I'm looking to find out if PHP has the ability to do this...

OK I'm looking for a solution that could do the following.

We require to generate PDF files that can then be emailed or printed &
posted to clients.

I can create PDF Files from scratch using PDFLib.

What we will require to do though is, we presently have paper copies of
forms from various parties we deal with, our present Access-based system
simply prints on top of these, I am presently developing in PHP a system to
replace the Access database, we will want it to create these as PDF files
(we can get the printed forms in PDF format) based on supplied PDF files...
for example, generate a PDF for Customer X based on Supplier Z's PDF file.

Any solutions in PHP (open source, free, commercial etc etc.) would be very
much appreciated, or if we need to look at another Language to perform this
part of the solution (i.e. ASP).

The solution I'm developing is PHP, running on a Windows 2000 Server as we
require use of some windows-only software too. So if *cough* ASP is what's
needed to do the above then so be it :\ - really hope not though!!!

Thanks in advance!

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