Jaap van Ganswijk wrote:
Some of the O'Reilly books that I thought were
not perfect:
- All books about Perl. Now that we have nice
  c-like script languages like PHP, Python and
  Javascript who still wants to study the mess
  that Perl is?

The O'Reilly Perl books are considered to be like Perl Bibles by most Perl programmers (myself included). I may be biased, but I did some homework (as I look at the 8 non-O'Reilly Perl books on my shelf that have gathered dust for over a year now while the Camel book sits open on my desk (it's usual place)). When you look beyond the web (which Perl was never designed for), Perl is one of, if not the most powerful scripting language out there. PHP is the greatest thing to hit the web since the graphical browser, but beyond that, it can't compete with Perl. Python comes close, but Perl is just too big and global for Python to handle. And JavaScript? Well, let me just say that JavaScript handles the Microsoft IE DOM better than Perl.

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