At 16:37 17-6-03, you wrote:
On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 09:09, nabil wrote:
> A side question along with this ,,, how can I include $_POST['foo'] in the
> :
> $sql ="select * from db where apple = '$_POST['foo']' ";
> without getting an error ??
> should I append it as $var= $_POST['foo']; before???

The rule of thumb I follow with these and other Associative Arrays is:

when setting the variable its $_POST['foo']
when accessing the variable its $_POST[foo]

May i rephrase that to:

"Use quotes whenever possible, with one exception: within double quotes."

Reason: your rule of thumb fails with:

Plus: when using CONSTANTs as keys, do not try to access them within quoted strings.

so it your example it would be:
$sql = "select * from db where apple = '$_POST[foo]'";

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