Actually I didn't.
The code that I gave would result in a string like:

select * from db where apple = 'blah';

For your reference:

\'' means print one single quote then end the current stream.
Then the . $_POST['foo'] appends the value of foo to the stream,
then . '\';'; prints one more single quote to end the quote's around
the value, and adds a semicolon at the end of the string to tell
MySQL the query has ended.

On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 10:36, Chris Hayes wrote:
> At 16:19 17-6-03, you wrote:
> >$sql = 'select * from db where apple = \'' . $_POST['foo'] . '\';';
> >Like that?
> you missed some quotes:
>    $sql = 'select * from db where apple = \''' . $_POST['foo'] . '\'"';

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