your best bet might be to use xml (soap) or to do mysql replication.

Now if you have a web db saying that the db is used for web access only
and then you have an internal (intranet) db, i am supposing that it is
behind some firewall.  If not then I suggest that one is set up! You can
create an ssh tunnel and have all replicated data go from the web db to
the intranet db.  This would be the fastest way to populate the data.

If you do not want to use the network for transmitting data and if the 2
machines are physically close by you can use a serial connect to
transmit the database.



On Wed, 2003-03-26 at 01:40, Steve Jackson wrote:
> > Haven't the faintest idea what you mean by "direct from the 
> > web" and "a secure 
> > Intranet mysql db" and "web DB". 
> > 
> Sorry. What I mean is that we have an externally hosted website.
> Currently all the forms etc update tables in the web hosted mysql DB. I
> am in the process of building a small CRM system and want the data to
> drop into our non public domain Intranet server. Is this possible?
> > > I am thinking down one of three lines.
> > > 1) I use PHP to send an email with the data in it and update our 
> > > internal DB manually (the worst case)
> > 
> > Can be done pretty easily.
> > 
> I know but I don't want to have to manually update data from emails to
> our Intranet server.
> > > 2) I use PHP which takes data, sends it as an email, puts it into a 
> > > form which then automatically updates our internal network 
> > > (interesting idea but I have no clue if it can be done ;o)
> > 
> > Not sure what you mean here. How is it different from the above?
> > 
> I was thinking that I may be able to *automatically* take the data from
> emails and put them through a form (hosted internally) which would then
> update our DB here. I just don't know whether it's possible to do or
> where to start.
> > > 3) I use some sort of synchronisation so every time the web DB is 
> > > updated our internal one is also updated (ideal).
> > 
> > See mysql replication.
> > > I would welcome any other ideas or solutions. Does mysql have any 
> > > replication or synchronisation functions? I am told Oracle has but 
> > > haven't seen this or heard of this with mysql.
> > 
> > Did you actually do any research? I'm sure if you google for "mysql 
> > replication" or "mysql synchronisation" you would get 
> > thousands of hits.
> Yes I did but am not really understanding it which is why I asked here.
> Sorry if that offends you.

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