Odds are you don't need PDFlib at all.  The docs at php.net/pdf
link to the following faq:

   How can I generate PDF files without using the non-free and 
   commercial libraries ClibPDF and PDFLib? I'd like something 
   that's free and doesn't require external PDF libraries.

Consider using one of these alternatives.


On Thu, 5 Jun 2003, Lukas Gerhold wrote:

> Hy!
> I have an existing pdf formular, which I have to fill up with data from a
> mysql database.
> Now, I know, that there are these pdf funktions which could do all the work.
> But to use these functions I needed the PDFlib.
> Only the 'lite PDFlib' is an open source product, and the full version
> espezially PDFlib+PDI or PDFlib Personalization Server (PPS) costs an
> amazing mount of money.
> So my questions, is it possible, to fill in data using the 'lite PDFlib' in
> an existing pdf form?
> And if not, are there any other possibillities than to buy 'PDFlib+PDI' or
> 'PDFlib Personalization Server (PPS)' to do so?
> I'm thankful for every post!
> greetings to all of you!
> lukas
> -- 
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