> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hamid Hossain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> As a ColdFusion Certified Developer I can say: You are right!
> In CF you can fire a sql statment and store its result in a
> variable which
> is not going to be removed from the server's memory after
> responding to the
> user. That variable will be available for sometime declared by
> you when you
> created the query.

Perhaps you weren't aware that every modern database does the same thing (or
can if you turn it on): the results of query sets are cached at the db
server and are available if the same query is used without involving a file
read. If any update changes any of the underlying result sets then the
corresponding cache entry is invalidated and the momeory released for
another cache entry.

Let the db server handle query/cache consistency ... why put yet another
server in the way that will have to be triggered by the underlying db to
clear ITS cache?

Mark C,

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