > replication or synchronisation functions? I am told Oracle has but 
> > haven't seen this or heard of this with mysql.
> Did you actually do any research? I'm sure if you google for "mysql 
> replication" or "mysql synchronisation" you would get 
> thousands of hits.

Yes I did but am not really understanding it which is why I asked here.
Sorry if that offends you.

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