At 2003-06-17 01:16 -0500, John Nichel wrote:
>Jaap van Ganswijk wrote:
>>Some of the O'Reilly books that I thought were
>>not perfect:
>>- All books about Perl. Now that we have nice
>>  c-like script languages like PHP, Python and
>>  Javascript who still wants to study the mess
>>  that Perl is?
>The O'Reilly Perl books are considered to be like Perl Bibles by most Perl 
>programmers (myself included).

I have 'Perl in a Nutshell' as part of the Perl
CD-Bookshelf (which has about 5 more books on CD).
And I have the Perl 5 Pocket Reference in Dutch,
and yes the books are of the to-be-expected
O'Reilly quality, as far as I have read them,
but why did Perl ever become a standard and who
still needs it?

It probably became a standard because the designers
of compiled languages recognized too late that
because of the increased speed and memory of computers
the interpreted languages became a viable option
(again). And Perl was probably indeed a lot more powerful
than the commands built into the shells, but already
the designers of the c-shell realized that some
more c-like structure wouldn't hurt the programming
language of a shell. In Perl however everything was
solved as ad-hoc as possible. As soon as a new
'problem' occured, Larry Wall found another combination
of weird characters to denote it and so he created
exception upon exception. It's not strange that
programmers need stacks of 'bibles' to program in
Perl, whereas you only need to read through the
introduction of the PHP manual once to understand
the language. After that, most time is being spend
on understanding the principle of interactive
HTTP-based programming and on getting to understand
all the library functions (like in many languages).

>I may be biased, but I did some homework (as I look at the 8 non-O'Reilly Perl books 
>on my shelf that have gathered dust for over a year now while the Camel book sits 
>open on my desk (it's usual place)).  When you look beyond the web (which Perl was 
>never designed for),

Perl was never really designed. Good designs are
as simple as possible and orthogonal.

>Perl is one of, if not the most powerful scripting language out there.

How do you define powerful? Being able to denote with
only a few weird characters a complete program?

I can design a language in which you can write a
program which consists of only a '.' and it will
handle a database, build a robot for you that
cleans out your refrigerator and picks up the
phone. But how flexible will the programming
language be? Is it possible to write a ',' instead
of a '.' and will it be a perfect CAD-CAM program
with which you can also access the IRC?

Or is a good language such that it has no more
elements and concepts than needed whereby
all elements are orthogonal and are all
combinable to provide real expression power.

>PHP is the greatest thing to hit the web since the
>graphical browser, but beyond that, it can't compete
>with Perl.

It's in the mean time perfectly possible to write
normal command line interface (CLI) PHP scripts.
I'm thinking about replacing a lot of the written-in-C
compiler-like applications with which I compile
my 30 Mbyte WWW site about chips with PHP-written
scripts. The string handling is much better than in
C. In another thread someone asked if functions
should output data directly to the standard output
or only return it in string form. This is one of
the problems with my c-written code: It usually
outputs directly to some sort of output stream
but it would be much more flexible if all functions
returned strings, so the output could be redirected
via filters etc.

>Python comes close,

I like Python too.

>but Perl is just too big and global for Python to handle.

But serious programmers never programmed in Perl.
It was much more the language for system and network
managers that had no formal programming education
and quickly had to fix things. As with Forth it's
very hard even to read back ones own script after
a couple of days let alone the programs of others.

I can easily read back C programs I wrote 10 years
ago and immediately understand what they do.

>And JavaScript?  Well, let me just say that JavaScript handles the Microsoft IE DOM 
>better than Perl.

I was talking about Javascript as a language. Of course
it's power is very limited since it has to be safe
enough so hosts can send it to the client's browser
to be executed. The language itself is very nice

By the way, I think there should be only one language
and depending on the circumstances more or fewer of
the constructs and standard functions in it would be

There should ideally also be only one set of libraries.


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